Sure enough, as soon as General Pol's boat landed on the surface of Balalunse, it was surrounded by a large number of military police. As soon as General Pol stepped out of the landing craft, he was immediately arrested.

Reporting to the parliament and stating the course of the war are all deceitful nonsense. General Boer is well aware of this, so facing the military police who came to arrest him, General Boer behaved very calmly.

After being escorted to the car, General Bohr was not sent directly to the parliament, but was locked in the most heavily guarded prison in Capital Star.

For his own safety, General Pohl is still very at ease. What those politicians need is a scapegoat. If he dies, the plans of the politicians will not be perfect. Persecuted heroes.

And this kind of situation is impossible for the politicians to accept, so they have to ask General Bohr to accept the public trial and plead guilty in the public trial. ,

As for how to get Bohr to cooperate, politicians have a lot of ways. After all, Bohr is not completely alone. He has family, friends, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers who cannot land in space and have been locked up!

Once this person has someone he cares about, then he has a weakness, and it is not difficult at all to make him succumb.

After twenty-four hours of being held without food and drink, a politician, his childhood friend Narud, finally came to see General Pohl.

"Hey! Dude, long time no see..." Narud sighed. He has a good personal relationship with Bohr. He didn't want to come on this errand today, but other politicians think he has a good relationship with Bohr. So they unanimously asked him to come, and Narud had no choice.

"Hehe..." Bohr gave a wry smile.

"You should be clear about the purpose of my visit." Because of his good personal relationship, Narud didn't keep it secret.

"Okay, you don't need to hide, make arrangements, I will cooperate." Bohr nodded, the parasite has explained to him, he just needs to cooperate with the arrangements of the politicians, and the parasite will be responsible for the coup , what he has to do now is to actively cooperate and avoid the pain of flesh and blood.

"You figured it out so quickly?" Narud asked in surprise. He thought he would spend a lot of time talking, but he didn't expect that Bohr nodded before he even opened his mouth.

"I figured it out on the way back, the reason I surrendered was because I didn't want those poor children to die with me.

"Pohl smiled wryly.

"Hey! You are so naive... In this world, good people don't live long..." Narud sighed. He actually sympathized with Boer, but sympathy belongs to him. He also has his own family and friends, and has his own official career. He will not ruin his future just because he sympathizes with this childhood friend. Therefore, although he sympathizes with Boer, Narud will not help him, and he will even help him if necessary. It will be worse...

Politicians are very real creatures, and camaraderie is a real luxury for them.

After confirming Polken's cooperation, Narud did not waste too much time in prison, and he quickly ended his meeting with Polken.

Bohr’s cooperation was very effective. After Narud left, Bohr got a very sumptuous dinner, and even the prison side gave him a new cell. The place where Bohr was before was a There is only a small cubicle room of four or five square meters, except for the bed board embedded in the wall, there is a toilet, and there is nothing else.

But now it is completely different. The environment here is basically comparable to that of a star-rated hotel. Obviously, Narud and others are also implying that Bohr is dead, but if he cooperates, he can live well before he dies. Comfortable, if he doesn't cooperate, then he may wish to die quickly!

On the one hand, it was like a vacation for Pole in prison, but on the other side, changes began to appear in the landing craft that Pole was on before.

"Puff..." With a soft sound, an insect egg burst in the gap in the engine compartment of the landing craft, and a worker bee crawled out of it.

At this time, the landing craft was docked inside the hangar platform, because after Ball went down, he had already been searched, so there was no one guarding an empty landing craft here.

After the worker bees hatched, they began to accumulate energy and built a small nest in the landing craft.

After the small insect nest was completed, the eggs began to be bred, and then one by one offerings were hatched in the landing craft.

When the number of worker bees reached ten, they used their sharp giant pincers to break through the belly armor of the landing craft, and dug a large hole in the alloy ground. However, because of the cover of the landing craft, the surveillance inside the apron could not see anything. .

After successfully entering the ground, the worker bees seemed to be returning home. They quickly left the airport by digging holes, and then dug a huge underground space nearby, and built several small insect nests here.

As more and more worker bees were hatched, they also began to quietly collect resources. Various metal substances, plant roots, and creatures living underneath were all the targets of the worker bees.

As the worker bees send resources back to the nest, more Zerg arms are quietly hatching...

Under the ground, the insect swarm was moving quietly. Above the ground, the ten parasites were not idle. They quickly selected their targets, and then looked for an opportunity to complete the parasite.

In just over ten hours, the commander of the airport on Balalun Xerxing, several key officers of the ground defense system, and several technicians were all controlled by the parasite.

It's just that the appearance of these people is the same as usual, so no one noticed at all!

After Bohr spent a good day in prison, a prison guard came to inform him: "General, let me inform you that you will have a public trial in a court-martial tomorrow, and the trial process will be broadcast live across the country. "

"Well! I see." Bohr nodded.

"Let me remind you, say what should be said, and don't say what should not be said, or you will know the consequences yourself." The prison guard said to Boer. Although Boer expressed his cooperation, tomorrow's trial will be broadcast live. In case he It is difficult for politicians to end up talking nonsense.

But just in case, although tomorrow's trial is said to be broadcast live, there is a three-second delay. These three seconds are enough for the TV stations controlled by politicians to react when something unexpected happens. Bohr's stand-in also set up an environment exactly like the real trial scene. If Bohr didn't cooperate, they could immediately switch the signal and let the actors do everything!

Although there may be some mistakes in that way, it is better than letting Boer talk nonsense.

Although a lot of preparations are required, the politicians are extremely efficient at this time, because the fleet of the Interstellar Federation has already directed their troops at the Balalun color star, and their time is running out. Er's head, and then organized the evacuation.

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