"En!" The worm queen nodded, and then accepted the purple-black cursed energy.

"Master, what do you want this for?" Qin Hao asked curiously.

"Of course I kept it!" After the worm queen took over the purple-black cursed energy, she put it away.

"What's the use of keeping this thing?" Qin Hao became even more curious.

"This kind of energy is not very strong, but it is extremely pure. Sometimes you need this kind of pure energy of the dark attribute, and it can come in handy. Don't waste it when you encounter it in the future. You might as well first Collect them, otherwise you will have nowhere to find them when you need them." The Queen of Worms said to Qin Hao.

"Follow Master's instruction!" Qin Hao nodded. Although he didn't know when he would use this kind of thing, since the Queen of Worms said so, if he encounters it again in the future, he will collect some.

"Okay! Let's go out!" After putting away the curse energy, the queen said to Qin Hao.

"Yeah!" Qin Hao nodded. They came here to heal Laila's injuries. Now that Laila's affairs have been dealt with, he still wants to go to the previous exhibition. There are many new gadgets.

Coming out of the office area of ​​Shenglin Envoy, Qin Hao and the queen of insects wandered aimlessly in the main exhibition area. The entire exhibition area is very large, not only the lobby on the first floor, but the entire building's nearly two hundred floors are covered by the exhibition area. There are hundreds of known advanced cosmic civilizations.

Although most of these civilizations have just passed the threshold of advanced civilizations, rules are rules, and they have won the right to survive, so they are naturally qualified to participate in this exhibition, and these civilizations also have many unique products of their own. It can also allow those advanced civilizations that develop faster to obtain some unexpected gains.

Qin Hao and the Queen of Worms wandered between these booths. Wherever they passed, there were many people who greeted Qin Hao. After all, in the eyes of these advanced civilizations, the Interstellar Federation is as powerful as a Borg. Moreover, they also have the cutting-edge medical technology to prolong life and cure all diseases, so these alien civilizations are very polite and enthusiastic towards Qin Hao.

While walking, the worm queen who was holding Qin Hao's arm suddenly stopped.

"Master?" Qin Hao was taken aback for a moment, then stopped in his tracks.

"He's here! I'll take you to meet him!" the queen said to Qin Hao.

"Where is it?" Qin Hao immediately asked,

He knew that the worm queen was referring to the old friend mentioned earlier.

"It's in the hall on the first floor, let's go down, he's waiting for us!" the queen said to Qin Hao.

"Yeah!" Qin Hao nodded, followed the queen to the elevator, and then returned to the exhibition hall on the first floor.

Under the leadership of the queen, Qin Hao soon met the old friend he was talking about. This guy looks almost the same as a human being, but there are some slight differences in details. Eyeballs, but no pupils, and this guy is just the opposite. His eyes are full of black pupils, but no whites, which looks a bit scary.

In addition, this guy has no hair, not only hair and beard, he has no eyebrows in his mind.

"Long time no see, Hestiniya!" The person greeted warmly upon meeting.

"Long time no see! Dasvia." The worm queen smiled and nodded.

"Who is this?" Dasvia looked at Qin Hao suspiciously.

"This is my disciple." The worm queen said with a smile.

"Disciple, you actually accepted apprentice?" Dasvia asked in surprise.

"Why? Is it not possible?" The Queen asked back.

"Of course! If it were me, I would be willing to receive a messenger of death as my disciple!" Dasvia stared at Qin Hao for two seconds, and then saw through Qin Hao's background.

"Master, who is this?" Qin Hao asked with a smile in the ear of the worm queen.

"Dasvia, like me, the immortal, is also one of the targets of the death messenger." The queen explained to Qin Hao, and at the same time the three of them formed an enchantment to ensure the bond between them. Conversations will not be overheard by outsiders.

After all, the two present are both immortals. If other death emissaries know about this, they will definitely come after them.

"Eternal..." Qin Hao stared blankly at Dasvia, no wonder he has such a good relationship with his master. Both of them are immortals who were hunted down by the messenger of death, so they are naturally comrades in the trenches up.

"Haha, little guy, I'm so far behind your master..." Dasvia smiled and waved his hands. stage of running.

And what about the queen? Unless King Marshall brought a large number of death messengers to hunt her down, ordinary death messengers would not be able to pose a threat to her at all.

"Senior, being able to become an immortal already shows how strong you are." Qin Hao bowed slightly to Dasvia. Although this guy is not as powerful as the queen, he must give enough respect to the strong.

"Your apprentice can talk!" Dasvia laughed. In his opinion, Qin Hao has such a powerful master. Even if he ignores or even treats himself with a worse attitude, because of the embarrassment of the queen , I can't do anything to him, but Qin Hao showed enough respect, which made Dasvia very happy.

"Hmm! I really dare not say anything else, but respecting the master and respecting the strong, he has indeed done a good job." The queen nodded and said.

"In terms of strength, this kid is quite scary. How old is he? Judging from the breath of blood, he should not be thirty years old, right?" Dasvia felt it carefully, but was even more surprised.

"It is indeed a few years away." When it came to this, even the Queen of Worms couldn't help but feel a little proud.

Today's Qin Hao, his strength is indeed a little insignificant in the eyes of these immortals, but in the entire universe, he is already considered the top powerhouse, and he is only in his twenties.

You must know that although the queens are powerful, they are based on the fact that they have lived for countless years. Even the weaker Dasvia, as an immortal, has lived at least 200 million years. For people on earth, it is simply the oldest living fossil!

So of course they can't use their strength to measure Qin Hao.

"Let's talk in another place." The worm queen said.

"That's right, it's really inconvenient here." Dasvia nodded. Although the Queen of Worms set up an assembly, in such a large crowd, the three of them spoke silently, which seemed a bit strange indeed.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . Miaoshuwu

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