Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1380: Crashing and sinking the main force

Under the orders of these captains, the crew members on those warships also realized the seriousness of the problem. They used their expertise one after another, cut off the data link with the flagship according to the captain's instructions, and then closed the The central control system of the ship was disabled, and the ship was completely restored to manual mode.

Although in the purely manual mode, the working efficiency of the ship will be reduced by more than half, but it is still better than being controlled by someone to die!

At the same time, these Masonic warships also sent messages to the fleets of the Blood Raider Alliance and the Gemini Star Empire in an attempt to explain everything to them.

But it’s too late to say anything at this time. Both sides lost a lot of warships in the confrontation just now, and hundreds of thousands of naval officers and soldiers died in battle. Such a large casualty is enough to make everyone popular. Eyes, you said it was a misunderstanding at this time, isn't that nonsense?

Seeing that the situation was out of control, the captains of many Masonic warships tried to control the warships to evacuate from the battlefield. However, because pure manual control was required, even if the crew were very skilled, the actions of the warships were very slow.

And at this time, the fleet of the Interstellar Federation also rushed to the battlefield.

"Fire! Concentrate on attacking the enemy's warships on both wings!" Hu Ke succeeded Qin Hao as the fleet's temporary commander.

Hesitantly, the Masonic Fleet, which is located in the center of the enemy fleet, is already in a half-disabled state at this time. They cannot pose any threat at all, so Hu Ke did not waste too much firepower on them, but let the fleet Hit the fleet attacking the Gemini Empire and the Blood Raider Alliance.

"Grandma! It seems that I can't leave today! Activate the super weapon and fight with the guys from the Interstellar Federation!" The commander of the Blood Raider Alliance is also a ruthless character. He quickly analyzed the situation on the battlefield. The alliance's fleet was strangled together, and it was almost impossible for the ships to reorient and withdraw from the battlefield.

And the fleet of the Interstellar Federation intervened in the battlefield at this time, and they had no possibility of escape. At this time, he had no choice but to desperately.

So the commander of the Blood Raider Alliance Fleet immediately ordered that all capital ships start to charge their super weapons, ready to fight the Star Federation Fleet desperately.

"So ruthless? Just zoom in when you come up?" Qin Hao was also taken aback by Taritov's miracle. Although the outcome of this battle has been determined, if the five capital ships of the Blood Raider Alliance are allowed to act recklessly Using super weapons, the fleet of the Star Federation will definitely suffer losses.

After all, apart from conventional warships like the Gallas Law Enforcer, other types of conventional warships, even the Lavasa Fighter, which also performs melee missions, cannot withstand the super weapon bombardment of the capital ship.

"Order the battleships on the left wing to turn off their weapon systems, and supply all the energy to the conventional power engines, so that these warships can run at full speed and crash into the enemy's capital ship." Qin Hao issued an order to the command system again.

At this time, although many warships under the Freemasonry have regained control at all costs, there are still many warships still under the control of the flagship.

You must know that the Masonic fleet is the largest in the Triple Alliance. They dispatched seven capital ships this time, and there are tens of thousands of other warships of various types. Therefore, although most of the warships have regained control at this time, they are still Many warships are still under the control of flagships for various reasons.

Under Qin Hao's order, hundreds of Masonic warships turned off their weapon systems. They opened up at full speed and rammed into the five capital ships of the Blood Raiders Alliance.

"My lord, it's not good! Hundreds of Masonic battleships suddenly rushed towards us at full speed!" The radar officer of the Blood Raider Alliance soon discovered the abnormality.

"Damn! Are they crazy?" The commander of the Blood Raiders Alliance was taken aback.

You must know that the fleet of the Three Kingdoms Alliance was next to each other when they were marching, so the distance was not very far. These warships rushed over frantically, and there was not much reaction time for the fleet of the Blood Raider Alliance.

"Destroy them! Quick! Destroy them!" The commander of the Blood Raider Alliance didn't care about launching super weapons at the Star Federation fleet at this time.

Although the defense of the capital ship is extremely strong, even if it is fired by the fleet, it can last for a long time, but the impact of the ship is different. It can only defend against high-speed incoming energy weapons and physical collisions. Although the speed of the battleship is already very fast, as long as it slows down before touching the shield, it can avoid the defense of the shield. Can cause huge damage.

If a battleship-class ship is hit by a dozen frigates, there is basically no hope of survival. If there are cruiser-class spaceships among them, it may only take a few ships to sink the battleship. .

It's just that because fleets confront each other, they usually shoot at super long distances. The enemy's frigates or cruisers rarely have the opportunity to get close to their own capital ships, so the attack method of hitting is rare.

But now the fleets of the Triple Alliance are themselves intertwined, which gives the Masonic ships the opportunity to ram the capital ships of the Blood Raiders.

"Boom boom boom..." The ships of the Blood Raider Alliance quickly adjusted their targets, and they frantically attacked these Masonic ships approaching at high speed, but because the Masonic ships used all their energy It's all supplied to the shields and engines, so it's not that easy to destroy them.

If hundreds of missiles are coming, it is really easy to intercept them, but these are hundreds of warships. If you want to destroy them in an instant, unless you use phase missiles that ignore shields to attack like the Interstellar Federation, otherwise, it will be very difficult. It is difficult to achieve the desired effect in a short period of time.

Seeing that the ships of the Freemasonry were approaching, the commander of the Blood Raiders Alliance was really a character. He immediately forcibly took over the frigates near the capital ship, and then let them face the battleships of the Assault Society. .

"Boom boom boom..." Under the collision of battleships and battleships, there is no winner or loser. The two battleships sank completely under the fire. This kind of collision will cause a violent explosion, which will cause the rescue cabin to fail. After the launch, tens of thousands of marines were buried in the void of the universe along with the battleships.

Violent collisions happened continuously, but the interception was impossible to achieve 100% after all. Although hundreds of Masonic warships were intercepted by more than 90%, there were still more than 30 warships that rushed through the blockade, straight crashed into the capital ship of the Blood Raiders Alliance.

"Boom..." A frigate collided with the port side of a capital ship of the Blood Raiders Alliance, and immediately disintegrated and exploded, and the capital ship of the Blood Raiders Alliance was also knocked out of a huge gap.

"Boom boom boom..." followed by the second ship, and the third ship...

A total of twelve frigates collided with this capital ship. Although it was huge in size and strong in defense, the capital ship finally couldn't hold it anymore. trash in space...

. Miaoshuwu

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