Let’s talk about saving the universe later, you just said that if I keep your daughter, you will provide me with information on a regular basis? "Qin Hao asked.

"Yes! Our mother and daughter have a special contact method. I will use her to provide you with some important information every once in a while!" said the female elemental person.

"Well... that's fine, you can just keep her." Qin Hao said after thinking for a while, the information that this female elemental person has is indeed very valuable, and some things are the information network of him and the envoy of the Holy Land Information that cannot be grasped at all.

So Qin Hao needs the information provided by the female elemental person very much, but this guy’s price is too high. An information starts with at least three thousand water spirit beads, and the key information will be more expensive. This makes Qin Hao a little bit painful, and the price is still inferior. The important thing is that Qin Hao can't find this female elemental person at any time, but if he keeps this elemental person girl by his side, it will be different. From then on, Qin Hao is not only free of information, but also because of their mother and daughter With the special connection between them, Qin Hao can also contact the female elemental person at any time, and even customize information from her, which is very meaningful to Qin Hao.

Qin Hao, who has really been a soldier, has been on the front line, and has been in a high position for so long, he knows the value of intelligence. At the beginning, what the female elemental person said was not wrong at all. Information is very important. It affects the life and death of a person, but more importantly, it is related to the rise and fall of a civilization.

Therefore, being able to grasp key information in a timely manner is very important for both Qin Hao himself and the Interstellar Federation.

"Then please take care of my little girl." The female elementalist saluted Qin Hao.

"Please take care of me!" Nilu also playfully bowed to Qin Hao.

"I don't know much about you elemental people. Do you have any preferences or taboos?" Qin Hao asked.

"The Chosen One, you don't have to worry about it. You just need to let her follow you and provide the necessary protection. She is just an adult and her self-protection ability is still very weak. As for the others, as long as there are elements, we can Living freely, you don't need to worry about basic necessities of life." The female elemental person laughed.

"That's good!" Qin Hao smiled slightly. He thought it would be troublesome to raise this elemental girl, but he didn't expect it to be so easy. Anyway, he just needs to keep it with him. As for getting hurt or something, Qin Hao has no enemies. He is still in a high position, so his safety can naturally be guaranteed.

In Qin Hao's view, taking this girl means that he got a powerful intelligence officer for free without paying anything. This deal is very worthwhile!

In the view of female elements,

The daughter follows Qin Hao, the Chosen One. First of all, her safety is absolutely guaranteed. According to the prophecy, even if the universe is at its most critical moment, the closest people around the Chosen One will be unscathed!

If the daughter can win the favor of the Chosen One and become his woman, it will be even more profitable, and then their entire elemental family will follow suit, so this deal is not a loss no matter how you look at it.

So during this meeting, both Qin Hao and the female elementalist felt that they were not at a loss, and this was also a win-win outcome.

As for the elemental girl Nilu, she was indoctrinated by her mother in the prophecy of the Chosen One since she was a child. In the thousands of years since she was a child, she has heard it countless times. This prophecy has long taken root in her heart. Germinated.

So in her heart, Qin Hao, the chosen one, is the greatest hero in the universe. This kind of love started before she met Qin Hao.

After seeing Qin Hao, because Qin Hao's human appearance is actually almost the same as the physical form of elemental people, so there is no conflict in aesthetic concepts, so Nilu naturally falls in love with her even more. The subconscious hints of thousands of years are not a joke. , which made Nilu have a natural affection for Qin Hao.

So she was willing to let Nilu follow Qin Hao. Although she was a little shy in her heart when she was suddenly thrown beside a man, she was more excited.

After the three people had no objection to this decision, the female elemental person found an excuse to leave. The purpose of her trip was to keep her daughter by Qin Hao's side. Now that the purpose has been achieved, she needs to do her own things up.

Once the female elemental person left, only Qin Hao and Nilu were left in the car.

"The chosen one..." Nilu called out a little timidly.

"You should call me Qin Hao." Qin Hao frowned. He was not interested in the title of the Chosen One. Although the female elemental person had said so much, Qin Hao didn't believe that he would become a hellish universe at all. Savior.

"But it's not good..." Nilu hesitated. In her opinion, calling Qin Hao by his name is a very disrespectful behavior.

"I tell you to call you." Qin Hao rolled his eyes, and the traffic police had already arrived. After all, Qin Hao had a small car accident just now.

"Show your driver's license!" The traffic policeman knocked on the car window. With the current technology of the earth, the automatic driving technology of the vehicle has long been very mature. Ordinary people don't need a driver's license at all. It is a luxury car with a manual mode. Although this kind of car is to satisfy people's driving pleasure, it also requires the driver to have a driver's license.

"I'm in a hurry, so let's deal with this little accident." Qin Hao opened the car window.

"Yes... yes! Generalissimo!" The traffic police never expected that Qin Hao was sitting in the car, so he stammered.

Privilege has existed since the existence of human beings, and there is no exception until the technologically advanced cosmic era. As the dictator of the Interstellar Federation, Qin Hao naturally enjoys the highest privilege, so the traffic police did not say anything at all and let him go. .

After restarting the car, Qin Hao soon arrived at General Cohen's mansion.

Before getting out of the car, Qin Hao said to Nilu: "You wait for me here, I'll be back in a while."

Although there is nothing between Qin Hao and Nilu, General Coen is Nicole's father after all. Although Nicole is in a special state now, she still has the possibility of resurrection, so Qin Hao took a girl with him to see Cohen at this time. That's obviously not appropriate, General.

"It's okay, I'll be by your side, no one will notice." Nilu's body faded away after she finished speaking, but Qin Hao could sense that a very obscure aura was attached to his collar.

This is an innate skill of the wind elemental people. They can cancel their own entities and turn themselves into a breeze. In this state, the wind elemental people's aura is very faint and faint, even top experts may not be able to detect it.

The reason why Qin Hao felt it was mainly because he knew of Nilu's existence, so he deliberately felt it, and Nilu was attached to his collar, and the two of them were very close, so he would have the slightest feeling, otherwise In other words, even if it is King Marshall, when he senses the arrival of the female elemental person, he can only notice it when the female elemental person is very close.

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