Facing a swarm of 100,000 insects, the more than a thousand fighters rushing up were not afraid at all. They shuttled back and forth among the swarms with their superb driving skills, and high-frequency laser weapons crazily slaughtered the skywalkers flying all over the sky!

On the Skywalker side, the acid they spit is hardly a threat to the Borg fighters.

First of all, the speed of the Borg fighters is too fast, so fast that the acid sprayed by Skywalker is difficult to hit, and secondly, the shield technology of the Borg will definitely crush most of the civilizations of the universe. The attack, this time, was all blocked by the shield, and it was impossible to corrode the outer shell of the fighter.

"It's kind of interesting..." Qin Hao nodded secretly. He had expected this a long time ago. After all, the Borg can sweep half the universe, and they must not rely on a pile of scrap metal. The opponent's technology will definitely crush the giants Some cosmic civilizations.

Since Skywalker's attack could not pose a threat to those fighters, the battle quickly turned into a one-sided massacre!

"Ignore those fighter planes, break into the atmosphere and attack ground targets!" Qin Hao gave an order to the swarm. As the master of the swarm, he can completely control the swarm remotely.

"..." After receiving Qin Hao's order, the Skywalkers vibrated the fleshy membranes under their wings. If they were in the atmosphere, they would make piercing screams, but because they are in the universe at this time, there is no Air is used as the medium, so they just silently launched an attack on Tivira.

Although the Borg fighters have an absolute advantage when facing Skywalker, they are killing the swarm with a massacre, but because the number of the swarm is too large, the fighters can't stop them at all, they can only watch Watching the swarm rush towards Tivira star!

"Bang bang bang..." The moment the skywalkers entered the atmosphere of Tivira, all the skywalkers who crossed the boundary were turned into fireballs, and they were instantly burned to ashes!

"Huh?!" Qin Hao saw clearly from the Skywalker Warlord's perspective. At a certain height from the surface of Tivira, there seems to be an invisible protective cover. Any target who forcibly passes through the protective cover will be burned. ash!

Those skywalkers were instantly ignited when they touched that invisible membrane!

"Interesting! Is it a planet shield?" Qin Hao nodded. Although he didn't know what this invisible film was, he was sure that it was a planetary protection method used by the Borg. If such a thin film exists, planetary bombing may not be easy to achieve.

As the battle continued, although there were more than 100,000 Skywalkers, it was not enough for these fighters to slaughter. Gradually, the number of Skywalkers became less and less, but Qin Hao also got more information!

Although the battlefield is a unilateral massacre,

However, due to the limited size of the fighters, the energy they carry is limited. Under the continuous wear and tear of the flight and weapon systems, these fighters have to return to the ground base for resupply.

And when these fighter planes returned to the ground, Qin Hao saw a light yellow gap suddenly opened at a position about 30,000 meters away from the planet's surface, and then those fighter planes entered the interior of the planet through those gaps.

"It seems that if you want to break through a planet, you have to use your brains!" Qin Hao withdrew his consciousness from the Skywalker warlord, and then he made the remaining Skywalkers launch a suicide attack.

Because the skywalkers want to attack freely in space, they have to be forced to evolve, but after the forced evolution, their lifespan will be greatly reduced, so even if they don't die in battle, they will live soon. If there are enough skywalkers left , He will recycle it again, but at this time there are less than 10,000 Skywalkers left, and he simply doesn't bother to recycle it.

Through the test just now, Qin Hao found that this planetary shield is very powerful. If he wants to break through, he must either crack the opponent's control authority and close the planetary shield, or he has to use up the opponent's energy and make the shield invalid!

But neither of these two methods is easy. First of all, the first method is to crack the other party's control authority. Fundamentally speaking, Qin Hao cannot do it, because he brought the swarm this time, not the with the fleet.

Now that Qin Hao has no equipment, and no program experts, it is impossible to crack the opponent's control program with the swarm.

It is also unrealistic to consume the opponent's energy reserves through a strong attack, so that the opponent's shield will be scrapped, because the energy stored on a planet is very terrifying, not to mention that people can also obtain more energy through fossil energy or solar energy. With a lot of energy, even if Qin Hao smashed all the swarms into it, he might not be able to exhaust their energy.

Although neither of these two paths will work, it does not mean that Qin Hao has given up. After all, the Borg are not equipped with this kind of shield on this planet. They may be on every planet, at least every important one. All the planets will install this kind of equipment. If Qin Hao just admits defeat, then he will not fight the war against the Borg in the future.

"If you can't attack by force, then you can only outwit!" Qin Hao closed his eyes and calculated.

Although the planet Tivira was attacked before, because it was only an attack by unknown creatures, and those unknown creatures were easily wiped out, so for Tivira planet, this is not a major crisis. And this is exactly what Qin Hao can take advantage of!

Since there is no major crisis and all the enemies have been wiped out, there is no need to block Tivira, and their communication with the outside world must still continue.

"It's time to play the 007 game again!" Qin Hao murmured to himself, doubting the existence of amoebas and parasites, and swarms are born master spies. Qin Hao can completely let these little bugs sneak into a Borg ship. spaceship, and then mixed with them into Tivira.

As long as these spy bugs infiltrate Planet Tivira, then Qin Hao believes that with the abilities of these bugs, they will soon be able to invade the opponent's defense department, and maybe even get the control code of the planet's shield!

After making up his mind, Qin Hao sent out a large number of reconnaissance bugs. These bugs are all over the star field near Tivira. Because these bugs are very small and extremely hidden, it is difficult for them to be found when they are scouting. .

The hard work paid off, and after more than ten hours, Qin Hao found a cargo spaceship bound for Tivira. This spaceship was not very big, and it transported some agricultural and sideline products.

"It's you!" Qin Hao immediately chose this spaceship as the carrier of the spy plan!

. m.

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