? In just two months, all the important planets and space cities in Kogon were basically occupied by the Holy Angels. Most of the Kogon people were massacred, and only a small number fled with the fleet. Without their homeland, they lost the land on which they depended for survival, and could only wander among the vast interstellar space.

And after defeating the Kogons, Qin Hao and the fleet of the Holy Envoys pointed directly at the Vulcan Empire!

The Vulcans have long been prepared to deal with the counterattack of the Holy Messenger, because the difference in power between the two sides is too great at this time, so the Vulcans did not take any face-saving actions to defend against the enemy outside the country. Under the leadership of Emperor Al Tracy, he faced up to the gap between the two sides, so he adopted a strategy of shrinking defense.

After more than two months of evacuation, most of the Vulcans retreated to the vicinity of the capital planet. From this point of view, the autocratic Vulcan Empire is even more concerned about the lives and deaths of the people than the democratic Republic of Kogon.

Of course, those Vulcans who were unable to leave their homeland and were unwilling to leave their hometown to evacuate with the fleet stayed. The government had organized the evacuation, but they didn't want to leave themselves, so the government would not waste manpower and material resources for these individuals.

In addition to shrinking defenses, the Vulcans also took advantage of this time to contact allies around, because they still retained two capital ships, which gave the Vulcans the right to speak of higher civilizations.

And retaining the status of a higher civilization allows the Vulcans to seek help from their friends, which the Kogons cannot do. They lost all their battleships, which is equivalent to losing their survival Rights, their former allies will no longer communicate with a lower civilization, and even rob them.

However, after more than a month of negotiations, the Vulcans, who still retained their status as a high civilization, finally received assistance from their allies, although Emperor El Tracy paid a heavy price for this, including some territories and a large H.

But paying these prices is better than subjugating the country and exterminating the species, right?

If external assistance cannot be obtained, it is impossible for the Vulcans, who only have two battleships left, to be able to stop the iron hooves of the Holy Messenger. Qualifications to go on will no longer exist.

The higher civilizations bordering on the Vulcans also have different considerations. Although the territory and resources that the Vulcans paid are tempting, the reason why they choose to help the Vulcans is to suppress the Holy Spirit. messenger.

Because the actions of the Holy Angels were too fast, the other high-level civilizations bordering the Kogon people did not react, and the Holy Angels had already occupied the entire territory of the Kogon people. Of course, this is also related to the fact that the Kogon people did not resist much. After all, their dignitaries run too fast.

But in any case, the Holy Angel has annexed the entire Kogon Republic, and their territory has expanded by nearly one-third. If they are allowed to annex the larger Vulcan Empire, then the territory of the Holy Angel will inevitably be doubled , they will get more resources and thus gain more powerful power.

If the Holy Messenger is not suppressed, then maybe hundreds of years later, the Holy Messenger will develop into a huge civilization like the Borg, and the order in the entire universe will be disrupted by then, and this is the case of other nearby civilizations. What the higher civilization of the Holy Spirit does not want to see.

After all, no one wants such a powerful neighbor to suddenly appear by his side, and his life will definitely not be easy at that time.

Therefore, after Altraxi promised great profits, these higher civilizations expressed that they wanted the Ravocans to help them, and they would not sit back and watch them go to extinction.

In fact, in the hearts of these advanced civilizations, they still hope that the Vulcans will directly bear the pressure brought about by the strengthening of the Holy Angels, and they are unwilling to directly contact the Holy Angels.

Although Al Tracy negotiated terms with these allies, the arrival of reinforcements cannot be achieved overnight. After all, the capital ships of these civilizations are far away from the territory of the Vulcans. I don't want to fight directly with the Holy Envoy.

Therefore, it will take a long time to mediate this war.

And during this period of time, Qin Hao led the fleet of Holy Envoys to drive directly into the territory of the Vulcans, but Qin Hao did not lead the fleet to attack Huanglong to attack the capital star of the Vulcans, but from Vulcans. The side of the empire close to the Holy Messenger gradually eroded.

In fact, Qin Hao is also very clear in his heart that other advanced civilizations in the universe will not sit back and watch the civilization of the Holy Messenger grow endlessly. They will definitely unite to punish the Holy Messenger, so it is impossible to occupy the entire territory of the Vulcans of.

What Qin Hao has to do now is to dare to occupy more Vulcan planets before those higher civilizations intervene, and make this occupation an established fact!

Therefore, where the fleet of the Holy Angels passed, all the colonized planets of the Vulcans were slaughtered, and then the missionary spacecraft landed, and the Holy Angels began to carry out their own colonization activities, and a large number of Holy Angels were built on these planets. And rise.

Qin Hao's purpose in doing this is to hold these established facts firmly in his own hands in future negotiations. At that time, due to the interference of other civilizations, this battle will definitely not go on, but the occupied planet , Qin Hao will never give up again.

Although there will be many higher civilizations that help the Vulcans, the Holy Messenger does not have allies, and the judgment cannon of the Holy Messenger is also a great deterrent. I believe that other civilizations will not really turn against the Holy Messenger.

Of course, for Qin Hao, the envoys of the Holy Promenade do not have the potential to continue to expand the scale of the war. Since the ruling cannon has been used by Qin Hao for two rounds, only one round is in an excitable state now, and this round The ruling cannon must never be used again, because the deterrent effect of this super weapon is far stronger than its actual use effect.

Although Qin Hao used the Judgment Cannon to capture a huge fleet before, which gave him the confidence to annex the Kogons and Vulcans, but if the last Judgment Cannon is used, then other higher civilizations will inevitably have nothing to do. Unite without any scruples, and then completely wipe out the holy envoys when they have no super weapons available.

The horror of the Judgment Cannon has once again been awakened from the depths of these advanced civilizations. If there is a chance, they will definitely spare no effort to attack the civilization of the Holy Messenger, and destroy this terrifying enemy while their super weapons are cooling down. .

But if the Holy Messenger still has a judgment cannon available, then these advanced civilizations would not dare to assemble the fleet too much, because they are also afraid that their fleet will be ruined. Although the Holy Messenger has one chance left, they will perish after using it At that time, none of these advanced civilizations wanted to be the funeral of the Holy Envoy.

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