Nat and his five capital ships reached the edge of the planet's gravity well without any hesitation, and then left without hesitation. Only those conventional battleships remained as fish on the chopping board of the Interstellar Federation.

After losing the support of capital ships, the combat capability of conventional warships has been greatly weakened, and at this time the fleet of the Trade Union has also lost its unified command. These thousands of warships and millions of Trade Union soldiers have become slaves. Abandoned wretch.

They can only be slaughtered by the Interstellar Federation Fleet, and they are not even qualified to surrender in the face of alien civilizations...

Thousands of spaceships and millions of soldiers were slaughtered in just a few hours, and Qin Hao had no losses at all. His powerful ship repair ability allowed him to rush to the front line. The Gallas law enforcers are constantly repairing themselves, and the Trade Federation warships that have lost their unified command cannot form a fatal blow to them.

Finally, seven hours later, the last Trade Alliance warship was destroyed, all the Trade Alliance soldiers failed to escape from the battlefield, and all their rescue capsules were shot down!

"Hurry up and clean up the battlefield, and then prepare to evacuate!" Qin Hao gave the order.

Under Qin Hao's order, many engineering ships were released from the strategic transport ship. These ships were about the same size as scout ships. Their mission was to recover the wreckage of those warships, and then put these Metallic materials are reprocessed into biometals, which are then used to replenish and repair the Federation's warships.

Ships with body reorganization capabilities like Galas Law Enforcer and Lavasa Fighter carry a large amount of spare metal inside. Otherwise, when the body reorganization ability is activated, they can only dismantle those secondary However, since it is installed on the ship, it is useful, and dismantling is only an emergency measure for the ship.

Therefore, in a non-combat state, ships such as the Lavasa Fighter and the Gallas Law Enforcer need to replenish biometals for storage.

About five hours later, the strategic transport ship recalled all the engineering ships working outside, and then prepared to evacuate together with other warships.

"Generalissimo, we found four enemy scout ships jumping towards us!" Just as Qin Hao and the others were about to evacuate, Tukhachev, another human commander under Qin Hao, suddenly reported.

"Four ships? Don't worry about them, just move on to the next target." Qin Hao nodded.

"Yes! Generalissimo!" Tukhachev nodded, and then continued to organize the fleet to move to the next target. This time he was the pioneer who opened the way.

"Tuva, leave a thousand whippers behind and let them deal with the incoming enemy scout ships!" After Qin Hao replied to Tukhachev, he connected with the solidified battleship Lankulas through his mind. said the swarm leader.

"As you wish, my king!" After receiving the order, Tuva immediately released a thousand whippers. After leaving the battleship, these whippers went straight to the jump escape point of those scout ships, and went dormant there.

Just wait for those scout ships to escape from the phase space, these little bugs who are good at self-destruct attacks will be awakened, and then they will pull those scout ships to die together.

After about an hour of preparation, Qin Hao's fleet slowly entered the transition state. As the transition engine blasted the phase barrier, the warships of the Interstellar Federation disappeared on the edge of the planet's gravity well. Move on to the next goal.

About an hour later,

The four Masonic reconnaissance ships escaped from the phase space. They arrived at the previous battlefield, but before they started collecting information on the battlefield, they were surrounded by hundreds of whippers.

"Boom, boom, boom..." In bursts of violent explosions, these four reconnaissance ships with weak defenses were instantly destroyed, and they didn't even have time to send a message to their own fleet that they were attacked.


"General! The signal of the reconnaissance ship has disappeared..." At the same time, the intelligence officer also reported the news of the destruction of the reconnaissance ship to the Masonic commander Taritov.

"Did these scout ships send back any information before they were destroyed?" Tarituff asked.

"No, they were destroyed the moment they completed the transition." The intelligence officer replied.

"It seems that the opponent has phase radar technology far superior to ours, and can accurately lock the phase exit point!" Although the scout ship did not send back any information, as a senior fleet commander, Taritov still saw something different from it. little information.

"My lord, shall we continue to support?" the adjutant asked on behalf of the other commanders of the fleet.

"Have you contacted the fleet of the Trade Federation?" Tarituff asked.

"Contacting!" the communications officer replied.


About five minutes later, the voice of the intelligence officer came: "General, we have contacted the Trade Alliance fleet, and the communication system of the other party's flagship is intact!"

"Take it!" Tarituff nodded.

"Yes!" The communications officer immediately cut the signal.

"General Nat! How is your fleet? Has it been attacked by the Interstellar Federation fleet?" Tarituff asked immediately.

"He...they...they are too strong...we are no match at all..." At this time Nat was already frightened, he had never seen such an invincible fleet...

"How is your fleet?" Tarituff asked again.

"It's's all gone..." Nat said with a sad face.

"What?!" Taritov's eyes widened.

"Except for our five capital ships that escaped, the other spaceships are all gone... The Star Federation Fleet is like a demon, they are invincible... Let's evacuate as soon as possible..." Nat was completely frightened at this time I broke my nerve.

"Trash!" Tarituff finally couldn't help but cursed out.

For a long time, although Tarituff looked down on Nat, the second-generation general who came here for gold plating, he had always maintained basic courtesy to him, but now he finally couldn't stand it anymore.

How long has it been since the Trade Alliance fleet left? If it is really counted, it is impossible for them to fight the Interstellar Federation Fleet for more than fifteen hours, but in such a short time, Nat lost seven thousand conventional warships!

If he didn't know Nat's identity, Tarituff would have suspected that Nat was an undercover agent of the Star Federation!

That's seven thousand warships! Putting it there as a target would take about ten hours, right? What's more, Nat also has five capital ships. With the cooperation of these capital ships, seven thousand conventional warships can fully exert double the combat effectiveness, but what? He actually buried all these warships in just a dozen hours!

:. :

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