Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1238: Envoy to the Interstellar Federation

After returning to the holy hall, Qin Hao unceremoniously sat on the top seat. Now his identity is the divine body, and he is the source of faith of the Holy Envoy family, so his status is supreme.

"Has Helen come back?" Qin Hao asked slowly.

"Go back to my lord, Helen has already returned." The high priest said respectfully from below.

"Hmm! Where's the star core?" Qin Hao asked.

"The star core has also been successfully transported back. The army hopes to use this star core as the core to build an Apocalypse-class battlecruiser." The high priest said to Qin Hao.

"Tell them, they don't have to think about this star core, I have other uses." Qin Hao waved his hand directly.

"Yes! Your Majesty!" The high priest nodded. Although the star core was priceless, she did not dare to question Qin Hao's decision.

"About the negotiation with the Vulcans, you can look at the arrangement. I will visit the Interstellar Federation later." Qin Hao said to the high priest.

"Are you going to personally go to the Interstellar Federation?" the high priest asked.

"En!" Qin Hao nodded.

"Yes! My lord, I will help you arrange everything as soon as possible." The high priest nodded.

As shrewd as a high priest, how could she not have thought that Qin Hao would send that priceless star core to that interstellar federation? But so what? Now Qin Hao's position among the envoys of the Holy Land cannot be shaken at all.

Treason to the enemy, cheating on others, traitor, these hats on any person are enough to ruin him, even if he was wronged, if he is cleared of his crimes in the future, then this person will basically be useless.

But Qin Hao is an exception. As a divine body, the incarnation of the faith of the Holy Envoys, Qin Hao is right in everything he does. Believers will never question the gods they believe in. If the high priest uses these as excuses to accuse Qin Hao , then not only would she not be able to shake Qin Hao's position, but she would even set herself on fire, making herself unable to stand among the descendants of the Holy Land Envoys.

This is often the case, and the reason is not necessarily reasonable. The high priest understands this very well, so although she knows what Qin Hao is going to do, she doesn't make it clear.

Except for the high priest and Laila, no one knew the details of Qin Hao. They didn't even know that the carrier of the divine body came from other civilizations.

So even though he knew that Qin Hao had withheld the star core and that Qin Hao was going to be an envoy to the Interstellar Federation, he would not link these two things together.

After discussing several other topics, Qin Hao ended the meeting, and then asked the high priest to start preparing for the visit. This time, Qin Hao was the ruler of the Holy Envoy family and the source of faith of the Holy Envoy. He is visiting the Interstellar Federation, so his guard of honor and his pomp can't be low.

The preparations for Qin Hao's visit here are in full swing, and on the other side, the negotiations between the Holy Envoy and the Vulcans are also progressing steadily.

After the initial tit-for-tat quarrel, the two sides have gradually begun to build on a consensus.

Negotiation is a process of mutual compromise in itself, but the side of the Holy Messenger has an absolute advantage, so they have the absolute initiative when negotiating, and almost all the concessions are made by the Vulcans However, the side of the Holy Messenger only made concessions on some trivial matters. Although these trivial matters are of little significance, the small concessions made by the Holy Messenger side can also allow the negotiators of the Vulcan side to go back. After the Ken government has been packaged, it can also fool ordinary people.

After more than two months of arduous negotiations, the Holy Envoy and the Vulcans signed an armistice agreement under the witness of eight other advanced civilizations.

So far, the war between the Holy Angels and the Vulcans and the Kogon alliance has come to an end. The war ended with the Kogons destroying the country, and the Vulcans lost one-third of the interstellar territory. Double as the ending.

After this battle, the civilization of the Holy Messenger changed from a medium-sized cosmic power to a first-class power all of a sudden. Except for a few superpowers like the Borg civilization, the civilization of the Holy Messenger has already stood among the civilizations of the known universe. relatively forward position.

Especially the application of these two ruling cannons made all cosmic civilizations quite afraid of the super weapons of the Holy Messenger. Even those superpowers began to take the Holy Messenger as their research object, and before that Well, the civilization of the holy emissary can't even get into the eyes of others.

At this moment, the civilization of the Holy Envoys is unsurprisingly already in the rising period of their own civilization fortune. The god they believe in has descended, the territory has expanded, the resources are abundant, and the morale of the people is extremely high. At this time, it seems that There is nothing they can't do.

And at this time, Qin Hao's visiting fleet was ready. After learning that the divine body was about to visit a mysterious cosmic civilization, the entire family of holy envoys became excited again. The believers of these divine bodies firmly believed in the gods they believed in. Speaking of bringing them a powerful ally, the status of the Holy Messenger in the universe will definitely be further improved by then!

Many young Holy Angels have begun to look forward to the day when the Holy Angels can be as powerful as the Borg, and can control the pattern of the universe like those superpowers. There are some more radical young Holy Angels, and they have begun to look down on them. Civilizations that were once on the same level as them even began to laugh at those that were slightly ahead of them.

In the eyes of these radical youths, those old and powerful civilizations have begun to decline, and the new order of the universe will finally be in the hands of the Holy Messenger.

However, high-level officials like the high priest and Qin Hao still have this clear understanding in their hearts. They know that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and they are just nouveau riche now. Compared with the ten-thousand-year old civilization, they still have many shortcomings. Although sooner or later, they will leave those old civilizations behind, but now they must face them squarely and admit that they are ahead of themselves.

Only by admitting that the opponent is strong can you recognize yourself and surpass the opponent. If you are arrogant, you will be the one who suffers in the end.

However, compared to the high priest, Qin Hao's ideas are simpler. He never thought of helping the Holy Messenger family become the most powerful civilization in the universe. His purpose is extremely simple, that is, to make the Holy Messenger With a certain strength, they can help human beings hold the door to advanced civilizations and keep those uncontrollable advanced civilizations out, so as to win a relatively safe development space for human beings.

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