Out of caution, Qin Hao returned to the small town before. He didn't want to take too many risks before he understood the world clearly. After all, it was a matter of his life.

Qin Hao doesn't want to cause trouble, but trouble doesn't seem to be willing to give up on him. Qin Hao has just returned to the town, and when the butcher is about to laugh at him, a red light in the distance goes straight to the town. Come!

"Damn it!" Qin Hao swears straight away. Although he has lost all his strength now and cannot judge the strength of the master of the red light, judging from the momentum of the battle just now, if this guy falls in the middle of the town, there will definitely be someone here. was razed to the ground.

Seeing that the red light is about to arrive, Qin Hao is just an ordinary person at this time, he can't resist the energy impact when the other party arrives.

Fortunately, Qin Hao was quick-witted at this time, he saw a well beside him at a glance, and without any hesitation, Qin Hao plunged into it.

"Boom!" Qin Hao plunged headlong into the water. This well seemed to be a main source of water in the town. It was very deep, and Qin Hao didn't hit the bottom when he fell.

Holding back his breath, Qin Hao swam to the depths of the water. Although he didn't know if this body could swim, Qin Hao knew it before, so it wasn't difficult for him to take a plunge. .

The cold well water stimulated Qin Hao's nerves, making him extra sober at this moment.

"I have to find a way to become stronger in this world. To become stronger at all costs, to survive in this world as an ant is simply too difficult!" Qin Hao set a goal for himself in his heart.

Although the goal has been achieved, it is not easy to achieve it. As an ordinary person, no matter what era it is, it is not easy to become stronger.

But for Qin Hao at this time, becoming stronger is not the top priority, what he needs now is to survive!

"Boom..." There was a violent shock, even in the water, Qin Hao was almost knocked out.

Forcibly biting the tip of his tongue, Qin Hao woke himself up, because he was in the water at this time, if he was really fainted, then he was just an ordinary person, but he would be drowned!

At this moment, although Qin Hao is still stabbing down desperately, he already feels that his lungs are about to explode, because this body is just an ordinary frail scholar, and holding his breath underwater for a long time is not what he is good at. .

But at this time, Qin Hao also did not dare to raise his head, because not only did the violent shock not stop,

Moreover, a sense of danger approached his heart. Qin Hao had a premonition that as long as he dared to go up, he would be dead!

In desperation, resisting the pain of bursting his chest, Qin Hao continued to dive to the bottom of the well.

Suddenly, Qin Hao found a ray of light appeared in front of his eyes. You must know that he was at the bottom of the well at this time, and what happened above the wellhead at this time, the light was no longer coming in, and the water was pitch black. .

Following the light, Qin Hao touched down, and suddenly, his palm touched the sand and mud at the bottom of the well.

"Is it the end?" Qin Hao thought to himself, and at the same time he stretched out his hand to touch the glowing thing.

"Ah!" Suddenly, a heart-piercing pain came from Qin Hao's fingertips. As the saying goes, ten fingers connect to the heart. This kind of pain made Qin Hao unable to help but scream out.

You must know that Qin Hao is at the bottom of the well at this time, and the well water around him is icy cold, and even near the bottom of the well, it is a little cloudy because of his activities. The most terrible thing is that Qin Hao's lungs are suffocating at this time It exploded!

So when he opened his mouth, a mouthful of cold well water poured in, and then he got out of hand!

"No! You will definitely be choked to death!" Qin Hao is very clear about his situation at this time, but his current body is not as good as in reality. This ordinary person's body is difficult to control accurately. He wants to close the body at this time. mouth, trying to catch his breath again, but simply couldn't.

A mouthful of cold and turbid well water was choked directly from his nose into his lungs. The severe pain made Qin Hao's life almost worse than death. If he hadn't experienced too many inhuman tortures before and his own willpower was strong enough, at this time Qin Hao must have fainted, and then completely drowned in this well.

Qin Hao, whose brain was still awake, realized that he could no longer hold his breath forcibly at this time, so he just controlled himself to adjust his posture, and then kicked his feet down hard, and the whole person rushed to the surface of the water.

Although Qin Hao's sixth sense told him just now that he would die if he went up, but at this time he would die if he didn't go up, so he couldn't care less!

Because of the choking of water in his lungs, Qin Hao felt a burning pain in his lungs at this moment, and his eyes were already staring.

"Wow!" With the sound of water, Qin Hao got out of the water.

"Cough cough cough..." Qin Hao coughed frantically, and at the same time spit out the well water he had swallowed frantically.

Although he was dizzy and couldn't see his surroundings clearly, one thing Qin Hao could be sure of was that the water level was wrong!

He just dived for at least ten meters, but just now he floated up two or three meters at most, but he has already breathed air! This is not right!

It took about three to five minutes for Qin Hao to recover a bit. Although his chest was still in pain, at least his vision had recovered from blurry to clear.

At this time, the scene in front of Qin Hao is completely different from before. He is now in a corner at the bottom of a large pit, and the top of his head is at least ten meters vertically from the horizon. It disappeared and was replaced by this huge pit.

Obviously, the impact brought by that red light caused the town not only to be razed to the ground, but also to be hit out of a big hole. If the well Qin Hao jumped into was not deep enough, he might have followed the small town at this time. The town was buried together!

Looking down, Qin Hao found that the deep well he was in was just a small hole at the bottom of the big pit, and the surrounding area was wet. Obviously, this was caused by the spraying of well water when the impact destroyed the upper half of the deep well.

"Fortunately!" Qin Hao sat paralyzed by the well. He was about to collapse at this moment. The physical fitness of this frail scholar was really poor. To be able to survive this disaster basically depended on luck. .

Because it was just an ordinary person's body, Qin Hao couldn't perceive the situation outside the pit. He could only listen with his ears, and it seemed that the situation had calmed down.

After waiting for a long time, Qin Hao climbed up from the bottom of the big pit with difficulty, and then he found that there was nothing left around, and the small town no longer existed...

"No wonder the common people are so dissatisfied with these gods..." Qin Hao sighed. The gods fought with the mortals and suffered. They didn't provoke anyone or provoke anyone. The whole town was wiped out. It would be strange if the common people had a good impression of the gods !

. Miaoshuwu

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