"!" Elmon nodded, and then directly killed Rodri. He and Rodri were old enemies, and the second arrest had a lot to do with Rodri, so this time it was considered an enemy meeting with special jealousy.

"Be careful, you guys!" Professor Rodri yelled at Qin Hao and the others, and then waved his fists to face Elmon. He was as strong as Elmon, and there was no way to win without fighting for a few hundred rounds.

"You two be careful, I'll help you when I kill Hiram!" Jules took out his short knife and went to fight.

"Haha, you all belong to me!" Xi Wei licked the corner of his mouth excitedly, the circle of reinforced warriors was so large that almost all of the strong knew each other, and only those below D rank would not be remembered.

So Xi Wei saw that Rodri and Jules were blocked by the two older brothers, and there were only a few unnamed people left, that was to bring him food.

"You two stay behind!" The two D-rank enhanced warriors stood in front of Qin Hao and Barney. Although they knew that they might not be Xiwei's opponents, Qin Hao and Barney were obviously not fighters. So they still take on the responsibility of protectors.

"Yo, you still want to be a big-tailed wolf?" Xi Wei sneered, and then threw himself forward. At the same time, his fingers popped out sharp claws that were more than three inches long!

"Shuh..." At the moment when Xi Wei and the two D-level enhanced warriors confronted each other, the three of them passed by, and two bloodstains appeared on the necks of the two D-level enhanced warriors.

"Sucking..." Xi Wei licked the blood on the tip of his paws, his face still smiling.

"Puff...Put..." The corpses of the two D-rank enhanced warriors fell to the ground, a complete instant kill!

"It's over! It's dead!" Barney's face was ashen, he only had E-level, and the direction of strengthening was smell, not strength or speed, so when facing C-level enhanced warriors, he hardly had any resistance. .

"It's amazing..." Qin Hao's brows were also furrowed, and he instinctively sensed the danger.

"Susususu..." Even Qin Hao didn't realize that under the enormous pressure, a unique chemical substance was being released in his body. After these substances were released into his blood, they produced subtle chemical changes. .

If there are Zerg from Alpha star by Qin Hao's side at this time, then these Zerg will definitely crawl in front of Qin Hao, because at this time Qin Hao is exuding the atmosphere of royalty.

"Next, it's you!" Xi Wei looked at Qin Hao and Barney and smiled.

"This is the headquarters, Rodriguez team, what's the matter with you?" At this time, Qin Hao's communication device finally got in touch with the headquarters.

"Barney, come and ask the headquarters for help..." Qin Hao slowly put the communication device on the ground, and Xi Wei was enjoying the fun of playing cats and mice, so he didn't rush to attack Qin Hao and the two. .

"Me? Will he give me a chance to ask for help..." Barney said tremblingly, just two D-levels were killed in an instant, he is an E-level, I'm afraid he will be killed before he even finishes speaking?

"Look at you then!" Qin Hao said without turning his head, for some reason he suddenly felt excited.

"Ha! Rodri, I didn't expect you to be so stubborn!" At this time, Elmon rubbed his shoulder, where a wound was drawn by the spikes of Rodri's glove, and blood flowed out.

"You're not too bad!" There was also a trace of blood on Rodri's mouth, and it seemed that neither of them took advantage.

"Humph! Rodri, although we can't decide the winner or loser, but your men will soon be dead. When the three of us strike together, you will surely die today!" Elmon began to adopt psychological tactics, but his words It is indeed reasonable, Xi Wei can quickly deal with those low-level enhanced warriors, and after he cooperates with Hiram to deal with Jules, then Rodri will definitely not be able to stop the siege of the three brothers.

"Humph!" Rodri snorted coldly, and then shot again. He also understood the current situation in his heart, but what could he do?

The only thing I can count on now is that he or Jules can solve the opponent as soon as possible, otherwise, his team will really be wiped out today.

"How is it? Have you explained your last words?" Xi Wei was still calm.

"Humph! It's not certain who will die!" Qin Hao sneered. If you look closely, you will find that Qin Hao's eyes are already glowing with blue light. If you don't know, they think Qin Hao is European. ancestry.

"Boy, you have to pay the price for your arrogance!" Xi Wei had had enough fun playing cat and mouse, and he decided to take action to solve the trouble. As I said before, this is the earth, the territory of "Twilight", if the delay is delayed It's been too long, and the enemy's reinforcements have arrived.

"Shhh!" Xi Wei's speed is as fast as lightning. He strengthens the genes of the wolf clan. Not only has his strength and speed been greatly improved, but he has also grown sharp claws. When he is injured, he can stimulate twice as much. The combat power is a powerful and mainstream gene enhancement direction.

When Xiwei rushed towards Qin Hao, an extremely dangerous feeling filled Qin Hao's heart. Under the pressure of death, Qin Hao's adrenaline began to secrete frantically again. After several desperate battles, Qin Hao It is increasingly possible to master this skill proactively. As long as he feels enough threat, he can increase his strength in a short period of time in this way.

Qin Hao quickly took out the worm-bone dagger from his calf. He carried this weapon with him, and now it really came in handy!

"Ding!" Qin Hao's worm-bone dagger and wolf claws collided, splashing countless sparks. Although Qin Hao's strength after being strengthened by the worm's blood was far superior to that of ordinary people, he was still forced back by the rushing Xi Wei. two steps.

"So strong!" Qin Hao took a deep breath, then raised his dagger to fight with Xi Wei.

"How is that possible?! How could an F-rank enhancer actually compete with a C-rank expert?" Barney behind Qin Hao was dumbfounded, but fortunately he reacted quickly enough to recover from the shock after a while, and then immediately communicated through the communication to the headquarters for help.

"Two times, it seems that I have to get serious!" Xi Wei's face was almost pressed against Qin Hao's, his wolf claws were on Qin Hao's dagger, and the two were wrestling.

"Humph!" Qin Hao snorted coldly. He knew that he didn't have much time. Once the adrenaline time passed, he would almost certainly be killed by Xiwei. Hao had to deal with his opponent quickly.

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