"Are you here?" The queen seemed to have expected Qin Hao's sudden visit.

"Yes, master." Qin Hao saluted the queen respectfully.

"Did King Marshall look for you?" The worm queen asked indifferently. Although she was using Lucia's body at this time, and her baby face made her tone seem inconsistent, Qin Hao didn't dare to say anything. Not the slightest snub.

"Yes!" Qin Hao nodded again.

"What did he tell you?" the Queen asked.

"He hopes to reconcile with you, Master through me." Qin Hao then relayed King Marshall's words.

"Is it reconciliation again?" The worm queen smiled.

"Master, according to what you mean, King Marshall once reconciled with you?" Qin Hao was taken aback.

"No..." The worm queen shook her head.

"Then you just..." Qin Hao was even more puzzled.

"Although I have not reached reconciliation with King Marshall, I have reached reconciliation with his two previous leaders of the death messenger." The queen sneered, and then told Qin Hao about an old story.

It turned out that the Queen of Worms had reached a settlement with the two predecessors of King Marshall before, but the result was obvious. The conflict between the Angel of Death and the Immortal was irreconcilable. After each settlement, although the Queen of Worms could coexist peacefully with the Temple of Death for a while, But when the old leader dies and the new leader succeeds, they will tear up the agreement without any accidents, and then restart the hunt for the queen.

For this, the queen has long been accustomed to it, so when King Marshall proposed a settlement, she didn't react at all.

"After so many years, the Temple of Death is still nothing new..." The Queen of Worms said in a disdainful tone.

"Uh..." Qin Hao suddenly didn't know how to answer this question. On the one hand, he was refusing to answer the death temple. She has already killed the two leaders of the death messengers, and the current King Marshall is about the same. In two or three thousand years, his end will come. As for the queen, look at this posture, she can almost see the destruction of the universe. that day.

"Then... Master, what do you mean?" Qin Hao asked with some embarrassment.

"Since he wants to reconcile, let's reconcile." The Queen of Worms said casually, as if she didn't mind the Temple of Death's back-and-forth at all.

"Master, why don't you ask King Marshall if he is sincere?" Qin Hao asked.

"It doesn't matter. If it's good for you, you can keep it. If it's not good for you, forget it. I don't care." The queen said casually.

For a moment, Qin Hao seemed to understand something. The Queen of Worms seemed to have never paid attention to the Temple of Death. The Messenger of Death, King Marshall, these Human Queens seemed to have never paid attention to them at all.

Even if the queen was ambushed this time, and King Marshall's power of time hurt her, the queen still didn't take them seriously. It seemed that in the eyes of the queen, King Marshall and the messengers of death were just like a group of ants. I was accidentally bitten by an ant, but it was fine if I was trampled to death at the time. If I didn't trample to death at the time, it is unlikely that I will specifically retaliate later.

"It seems that the enemies Master has been avoiding all along are really not King Marshall and the messenger of death..." Qin Hao thought to himself.

Even Qin Hao had some doubts. The reason why the Queen of Worms exchanged bodies with Lucia was not entirely to fight against the power of time in her body. This seemed to be just an excuse for her. There is no way to ask the queen, so I can only put it aside for the time being.

"Disciple understands!" After thinking of this, Qin Hao nodded to the queen, and then asked again: "Master, I have begun to destroy other higher civilizations according to your instructions. Almost twenty."

"Well! Then you continue to work hard.

"The queen said lightly, as if she wasn't very interested in this either.

"Master, isn't it your request to eliminate 30 civilizations? This has been completed more than half, and you don't seem to be very interested..." Qin Hao asked suspiciously.

"Oh? Have I made such a request? It seems to be true, then you can continue to implement it." The queen said with a dazed look.

"No..." Qin Hao frowned, the queen of insects is a Zerg race, and she also has the ability of photographic memory, so it is impossible to forget things, but logically speaking, there is no need for the queen of insects to deceive Qin Hao, if She didn't want Qin Hao to know, she just avoided answering, and it was impossible for Qin Hao to ask, so why did she put on such an air?

Although he had some doubts in his heart, Qin Hao didn't dare to ask directly.

"By the way, I'm going to take Lucia away for a while recently. You can make up your own mind if you have any problems." The Queen of Worms suddenly said to Qin Hao.

"Leave? Master, where are you going?" Qin Hao asked.

"You don't need to worry about this, but don't worry, I will bring Lucia back intact." The queen said with a smile.

"Yes..." After the queen said that, Qin Hao didn't dare to ask any more questions, and then he looked at the queen, hesitant to speak.

"Do you have any questions?" asked the Queen.

"Master..." Qin Hao hesitated for a moment, and then asked the queen: "How much do you know about the prophecy of the elemental family?"

"The prophecy of the elemental family?" the queen repeated, and then fell into deep thought.

After a long time, the Queen of Worms asked Qin Hao, "Why did you suddenly ask this?"

"It's like this. Recently, a woman from the wind element family found me and claimed that I was the chosen one." Qin Hao said truthfully. He was skeptical about the prophecy of the element family at first, but later even King Marshall They all expressed their belief, which made him a little confused.

About this prophecy, even the Elemental Race themselves couldn't tell clearly, so if Qin Hao wanted to know the answer, the Queen of Worms was almost the only one who could know the details, because she was the only one who lived long enough.

"Hehe, it seems that you already know..." The Queen of Worms suddenly laughed.

"Ah?!" Qin Hao looked blank.

"The people of the elemental family are right, you are indeed the chosen one." The queen said with a smile.

"Master, do you also think that prophecy is true? Then what does I, the Chosen One, mean?" Qin Hao asked.

"The prophecy is true, and I already knew that you are the chosen one in the prophecy, otherwise, you would have died on Planet Alpha!" the queen said without hesitation.

"Master, do you accept me as my disciple because I am the chosen one?" Qin Hao asked.

"Otherwise?" the worm queen asked.

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