At the same time that Fred screamed, Qin Hao quickly controlled the parasite out of Naveski's body, and then slipped into Fred's cuff.

Taking advantage of Fred's stunned time, Qin Hao controlled the parasite to quickly come to his face, and then directly broke the skin at the corner of his eyes, and got into his body.

After entering Fred's body, the parasite came to his brain with ease, and then made a home there.

Under normal circumstances, no matter whether the parasite bites through the skin and enters the body or moves in the body, it will continuously inject an anesthetic into the host, so as long as the parasite does not take the initiative to attack until it parasitizes in the host's brain, the host will It is impossible to find abnormalities.

But the Borg are not ordinary. Their bodies are not entirely biological structures, but a large proportion are mechanical structures. For example, this Fred, he is more powerful than Navesky, so the degree of transformation of himself is also higher.

After the parasite entered his body, although the anesthetic was released, Fred did not feel any pain or other abnormalities, but his mechanical body called the police!

"Alarm! Alert! There are microorganisms invading the body!" Fred's eyes have long been transformed into mechanical ones, so at this time his vision is constantly flashing red light, and at the same time, the alarm information is constantly in his mechanical cochlea. broadcast.

"Parasites? It's really troublesome!" Fred frowned, but he didn't pay too much attention to it. After all, there were many parasites on the planet he lived on, but for the Borg, this was not a problem. Any particularly serious threat can be easily resolved by simply going to a hospital.

"Click..." Fred pressed the call button on the desk.

"Mr. Fred, do you have any orders?" asked the secretary outside the door.

"Give me an appointment with Dr. Bomier. There is a parasite in my body, and I need to get rid of it." Fred said casually. In his opinion, this is really not a big deal.

"Okay!" replied the secretary.

"By the way, Navitsky fell from the building due to insanity. You can notify the security and insurance department to deal with it." Compared with the matter of parasites, Fred cared more about Navitsky's death. This guy suddenly He went crazy for no reason, which surprised him.

"Okay! Mr. Fred!" The secretary didn't ask too much, after all, Fred's status is also ranked high in the entire Tivira planet, and the bottom of society like Naveski died in his office. , as long as he said it was an accident,

That was an accident!


Moments later, a group of security guards arrived at Fred's office.

"Is it all done?" Fred asked.

"Yes! The body has been disposed of," said the security chief.

"Where's your side?" Fred looked at the other people, who were all in formal attire and holding a large stack of documents.

"According to the insurance agreement, Mr. Naveski died accidentally. We have entered the claims process, and his family will receive a sum of compensation." The leader, a guy in a formal suit, said calmly.

"Okay, let's follow the procedures." Fred nodded.

During the conversation, these people never mentioned the reason why Naveski fell from the building, and no one said that an autopsy was required. It seemed that in their eyes, a human life was nothing more than compensation. Just some insurance money.

As for why Naveski died, no one cared at all.

"Hehe..." Qin Hao secretly laughed in his heart, no one cared how Naveski died, it was definitely a good thing for him.

"Okay, you guys deal with it, I'll go see Dr. Bomier." Fred confessed, and left his office.

After following the elevator to the underground garage, Fred started his car. Just as he was about to go to Dr. Bomier, Qin Hao controlled the parasite and spoke suddenly.

"I advise you to stay still." The parasite talked to Fred directly through brainwaves.

"Who!? Who's there!" Fred was taken aback.

"I advise you to turn off the car first." Qin Hao said while controlling the parasite.

"You... who are you?!" At this time, Fred also realized that he didn't know the other party's voice through "listening", it seemed that the voice sounded directly in his consciousness.

"Who am I? Aren't you going to get rid of me?" Qin Hao said with a smile.

"What!? are that parasite?!" Fred was a little silly.

"Is it strange?" Qin Hao smiled.

"Hmph! What do you want to do? Believe it or not, as long as I go to the hospital, your death will be here!" Fred threatened.

"Then believe it or not, as long as your car is moving, I can eat your brains out?" Qin Hao's laughter remained the same, but Fred was afraid. Although his body was already highly mechanized , but his brain is still his own, if this parasite really messes with him, then he will die!

"You...what do you want to do..." Fred asked tremblingly. The higher the position, the more afraid of death, and Fred was no exception.

"I don't want to do anything, just to absorb some nutrients in your body. I have to change the host after you die. I don't think it's troublesome, do I? So don't make trouble, and I won't make trouble for you. You just need to eat more Drink and have enough nutrition, then I won't cause you any burden, but if you don't want me to have a better time, then I can only act first!" Qin Hao said to Fred.

"Are you serious?" Although Fred said so, he didn't believe Qin Hao's words at all. He just wanted to stabilize Qin Hao first. After all, the example of the peaceful coexistence of parasites and hosts is too Less, basically the hosts that are parasitized rarely end well, so Fred still wants to go to the hospital to get rid of the parasites in his brain.

"Believe it or not, but as long as you hurt my heart, I will kill you first!" Qin Hao said unhurriedly.

"Okay, then I won't go to the hospital." Fred didn't dare to take risks now, so he could only shelve his plan to go to the hospital.

"That's right, don't worry, as long as you provide me with peace of mind, I won't hinder you in anything, so go about your business." Qin Hao said to Fred.

This time, the reason why Qin Hao didn't directly let the parasite read Fred's memory and then control his body instead of him was mainly because an encryption chip was installed in Fred's brain. Forcibly reading the memory would cause the guy's head to explode. !

Obviously, Fred had been exposed to some important secrets, so this kind of equipment was installed in his mind. Qin Hao didn't want to waste the middle and high-level people who had managed to control it so hard, so he could only use coercion and lure. Let him cooperate.

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