? Dictatorship, this is not an easy task in itself, but for Qin Hao, it couldn't be easier, because he has absolute power, and almost all the troops are under his control. Insect swarms and alien fleets made the families and forces on earth dare not resist even if they were unwilling.

As for the mass base, it is actually very easy to solve. First of all, Qin Hao has a pretty good impression in the hearts of the people of the Federation, especially since he used to be a hero of the Federation to promote positively, so he is popular among the people. The degree of recognition is relatively high.

Secondly, the previous coup d'état and the decadent rule of the Federation have chilled the hearts of many people, so they are also looking for changes. Although the textbooks from childhood to adulthood say that the dictatorship system is not good and list various drawbacks, But after all, human civilization has not experienced dictatorship notices for hundreds of years, so most people have no feeling for these.

Finally, and a more important point, is the media propaganda. If all the media attack Qin Hao and the dictatorship through various channels, then the people will be easily guided. Unfortunately, such media does not exist. Qin Hao attaches great importance to public opinion, so as long as there is a ligand that does not cooperate with him in publicity, he will directly send the swarm to take over the media, and then let them make the voice Qin Hao wants to hear.

So what ordinary people hear and see is Qin Hao's positive propaganda. One person says you may not believe it, ten people say you may doubt it, but if one hundred and one thousand people say the same, you have to believe it even if you don't believe it.

At this time, Qin Hao used this method to make the people accept the fact that he is a dictator.

And the most important thing is that after Qin Hao became a dictator, he didn't let the people live badly, and even provided better welfare. , or a group of people are in charge of them. Anyway, for the most ordinary people, it doesn't matter who is on top. Anyway, it has nothing to do with them.

What really matters to the common people is the real interests that can fall on them. If the democratic government collects heavy taxes and only gives low benefits, and the dictatorship government distributes money every day, then they will choose the dictatorship government without hesitation. Come lead yourself.

And here, after Qin Hao completely controlled the Interstellar Federation, he issued several orders one after another. He took back all the military command and scientific research projects to the hands of the federal government, and arranged himself in various departments. cronies.

After completely controlling the Federation, Qin Hao took out the technological materials and objects he brought back. Among the things brought back by Qin Hao, the technology of the Kegong people is the most valuable, because compared with the envoys of the Holy Land who rely on spiritual power to develop The technology developed by the Kogon people is very close to that of human beings. In other words, if there is no interference from alien civilizations, if human beings are given hundreds of years, then human beings will develop into the same way as the Kogon people.

Therefore, the scientific and technological knowledge and physical products of these Kegong people are far more meaningful to human civilization than the improvement brought by the technology of the Holy Messenger to human beings.

Soon, with the support of the Qin Hao government, various human research institutes were reopened, and a large number of scientific researchers devoted themselves to a new round of study and research and development. The products and materials of the Kegong people really opened their eyes. Previous conjectures and unproven things have been confirmed here.

Because the number of technological paths is the same, when deciphering the technology of the Kogon civilization, human scientists have to take much less detours and fewer obstacles. In this way, the development of human beings in the field of science and technology can really be achieved It can be described as a thousand miles a day.

Qin Hao has lived on Earth for nearly two years. During these two years, although he was on the human side, he also maintained communication with the Holy Envoy.

In terms of the ability of the high priest, there is no doubt. Under her leadership, the holy envoys are also developing rapidly and accumulating their own strength. After experiencing the previous wars, although the holy envoys paid a certain price, even three Two rounds of the ruling cannon were used, but their gains were even greater.

Not only has the territory nearly doubled, but it has also harvested a large amount of resources and expanded a fleet that is not afraid of death. It can be said that it has entered a period of unprecedented prosperity.

And the high priest was not idle either. She took advantage of the advantages created by Qin Hao and began to develop the civilization of the Holy Messenger crazily. At the same time, the high priest was also actively developing diplomacy. benefits, but the high priest is clear-headed, she knows that the benefits obtained through wars will not last long, if one relies entirely on wars to plunder resources, then the civilization of the Holy Angels will hit the iron plate sooner or later, and their heads will be broken. flow, and even killed himself.

So the top priority is to actively communicate with other civilizations in the universe, tell them that the Holy Angels are not a warlike race, and let them not be hostile to the Holy Angels. The previous war was completely caused by the other party. The Messenger is nothing more than a counterattack in self-defense.

Although other cosmic civilizations may not believe all of these words, it is better than not saying anything, and after this battle, the Holy Messenger civilization has really flexed its muscles among all cosmic civilizations.

You must know that although the civilization of the Holy Messenger previously claimed to be in the upper middle class in the civilization of the universe, their sense of existence is actually not high. Most of the time, it is super civilizations like the Borg who really hold the right to speak in the universe.

But after going through this battle, the signboard of the holy envoys has been played out. Although they still can't compare with super civilizations like the Borg, even civilizations located in the known corners of the universe know that the holy With the existence of temporary envoys, their right to speak in the universe has been unprecedentedly improved.

In the past two years, Qin Hao's life has been relatively nourishing. Whether it is on the human side or the Holy Envoy's side, there is nothing to worry about. Especially on the human side, technology is improving rapidly. After two years of reverse research, humans have initially mastered the military technology of the Kogon people, as well as civilian technology.

At this moment, human beings have started to build new warship factories, preparing to produce conventional warships with high civilization standards. As for capital ships, although Qin Hao has obtained the star core, the related technologies are still quite different. no.

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