Although the Governor realized it, it was too late. The swarm army had already begun to land on Tiwila planet. The overwhelming swarm quickly swept all the Borg settlements on Tiwila planet, and launched an attack on there. massacre!

Although Tivira Star has ground defenses, in addition to destroying fighter jets, they also have ground weapons such as tanks and heavy armor, but in the face of the overwhelming swarms, these weapons are simply a drop in the bucket.

Although those Borg fighters were also fighting bravely, and thousands of Zergs died under the cannons, but the problem is that once the Zergs participate in the battle, the number is not only in units of thousands, even in a certain local area. On the battlefield, the troops invested by the insect swarm were in the tens of thousands.

Facing such a huge sea of ​​insects, although the Borg fought bravely and even resisted by the whole people, they still could not stop the pace of the insect swarm!

In desperation, the governor could only order to seek help from the Engineers Association, but he could not produce any evidence to prove that this matter was related to the Interstellar Federation.

How can the senior officials of the Federation of Engineers believe this speculation without evidence? Could they turn against the most powerful ally just because of the speculation of the governor of a planet? That is obviously impossible!

Moreover, in the battle report sent back from Tivira Star, there are clear images of the invading enemy. After comparing these images with the images of the biological weapons of the Interstellar Federation obtained from the other side of the death scar, the executives of the Engineers Association quickly A judgment was made, that is, the unknown creatures that invaded Tivira this time had nothing to do with the biological weapons of the Interstellar Federation!

As for the speculation of the governor of Tivela, in the eyes of these executives, it is nothing more than a stupid lie that the governor told in order to protect himself in the face of such a huge flaw. After all, everyone knows that once this matter is pushed to the Interstellar Federation body, then the governor of Tivira is not only innocent, but also meritorious.

In the end, the Governor of Tivira was reprimanded by the executives of the Engineers Union, but the reprimand was reprimanded. After all, Tivira Star is a rich planet in the hinterland of the Borg, and it is impossible to let it be ravaged by some cosmic creatures, so After reprimanding the governor, a fleet was dispatched, its mission was to drive out these cosmic creatures and protect the Borg on Tivira.

Reinforcement of the fleet takes time, but Tivira obviously doesn't have that long to wait for rescue, because the swarm's reproduction speed is too fast, and when they gain a firm foothold on Tivira, the worms spread The velocity starts to increase geometrically.

In just thirty hours, the entire Tivira planet was completely occupied by insects. At this time, insects were flying in the sky, insects were running on the ground, and even below the ground were the tunnels of the insect race.

At this moment, more than 90% of the Borg on the entire Tivira planet have been wiped out.

Only a few high-level people are now hiding in the base deep underground and survived for the time being, but it will be a matter of time before they are found by the swarm.


"How long will it take for the fleet to arrive here?" The governor is currently hiding in a secret base buried 800 meters underground. There are more than a dozen other people here besides him. There are only four or five on Vera.

"It will take three days at the fastest!" A blogger next to him reported that he had just communicated with the Engineers Association.

"Three days?! Are you kidding me? Isn't the closest fleet to us on the star of Tuuras? They only need two jumps to get there, why does it take so long?" the Governor asked while grabbing the Borg's shoulder.

"Your Excellency, I...I don't know..." The Borg was also very helpless, that's what the people above said, and there was nothing he could do.

"Damn it! These damned bureaucrats!" The governor paced back and forth in the hall angrily.

"Your's not good!" At this time, the Borg in front of another instrument suddenly shouted.

"What's wrong?!" The governor immediately turned around and asked.

"It has been detected that the biota is converging in our direction!" said the Borg in charge of the radar.

"What!?" The governor immediately walked in front of the radar screen. At this time, densely packed small light spots appeared on the radar screen, and these small light spots were gathering in the direction of the base!

"Everyone! Prepare to fight!" the Governor roared.

"Yes!" Everyone in the base took up weapons. Now they are no longer classified as civilians or soldiers. After all, bugs don't know how to screen them. If they want to survive, they can only take up weapons and fight.

But these Borg people also knew very well that they had almost no hope of winning this battle.

"Your Excellency, there are still three minutes, and they will arrive at the entrance of the base!" The radar officer reported.

"Major, do you think they will break in from other directions of the base?" The governor asked a soldier next to him.

"Probably not..." The Borg with the rank of major hesitated for a moment. This base is under his command, and it has extremely tight protection. Except for the direction of the gate, there are concrete ten meters thick in all directions. Protection, ordinary excavators can't penetrate this defense layer.

"I hope so!" The governor nodded.

"Boom boom boom..." After a while, the Governor and the others felt that the entire underground base began to vibrate, and dust began to scatter from the ceiling above their heads.

The governor raised his head and glanced at the top of his head. The ceiling was about 20 meters high from the ground, and it was also poured with concrete more than 10 meters thick, which was very strong.

"Your Excellency, don't worry, they are attacking from the direction of the gate. This is just a joint shock, and our gate has nine floors. It is not easy for them to break through. We have a great chance to delay the attack." Until the reinforcements arrive!" The major was more optimistic.

"Boom boom boom boom..." Although the major comforted everyone's hearts optimistically, everyone's hearts were still suspended as the base continued to vibrate.

"Report! The gate on the first floor has been breached!" The Borg responsible for the damage control of the base reported loudly.

"Thirty minutes to break through the gate on the first floor..." The governor thought about it in his heart. Although the gate has nine floors, he couldn't hold on until the fleet arrived here.

"Boom boom boom..." The shock continued, and everyone was nervously staring in the direction of the gate.

"Slap!" At this moment, a small stone hit the governor's helmet. He raised his head and saw fine stones and slag falling down from above his head.

"Crack..." A crack as thick as an arm appeared on the concrete ceiling!

. vertex

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