For a long time, moving the capital has always been the core issue of high-level human beings, especially after the success of the coup d'etat, the newly appointed leaders hope to move the capital planet from the earth to other planets, but the obstacles to this plan are too great too much.

First of all, moving the capital is not a trivial matter. Even if there is no referendum, most of the families must agree to it. , Abandoning this place and setting other planets as capital stars, it is difficult to reach a consensus on this point.

Secondly, among the existing human territories, only the earth still has weak free energy. Although it is not suitable for cultivators to live here, compared to other planets that have no free energy at all, the sharks deep in the bottom of the earth The beads, as well as the remaining in the air, the weak free energy is still their only hope.

It is unrealistic for cultivators to abandon the earth, and now the cultivators are basically born, they start to directly intervene in the secular society, and they have the absolute right to speak in the secular society, so it is absolutely impossible for them to allow the capital to be moved of.

Facing many obstacles, although the issue of moving the capital was raised early, it has been delayed again and again, and it is impossible to make a final decision.

But if the capital is not moved, there will be a problem directly in front of everyone, and that is the threat from the moon. Although Qin Hao disappeared, he left a large number of bugs on the moon, and the moon is so close to the earth. , this is undoubtedly the sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of all high-level human beings!

And now, the sword of Damocles hanging high above his head has finally come down!

Countless swarms of bugs rose from the moon base, and they went straight to the earth, which made the human soldiers who had been monitoring the moon base immediately report the news to the high-level.

"What!?" The general panicked after receiving the report.

"What should I do? In half an hour, these bugs will enter the atmosphere!" Another executive was also frightened.

"Hurry up, call everyone, and start a meeting immediately!" The general didn't dare to make a decision without authorization, so he immediately asked his subordinates to arrange a video conference.

About five minutes later, in an empty conference room, the general and the official sat down, and immediately after the projection was turned on, virtual projections appeared on the empty seats, all the senior government officials, and some practitioners Representatives of the participants appeared in the conference room.

"The Zergs on the moon are dispatched. They are coming straight to the earth, and they will enter the atmosphere in more than 20 minutes." The general explained the matter straight to the point.

"What?! What do those bugs want to do?!"

"Ghost knows what they want to do! These things are controlled by Qin Hao,

Now that he's gone, who can control them? "

"Then what should we do? Are we going to attack these bugs?"

"Attack? What if we fire and cause the alien fleet to misunderstand?"

"You can still manage that alien fleet? Now the threat of bugs can kill us?"

"That's right... the most urgent task now is to eliminate those bugs. They must not be allowed to land on the earth, otherwise the earth will be over."

"But, can we really stop those bugs?"


The officials who were still arguing suddenly became quiet, yes, can they stop those bugs? Although the earth's technology has advanced a lot, in just two years, although the military technology has made great progress, it is too late to realize it quickly.

After all, the Federation at this time has once again returned to the so-called democratic regime, and in this case, the industrial efficiency is not as high as that of centralized politics.

As a democratic government, in the absence of war, the government cannot allocate unlimited military budget, so the army has no money to order a large number of warships, and if you have no money to place an order, as a private company, I will make money If the yacht is not built, build a battleship for this guy on credit? That is obviously impossible!

But as a highly centralized autocratic government, it is completely different. As long as there is an order, I don’t care whether you are a private enterprise or a national enterprise. As long as I need it, you have to produce it for me. As for materials and accessories, I will give it to you. Just transfer, you don't need to worry about these.

Therefore, the military technology conversion rate of the democratic system in non-wartime is far less efficient than that of the autocratic government. This has also led to the classification of the Federation's existing fleets since the coup d'etat. After temperance, the combat effectiveness of the Star Federation actually declined instead of rising.

You must know that in the era of the Earth Federation, the Earth Federation Army had a fleet that was stronger than it is now, but they were beaten to pieces by Qin Hao's insect swarm. Determined to fight against the bugs, they are no match at all!

So one official asked: Can we really stop those bugs? Afterwards, everyone fell silent because no one could answer the question.

"Then what should we do? Sit and wait?"

"Yeah, we can't wait for those bugs to come and eat us all, can we?"


"These bugs are very peaceful, even when we gained power, they didn't interfere, but now they suddenly land on the earth, do you think there is a possibility..."

"You mean...he's back..."

In an instant, the air in the entire meeting room seemed to be frozen. Although it was a virtual projection meeting, only the general and the official actually existed in this room, but they could still hear each other's careful and cautious breathing.

"If...if he really came back, what should we do?"

"Qin Xue! Qin Xue is our only bargaining chip now!"

"That's right! Qin Xue is his only family member, so he will be afraid of it!"

"There are also General Cohen and Ji Moluofu, who are also being held now, and these can all be hostages!"

"And then? Although we have hostages in our hands, how do we negotiate? Take hostages as threats, and let him treat us with leniency?"

"We can ask him to commit suicide, or abolish his strength, or kill the hostages..."

"Hmph! Suicide? Do you think it's reliable?"


The people present fell into silence again, yes, if Qin Hao really returns, so what if they have hostages in their hands? Will Qin Hao abolish himself or commit suicide for this? From the perspective of these selfish guys present, this is simply impossible.

But if they begged Qin Hao for forgiveness, and they didn't believe Qin Hao, even if Qin Hao agreed now, who could guarantee that he would not go back on his word and take revenge on them in the future?

The most important thing is that they are not reconciled!

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