"We're here!" Dasvia suddenly shouted during the conversation between Qin Hao and the queen.

At this time, a small light spot appeared on the radar display of the spacecraft, and it was more than 20,000 kilometers in front of the spacecraft. This distance sounds very far away, but for space, it can be said to be close at hand. up.

Under Qin Hao's operation, a picture appeared on the large screen of the spaceship's central control. This is a huge space fortress. Its volume is almost the same as that of an interstellar base, and it can dock more than ten ships with a length of more than 200 kilometers. battleship.

"This is the Temple of Death!" Dasvia said.

"Is this the Temple of Death?" Qin Hao looked up and down this ordinary-looking space building. There are no orbital defense facilities around it. The whole building is presented as an upper and lower part. The middle is pulled by a gravitational beam. The upper part The half is an inverted cone with the tip pointing downwards, and the lower half is a flat-headed pyramid.

The tone of the entire temple is black with golden stripes on it, but because it is only a distant image, Qin Hao can't tell whether these stripes are purely for decoration or have other uses.

"Just stop here." The worm queen said to Qin Hao, she didn't want Qin Hao to go too far, because it was too dangerous there.

"Yes! Master!" Qin Hao nodded.

"Then shall we go?" The worm queen glanced at Dasvia.

"Okay!" Dasvia nodded, and then he and the queen disappeared into the cockpit of the search spaceship out of thin air.

After both the Queen of Worms and Dasvia left, Qin Hao stayed in the empty cab, staring at the Temple of Death on the big screen in a daze.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and Qin Hao felt a little anxious in his heart, because he didn't know how the situation in the Death Temple was, and he didn't know whether the Queen's actions were going well.

"Qin Hao, why are you here?" At this moment, a voice sounded in Qin Hao's mind.

"Mentor?!" Qin Hao shuddered Lingling, and he recognized that this voice came from his mentor in the Deathbringer - Mo Qi.

"Shua!" With a flash of white light, Mo Qi appeared in the cockpit of Qin Hao's spaceship.

"Mentor!" Qin Hao got up and saluted Mo Qi.

"Why are you here?" Mochi asked.

"I..." Qin Hao hesitated. He didn't know how to answer. If he answered truthfully, he would definitely expose the intentions of the Queen and the others. But if he lied, Qin Hao didn't know if he could fool Mo Qi. Once he was found out, I'm afraid The consequences will be more serious.

"I didn't expect you to be involved in this matter! Child, you should return to the territory of the Holy Envoy immediately, and don't get involved in the affairs here." Mo Qi frowned, although Qin Hao didn't say anything, But apparently he already knew all about it.

"Mentor..." Qin Hao was also stunned, as if Mo Qi knew everything.

"This operation itself is a hunting operation against the Empress of the Void. She has already entered our trap. As her disciple and a member of the Death Bringer, I don't want you to be in a dilemma, so hurry up! Let's go." Mo Qi said to Qin Hao.

"Hunting? Trap?" Qin Hao's brain told him to run, and soon he came to a conclusion that shocked him!

"Dasvia is one of yours?!" Qin Hao asked in surprise.

"These are not important anymore, let's leave!" Mo Qi said to Qin Hao.

"Damn this liar!" Qin Hao cursed inwardly.

"The next battle will be very fierce. You can't even get close to that kind of intensity, so don't stay here anymore. You can't help anyone. You should save your own life first." Mo Qi continued to persuade.

"Teacher, can't you and my master live in peace?" Qin Hao asked.

"The ideas are different, and they cannot coexist." Mo Qi sighed. They spent so much energy and material resources to set up this trap, how could they stop because of Qin Hao's words at this time?

"..." Qin Hao fell silent. He knew that he could not affect the situation in front of him. No matter whether it was the queen or the messenger of death, no one would listen to him. The only thing he could do now was to try to contact the queen through spiritual energy. Then tell her Dasvia's identity, lest she be attacked by this "companion" suddenly.

But it's a pity that Qin Hao's attempts were all like mud cows entering the sea, and he didn't get the slightest response at all.

"Why are you still hesitating? Leave immediately." Mo Qi's face showed displeasure.

"Yes! Mentor!" Qin Hao nodded, knowing that he could not drag on any longer, so he started the spaceship.

And at this moment, Qin Hao's psychic energy suddenly received a response.

"What's the matter? Disciple?" The voice of the queen rang in Qin Hao's mind.

"Master! This is a trap! Dasvia is in collusion with the messenger of death!" Qin Hao immediately said to the queen.

"What did you say?!" The worm queen was obviously taken aback, as she and Dasvia had already entered the Temple of Death.

"This is..." Qin Hao wanted to repeat it again, but unfortunately, the communication between him and the queen was cut off.

"Leave quickly, I'm going to fight too!" Mo Qi said to Qin Hao.

"Teacher, you should also be more careful and pay attention to safety." Qin Hao said to Mo Qi.

"Huh! Let's go quickly." Mo Qi waved his hand, and then disappeared out of thin air.

"Target Terra Ruda, start automatic navigation." Qin Hao gave an order to the spaceship.

"The target has been determined, automatic navigation is activated..."

The spaceship began to adjust its direction slowly, but at this moment, a violent disturbance appeared in the space.

Qin Hao frowned. It seemed that there was already a fight in the Temple of Death. As for whether the Queen of Worms could win or escape, Qin Hao didn't know, and he couldn't control it. As Mo Qi said, this He is not qualified to intervene in a battle of this level, and if he is involved hastily, he can only become cannon fodder.

"Let's leave quickly!" Qin Hao terminated the automatic navigation and adopted the manual driving mode, so that the spaceship can enter the jump mode faster and escape from this dangerous place as soon as possible.

"Shua!" Just as Qin Hao adjusted the course and the phase engine of the spaceship was activated, and was about to rush into the phase space, a white light flashed, and the worm queen appeared beside Qin Hao.

"Let's go!" The worm queen said to Qin Hao. At this time, her face was pale, and there were many bloodstains on her body. This was the first time Qin Hao had seen this kind of embarrassment.

"Whoosh!" At the same time, the spaceship that has completed the preparations for the jump rushed into the phase space!

"Shua, Shua, Shua!" At the moment when Qin Hao's spaceship completed its transition, several figures chased after him, including Dasvia and Mo Qi, and several unfamiliar faces.

.. m.

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