? Generalissimo..." The prison guards present were all dumbfounded.

Although there was a coup d'état in the top ranks of the Interstellar Federation and the regime has changed, it didn't take long for this to happen. Even if it was counted from Qin Hao's departure, it was only two or three years. This former star general has not faded from everyone's memory.

Back then, Qin Hao was a well-known hero and celebrity in the hearts of all human beings. From the beginning of the conscription advertisement, to the time when he overthrew the decadent regime of the Earth Federation and made mankind look brand new, he was everywhere on TV and on the Internet. image data.

Although after the coup, the new government in power is constantly deleting the imprint left by Qin Hao and trying to blur Qin Hao's existence as much as possible, but the time is short after all. If Qin Hao comes back decades later, maybe at that time Few people remember him, but after all, it's only been two or three years now, and human beings are not so forgetful.

"Just remember me." Qin Hao nodded.

"No! The Generalissimo has passed away due to illness. Who are you? Why do you pretend to be the Generalissimo!" A young prison guard suddenly pointed a gun at Qin Hao and asked.

"Dead due to illness...hehe..." Qin Hao laughed dumbly, those guys who launched the coup actually made up such an ending for him.

"Sir, although I am willing to believe that the Generalissimo is still alive, I hope you can prove yourself. Otherwise, pretending to be the Generalissimo who has passed away is not tolerated by the law, even emotionally." After all, the warden is old, and he knows very well that those politicians can say all kinds of nonsense, but he is sitting in the position of the warden after all, if the generalissimo in front of him is a fake, and he is fooled again, then he But you have to take responsibility.

So to be on the safe side, the warden didn't relax his vigilance on the basis of not offending Qin Hao. He needed a proof.

"Prove? How do you want me to prove myself?" Qin Hao asked with a smile.

"We have the most complete identity information database in the entire Federation. If you are really the Grand Marshal, you can verify it." The warden said.

"Of course!" Qin Hao smiled and nodded.

Then the warden pouted, and a prison guard next to him immediately walked up to Qin Hao with an instrument, and after Qin Hao nodded, he began to scan Qin Hao's whole body.

A light blue light swept across Qin Hao's body, and a moment later, the instrument flashed a red light and sounded an alarm.

"Beep...the identity information of the target cannot be retrieved!"

"Shua, Shua, Shua..." Almost at the moment when the instrument alarmed,

Almost all the prison guards raised their guns and pointed them at Qin Hao.

"Put it down! What are you doing?!" There was a sudden roar in the prison.

"Prisoner, he is a fake!"

"Yeah, the instruments are calling the police!"


The prison guards shouted one after another.

"You idiots, it is because he called the police that he is the real general!" The warden gave the guards a blank look.

"Huh?" Everyone was confused.

"Huh! Didn't you notice? Now the government is quietly removing all traces of the Generalissimo. Whether it's TV news or information on the Internet, it's hard to find information about the Generalissimo. Information about the Generalissimo in the information database The information must have been deleted a long time ago!" After the warden finished speaking, he added: "If he is a fake, this instrument will recognize his real identity, and in this case, it can only mean that his information has been deleted. gone."

"But..." The other prison guards were still a little skeptical.

"Okay, I'm the warden, I have the final say here!" The warden waved his hand, and then said to Qin Hao: "General Marshal, since you are still alive, why didn't you return to the earth, but came to us instead ?”

"I came here to take Hu Ke away." Qin Hao said to the warden.

"Generalissimo, logically speaking, I must carry out your order, but you must be clear about the current situation of the Federation, so please be considerate of us, I really can't let you go here, We can't bear this responsibility... Grand Marshal, please take it easy, or else you can give an order to some old subordinate to send them a transfer order, and I will release them immediately." The warden looked at Qin with a troubled expression. Hao said.

"I was transferred to supply you later, but I will take him away now, but don't worry, I won't make it difficult for you, you just need to tell me which prison area he is in, and you don't have to worry about the rest." Qin Hao said.

"This..." The warden still hesitated.

"He's in Section H!" At this moment, a female prison guard suddenly said.

"Shut up!" The warden glared at the female prison guard, who was so frightened that the female prison guard dared not speak again.

"Thank you!" Qin Hao nodded to the female prison guard, then pointed his right hand with two fingers together between his eyebrows.

"Shua!" With a flash of white light, Qin Hao disappeared.

"What about people?! What about others?"

In the hall, only a group of prison guards were left staring at each other in bewilderment. None of them understood what happened.

Because Qin Hao knew the structure of the prison before, after learning the location where Hu Ke was being held, he sent it directly.

"Heh...it really looks like Guantanamo!" Qin Hao laughed after entering the prison area.

Guantanamos, where Qin Hao was located before, was remodeled from an abandoned mine. Although this prison was specially built, its internal structure is also an intricate pipeline network. This may refer to the structure of Guantanamos Prison.

Slightly closing his eyes, Qin Hao sensed his surroundings. These labyrinth-like caves seemed to be transparent under his perception. He quickly searched for Hu Ke's trace, and soon Hu Ke's information was captured by him. Found.

"Over there!" After confirming the location, Qin Hao plunged into a passage.

Because the prisoners in this prison are all super-severe criminals, the number is not very large, about one or two hundred people. These people are scattered in the huge prison area, so it seems a bit sparsely populated.

After walking for a long time, Qin Hao didn't see a single person, but he knew that there were many people at Hu Ke's location, which he found when he was searching for Hu Ke just now.

"I don't know how this kid is doing here, but don't let someone beat him up..." Qin Hao muttered to himself.

Soon, Qin Hao went around a corner and entered a place similar to a hall. This place was relatively spacious, and there were about thirty or forty people gathered in it. These people sat in the hall randomly, apparently eating. What they ate was a kind of black mush. Although they hadn't tasted it, Qin Hao knew it must be bad just by looking at the shape.

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