After building the super-giant worm nest, Qin Hao drove the transport ship and threw all the instruments and equipment, as well as the star core as the power source, into it.

"It depends on your control." The worm queen said to Qin Hao.

"Yeah!" Qin Hao nodded, and then directly teleported into the nest.

"Where did he go?" Lucia asked.

"In the worm nest below." The worm queen actually answered Lucia's question.

"Will it be dangerous?" Lucia asked worriedly, after all, the shape of this insect nest is also very hideous.

"Will it be dangerous for you to return to your own home?" The worm queen gave Lucia a white look, and then fell silent.

Lucia stood by the porthole of the transport ship. She stared blankly at the hideous and terrifying shape below. There were exposed insect nests like blood vessels everywhere. She was still very worried about Qin Hao.

At this moment, Qin Hao has entered the nest. To be honest, this is the first time Qin Hao has seen a nest of this size. An advanced hive, but it's not that big either.

After entering the nest, Qin Hao unlocked the gene lock of the nest again, and then began to try to adjust its genetic structure.

Because the Queen of Worms sealed up a large amount of genetic knowledge in Qin Hao's mind before, this knowledge has been kept in a sealed state. Only when Qin Hao thinks and needs to use this knowledge will it be unsealed and presented in Qin Hao's In the sea of ​​consciousness.

All along, Qin Hao seldom touched the gene lock, because from the bottom of his heart, he was still wary of the swarm, or in awe, because only when you truly understand it, can you know how terrifying the swarm is!

Qin Hao is like this, the more he understands the insect queen, the more he understands the insect race, the more he feels the power and terror of the insect race, so under normal circumstances, he rarely touches the gene lock, because it restricts the insect swarm the strongest means.

The gene lock can even be described as a seal imposed by the gods on the Zerg. Once the seal is completely opened, the entire universe will become the territory of the Zerg. No one can stop the Zerg that is not restricted by the gene lock and can evolve infinitely.

Inside the insect nest, with Qin Hao's continuous exploration, more and more genetic knowledge unsealed, and they poured into Qin Hao's mind. Qin Hao used this genetic knowledge to continuously release the super insects. Nest gene lock.

With the lifting of the seals one after another,

The Hive Heart was given more and more authority, and it began to create more and more worker bees. These worker bees were bigger and more violent than the regular worker bees. They began to plunder the resources on the moon base frantically, and Transport them all back to the Super Hive.

Although under Qin Hao's order, dozens of transport ships travel between the moon and the various resource stars of the Interstellar Federation every day, sometimes the resources sent by the transport ships are still not enough for the hive. Will attack other hives on the moon and plunder their resources.

Because Qin Hao is in charge of the Super Nest, Batulu can only suppress the other Nests, and the other Nests can only be plundered by the Super Nests.

As Qin Hao continued to release the genetic restraint, after the Super Nest obtained enough resources, it began to hatch its new Zerg according to the program set by Qin Hao!

That's right, the new capital ship that Qin Hao needs is a new type of worm in the perception of the super worm nest. It is a perfect combination of biological genes and machinery. It is an unprecedented, powerful, Super Zerg!

Killing has become a norm on the moon. Because of the lack of organic substrates, super bug nests can only plunder other bug nests. With the acquiescence of Qin Hao, the master of the bug swarm, almost all bug nests on the moon were killed. When it came to the slaughter, dozens of worm nests were even torn apart by the berserk giant worker bees, and they were brought back to the super worm nest as an organic matrix.

The incubation process of the new capital ship lasted about three months. During this time, a large amount of equipment and minerals were transported to the moon base, and a large amount of organic matter was sent to the moon base. But even so, Batulu Almost all of the old bottoms were consumed. Except for the dozen or so insect nests closest to the Baturu solidification site, the other insect nests on the moon were basically destroyed.

As more and more substances were filled into the super insect nest, the volume of the super insect nest became larger and larger. In the end, it not only occupied an area with a diameter of more than 500 kilometers, but even a height of more than 100 kilometers. kilometer!

On the 118th day before Qin Hao arrived on the moon, the super insect nest suddenly burst open, and it let out a piercing cry of spiritual power, just like a mother's roar during childbirth.

Then a giant battleship with a length of 300 kilometers slowly sailed out from the gap in the worm nest.

This super battleship soon left the orbit of the moon, and then the fleet of the Interstellar Federation sailed away. This fleet is the one that Qin Hao took out before, the one with the Kertu Destroyer-class battleship!

At this moment, Qin Hao was floating in the bridge of the new capital ship with his eyes slightly closed. Because this capital ship is also considered half of the Zerg, Qin Hao, as the master of the swarm, his perception can be directly compared with that of this battleship. Connected, which allows him to completely control this battleship by himself.

Of course, if Qin Hao does not control it himself, a swarm leader can also complete this task, or thousands of well-trained crew members can also control it through the driving system.

"Perfect battleship!" Qin Hao couldn't help but smile.

Because of the semi-Zerg structure of this capital ship, Qin Hao can completely connect with it with his perception, which allows Qin Hao to understand the true performance of this capital ship more intuitively!

In terms of firepower, this Lanculas-class battleship, which was named by the Queen of Worms herself, is actually not outstanding. It can't even bear the title of a battleship, but in terms of functions, it has powerful multi-purpose capabilities.

This ship looks like a giant lobster, a living creature-like battleship. In addition to being equipped with a biological metal shell that is stronger than human biological armor, it is only equipped with 18 heavy pulse guns and Except for ten phase missile launchers and a small number of carrier-based aircraft platforms, it has no other firepower configuration.

In terms of these firepower configurations alone, it is not much stronger than a Gallas Enforcer-class heavy cruiser, and the giant plasma launcher located at the mouth of the lobster is where it shows the majesty of a battleship.

.. m.

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