Although the entire universe felt like a storm was about to come and the building was full of wind and rain, it seemed as if nothing had happened on the side of the Holy Promenade Messenger, and the whole people were in a state of peace.

But compared to the peace of the Holy Angel family, the Silva people are much more miserable. Not only are they not happy, but the whole family is in panic.

You must know that the Borg are not an ordinary race. Their strength is well-known throughout the known universe, and the Borg are notoriously brutal. When they conquered planets, they did not just slaughter The above alien races, and often massacres, and the behavior of capturing alien races for living experiments.

Can't fight again and again, and the allies are not strong enough. In this case, the Silvas are basically in a state of waiting to die. Under the huge psychological pressure, the Silvas themselves have not come yet. Make a mess first.

Knowing that they must be doomed, many Silva people decided to go crazy before they died. These people took to the streets, smashed up shops, robbed valuables inside, or raped women on the street. Anyway, the end of the world is coming soon. It's coming, the law and the death penalty can no longer deter them. In the hearts of these thugs, they will die sooner or later, so it's better to have a good time before dying!

Bewitched by this kind of thinking, many Silva people have gone crazy. They do all kinds of evil on the streets, which makes the lives of ordinary people who are already panicked even more difficult.

"Hey!" Qin Hao sighed. He actually had expected the situation of the Silva people, but although he felt pity for it, he didn't intend to interfere. There are too many people, Qin Hao is not a saint, let alone a savior, he has neither the ability nor the will to help everyone, and he can't help.

In the vast universe, if you want to survive and live comfortably, you can only rely on your own efforts. It is unrealistic to count on others' charity and pity. But there are no good people.

Time passed day by day, and the cloud of war was becoming more and more imminent. According to the intelligence network of the Holy Messenger, the Borg had already begun to deploy troops in the direction of the Silva civilization. Before they declared that they would not fight, it was not a bluff , in addition to the intervention of other civilizations, the Borg are mainly mobilizing supplies and troops.

War is never about yelling "fight" and then going all out with a knife. This requires very systematic planning and deployment, especially the storage and delivery of materials. This aspect must not be sloppy at all, even if it is as strong as the Borg No exception.

Unlike the previous wars of the Holy Angels, at the beginning of the previous wars of the Holy Angels, they really did not intend to achieve such a big result. Their purpose from the beginning was to beat the Vulcans hard and let them know The power of the Holy Angel is to end the confrontation on the border.

Unexpectedly, by accident, Qin Hao suddenly took over the command of the battlefield, and raided the territory of the Vulcans, and snatched the priceless star core, which led to the escalation of the war between the two sides, and finally brought science and technology to the battlefield. The Gong people took off the water.

As for the final result, it was completely an accidental effect of a ruling cannon. Qin Hao directly seized control of the opponent's main fleet, causing the forces of both sides to reverse instantly, and then the next thing happened.

But this time the Borgs are different. They are premeditated. The purpose of their dispatch of troops this time is to destroy the Silvas. It is planned to use the Silva's territory as the forward base, and then continue to expand forward.

The ambition of the Borg made them have to plan in advance and prepare all the materials, so the time it took for them to launch a war was much longer than that of the Holy Angels who only planned to make small troubles at the beginning.

But now, the Borg fleet has overwhelmed the border, and all the war preparations and supplies are in place. At this time, the wheels of war have started to turn, and no one can organize them anymore.

"Let's fight, let's fight, send more scout ships over there, and get as much actual data about the war as possible." Qin Hao said to the high priest in a meeting.

"Yes! Your Majesty!" The high priest nodded.

"My lord, High Priest!" At this moment, a high-level military officer stood up.

"Say!" Qin Hao nodded.

"It's like this. The Silva people are buying weapons from the entire universe, and we have also received some orders. Do we want to sell them?" the officer asked.

"Hmm..." Qin Hao hesitated for a moment, then looked at the high priest: "What do you think?"

"My lord... I think it can be sold!" The high priest said after thinking for a while.

"Oh? Tell me your reason?" Qin Hao said.

"First of all, the whole universe is now selling weapons to Silva, and our selling point will not cause too much dissatisfaction among the Borg, and now that the Silva has reached a desperate situation, they have almost taken out all the wealth at the bottom of the box Well, if we don’t take part in it at this time, then these wealth will be cheaper for others! The most important thing is that besides capital ships, our means of deterring other civilizations is to judge cannons, and the data of conventional warships is not There is nothing to hide, and there is no fear of data leakage if it is sold, so this arms trade is of great benefit to us." The high priest analyzed it with reason.

"What do you think?" Qin Hao looked at the others again.

"We think the high priest is right, this business can indeed be done!" Several other generals also nodded.

"Then let's do this." Qin Hao nodded.

Similar meetings are not only held at the top of the Holy Promenade, but also almost all other civilizations with relatively strong military have received orders. At this time, the Silva civilization is also a bit desperate. Anyway, these wealth will be saved to the end, and it will be cheaper. Borg, you might as well take them all out and buy weapons.

How much combat effectiveness this temporarily purchased weapon can exert is not very important to the Silvas. Anyway, they will definitely not be able to defeat the Borgs, even if they are given more high-level weapons, it will be useless.

Their massive purchase of weapons is mainly to attract other civilizations into the water. When the Borg see the weapons of other civilizations on the battlefield, they will definitely take action. When these higher civilizations feel the pressure, they will naturally have This is the opportunity for the Silva people. There are not many things they can do now, and now they have a feeling of doing everything they can.

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