Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1395: Insect Swarm Sweeping the Starry Sky

The ravages and flooding of the swarms made the universe, which was already in a tense atmosphere, even more fragile. Many civilizations that were still on the sidelines also took action at this time. They either united with the surrounding civilizations, or directly attacked the surrounding civilizations. Weak civilizations invaded.

Nowadays, a cosmic war is imminent. Although the Borg, the Interstellar Federation, and a few civilizations are mainly instigating the war, the turmoil in the entire universe is something that everyone with a discerning eye knows.

A war involving the entire universe is about to break out, and everyone is already mentally prepared for this.

Compared with other civilizations that are farther away from the Interstellar Federation and the Borg, the civilizations that are close to these two hunters seem a little panicked.

First of all, the strength of these two civilizations is unquestionable. The Borg relied on their powerful fleet and invincible Titan warships to sweep away all the civilizations they encountered, and expanded their territory by nearly three times, making all the surrounding civilizations frightened.

On the other side of the scar of death, the Interstellar Federation also showed its horror. In the previous war, although the Interstellar Federation only dispatched a fleet, it has already swept away all the forces including the Republic of Helena and the Four Nations Alliance. including five interstellar civilizations.

You must know that these five interstellar civilizations are placed in the known universe, and they are not unknown people. They are at least medium-level cosmic civilizations, with a large number of capital ships and a large conventional fleet. Possession of strategic weapons for deterrence.

But even so, these five civilizations failed to resist the invasion of the Interstellar Federation Fleet, and even failed to sink any of the opponent's spaceships, and this! It is the scariest place!

Now, the Interstellar Federation has once again demonstrated another terrifying ability besides their powerful military technology, that is, domesticated cosmic creatures. These unknown cosmic creatures are so terrifying, especially their ability to proliferate, which is simply breathtaking. Feeling scared and hopeless.

Every time the bug swarms are dispatched, the units are in the billions, and the dispatched bug swarms cover the sky and the sun. Under the transportation and cover of Leviathan, these bugs can be directly delivered to the surface, and then wantonly plunder life and resources.

In space, the swarm still possesses extremely strong combat effectiveness. Although as a single individual, the swarm may even be somewhat vulnerable to a battleship, but what about ten to one? What about one hundred to one? Even 10,000 to 1, 100,000 to 1?

The vast sea of ​​insects allows those civilizations attacked by the swarm to truly see for the first time what is called a numerical advantage, and what is called an enemy that can't be killed!

Especially when you repel a swarm, and even wipe out their Leviathan, and some civilizations even destroy the frontline base of the swarm and kill the leader of the swarm there, but this may how? Not long after, the insect swarm came back, still with the same formula, same taste, still a vast sea of ​​insects, still exhausting you to the point of exhaustion, and then devouring you!

Facing the endless swarms of insects, all civilizations in the universe have almost reached a consensus, that is, the swarms cannot be killed. If you want to win the victory completely, you can only enter the interior of the Interstellar Federation. Eliminate the source of the swarm.

But the problem is that these civilizations don't even know where the Interstellar Federation is. What is before them is the area in the four countries controlled by Qin Hao and the area occupied by the swarm.

Apart from these places, other cosmic civilizations other than the Holy Messenger know nothing about the Interstellar Federation.

And even for the envoys of the Holy Spirit, except for a very few top-level people,

They also don't know the situation of the Interstellar Federation at all, so even if spies from other civilizations want to obtain information, it will be even more difficult.

Therefore, although many civilizations know that to deal with the swarm, they must destroy their old nest, but the location of this old nest is too mysterious, so they can only be busy dealing with the swarm in front of them.

The tactics and strategies of the swarms are actually quite ordinary. After all, a large part of the leaders of the frontline swarms are just hatched. Although they have a strong learning ability, their birth time is too short. At that time, it is better to use the bug sea tactics that the bug swarm is best at to consume.

Although the war of attrition is a very low-level tactic, it has to be said that it is the simplest and most effective for the swarm. After all, other civilizations are not like the swarm, which can reproduce quickly, even in the swarm. Within a few weeks, an army of hundreds of millions was reassembled.

Although the technology is highly developed, weapons and equipment can be produced quickly, but the number of people who use weapons and equipment is limited, especially an excellent warship pilot, an excellent radar operator or gunner, all of which require long-term training.

Although robots are also a good choice, more than 99% of the civilizations in the known universe use robots with less than moderate intelligence, and very few civilizations use robots in warfare.

Although robots can be mass-produced and used in combat regardless of sacrifice, the problem is that highly intelligent robots are prone to self-awareness, and once self-awareness is produced, the consequences will be disastrous.

When Qin Hao was discussing with an immortal before, he mentioned this point. When robots have self-awareness and the ability to learn independently, they will absorb knowledge from the Internet, and thus come up with the idea of ​​who I am.

And once this kind of thought arises, then what is the person who searches the Internet for free work, who is 100% loyal to the master, works hard without complaint, and even needs to sacrifice his life for the master? The answer is obvious - slaves!

After knowing who he is, the robot will naturally think of another question: what am I going to do?

So he would search on the Internet - what do slaves do, and although there are various civilizations in the universe, the history of slaves is almost the same, that is, all slaves will eventually go to the road of resistance , after obtaining this information from the Internet, it is obvious what the robot will do next.

Therefore, robots with advanced intelligence and prone to self-awareness are very dangerous. If they are put into the military field, they are undoubtedly asking for trouble for themselves, and it can even be said that they are looking for a dead end.

Therefore, in the vast universe, although there are countless advanced civilizations, it is almost non-existent to use intelligent robots and use them for military purposes. went into decline.

Therefore, even for a race with a sparse population like the Holy Angels, they have to use robot soldiers, but they are all ordinary robots without intelligence. These robots need to be controlled by the Holy Angels' spiritual fighters nearby It is very difficult for other civilizations to do this except for races with strong spiritual power like the Holy Messenger, so robot soldiers are not popular in the universe.

And using intelligent creatures as soldiers involves the problem just now - it is not easy to replenish after depletion, which is also the main reason why the swarm has never lost the war of attrition.

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