Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1313: The Mutation of the Home Planet

The Borg pushed forward to the territory of the seven alliances with a crushing attitude. After the resistance of the only remaining five-nation alliance was hopeless, they no longer wasted manpower and material resources. They had already begun preparations before evacuation.

Rich people in these five countries began to sell their assets one after another, and then bought expensive boat tickets. The dignitaries even had their own private fleets. They began to recruit valuable civilians, and those who had neither money nor skills Poor people, they can only stay in their hometown and wait to die.

Although when these rich people evacuated, they generously gave all the land, houses, and fixed assets to these civilians, but everyone knows that they can't take these things with them, and those civilians can't take them with them. They couldn't be landlords for a few days, and even if they hid in the most luxurious and solid air-raid shelter underground, they couldn't escape the massacre of the Borg.

The withdrawal of the Five Nations Alliance made the civilization behind them suddenly become precarious, because no one can guarantee that the Borg will be satisfied after they get the territory of the Seven Nations Alliance, and no one can guarantee that the Borg Ambition stops there.

If they continue to attack forward, what will happen to the civilizations behind? Can they stop the terrifying Titan?

These civilizations have no confidence at all, because when the Borg attacked, they had already considered all possible problems, and even because they couldn't figure out the details of the Interstellar Federation that appeared, they gave up on the Holy Envoy. Attacking in this direction, so on the attack path they chose, no one can hinder them in the slightest.

In the face of the unstoppable Borg, dozens of civilizations are panic-stricken. No one knows whether the Borg will come to their door, or which day the Borg will hit their home. Come at the door.

The diplomatic exchanges between these civilizations suddenly became closer, especially those civilizations next to the Seven Nations Alliance. They are more anxious than other civilizations, so they are willing to pay more. After all, once the Borgs call No, they won't end up better than the Seven Nations.

But these civilizations discuss and discuss, no matter how they assemble their fleets, they seem to be unable to effectively fight against the Borg. After all, the Borg are very powerful, and they are among the best in the entire known universe. Now they have invincible After the Titan battleship, it is even more unstoppable. It is obviously impossible for these relatively weak civilizations to hold together for warmth.

So while these civilizations were united, they also began to send distress messages to those more powerful civilizations, including the Holy Messenger. These weak civilizations even hoped to contact the Interstellar Federation through the Holy Messenger when they were in a hurry to seek medical treatment. This newly emerged civilization can intervene.

But the result made these civilizations very disappointed, because at this juncture, even a civilization as powerful as the Borg is unwilling to enter this muddy water. looking for trouble.

Under such circumstances, the calls for help from those weak and small civilizations can only be ignored. Although they understand and persuade with emotion, no one cares about their life and death at all, although those powerful civilizations understand the truth of death. , but in this case, they are still reluctant to get ahead too early.

The appeasement attitude of a powerful civilization made the Borg even more unscrupulous. At this time, although the Borg have mastered the Titan, to be honest, they only mastered a nearly invincible warship, but they did not rely on it. What kind of tactics did the Titan battleship develop.

So for now, the Borg people don't know how strong this Titan is. They are also testing and training. If at this time, a few powerful civilizations stand up and demand the Borg in an open manner If there is a truce, the Borg will not dare to challenge the entire universe at this time.

But those powerful civilizations don't want to cause trouble on themselves. Although Qin Hao has more intentions,

But not enough power!

You must know that the Interstellar Federation is now completely silver-like pewter. Although they have created a super-civilized posture in front of other civilizations, Qin Hao knows their true strength. Challenge the Interstellar Federation.

Then the Interstellar Federation, which has no real strength, will be left there. At this time, the Interstellar Federation will be subdued, and the image they created before will immediately collapse. If Qin Hao leads the Interstellar Federation fleet to fight, the result will definitely be a violent beating , In the end, not only will the losers have no pants left, but they will also expose their real family background.

So although Qin Hao knew that appeasement was not good at this time, he was powerless to control the life and death of those small and medium civilizations. He could only watch them being swallowed up by the Borg, and finally wandered to the distant unknown universe.

Can't control the life and death of other civilizations, but Qin Hao, who has been transported back to the star core, can supervise the rapid development of human civilization. Because human beings have obtained the ready-made technology and knowledge of other civilizations, they develop extremely fast. Although they want to catch up with the first-class civilization It will take a long time, but at least they have now leveled the gap with higher civilizations.

After handing over all the information to the human scientists, Qin Hao decided to find the queen once. Although the problem of the Titans cannot be solved in a short time, it would be good to add a few more capital ships to the human race.

So Qin Hao fixed his eyes on the queen. Since King Marshall has so much private money, the queen with a longer life must also have some star core collections, right?

Moreover, because the Zerg didn't develop technology at all, the star core should be a mere collection for the Queen of Zerg, so if Qin Hao begged her, maybe he could really ask for it.

After making up his mind, Qin Hao handed over everything at hand, and then set off for his home star in the Orlis galaxy.

This time, Qin Hao didn't even open the spaceship. He jumped to the Orlis galaxy alone by relying on the ability of the eye of the universe.

Because the Queen of Worms was seriously injured, the neighborhood of Homeworld was under martial law by the swarm. Even the humans Qin Hao arranged to practice on Homeworld and the fleet stationed there were asked to evacuate. These people had to evacuate by spaceship. Out of the orbit of the home star, and retreated all the way to the vicinity of the star gate.

"Shua!" With a flash of white light, Qin Hao appeared on the surface of Homeworld.

As soon as he landed, Qin Hao felt the unusual atmosphere on Home Planet—it was a deathly silence!

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