Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1478: Endless Sea of ​​Insects

"Hurry up! Maximize the bow shield!" Talus immediately ordered.

Following Talus' order, the strength of the capital ship's bow shield was instantly raised to the maximum, and most of the other warships basically made corresponding actions.

Fortunately, the Talus fleet is still several million kilometers away from the swarm. Even the light beam attack has a buffer time of tens of seconds. If it is any closer, there will be no time to react at all!

"Swish, swish..." Basically, as soon as the shields of the Talus Fleet rose, the attack from the Purifying Eye arrived.

"Boom!" One of the eyes of purification hit Talus's flagship. The shield of this capital ship was very powerful, but it was also rapidly weakened by the impact of the destructive light of the eyes of purification, but in the end the shield finally Still survived.

Although the flagship survived this blow, the other warships were not so lucky. The frigate is basically a one-touch destroyer. Although the cruiser-level spaceship can withstand a few seconds longer, it cannot escape the shield-shattered ship. destiny.

Moreover, the destruction beams of the Eye of Purification will not stop after sinking a spaceship, they will continue to attack until the energy is exhausted.

From the time the light beam struck to the end, it took about two seconds in total, but within these two seconds, the Purifying Eye brought huge losses to Talus' fleet!

"Report the battle damage!" Talus asked the adjutant after the vibration of the spaceship stopped and the bridge became calm again.

"Report sir! We lost a total of thirty-two frigates, seven light cruisers, seriously injured four heavy cruisers, and five light cruisers!" The adjutant quickly collected the data and reported it to Talus.

"Hiss..." Talus gasped. He had to admit that he had underestimated the enemy. These cosmic creatures were much stronger than he had imagined. He lost nearly forty warships in just one encounter. At the same time, nearly ten warships have lost their combat capabilities!

Although this would not cause Talus, who had more than 300 warships, to lose his fleet's combat effectiveness, this disarming power was enough to make him value his opponent.

"Order the fleet to advance at full speed, and the main guns will start charging!" Talus ordered, and he had already begun to regard these cosmic creatures as opponents.

Now Talus is very clear that his top priority is to let the fleet charge forward and bring the enemy into his attack range, otherwise, they can only be passively beaten!

"Let's play hide-and-seek with them around Tivira!" After Qin Hao succeeded in one blow,

Immediately, he ordered the insect swarm to move, and now he didn't have many insects in his hands, after all, he only had some large insects that could survive in space for a long time.

But whether it's the Corruptor or the Eye of Purification, although the attacks of these things are good, their own defenses are still too weak. It's okay to hide in the dark and shoot coldly.

Moreover, the incubation cost of these bugs, including the eyes of purification, is too high, Qin Hao doesn't want to use them as cannon fodder like Skywalker.

Now Qin Hao plans to use the Tivira star as a cover, and lead the swarm to go around the Borg fleet for a while. He is waiting for the skywalkers on the ground to complete the forced evolution. After these skywalkers complete the evolution, they will Can enter space combat.

At that time, there will be overwhelming Skywalkers as melee shields, and large bugs such as Purifying Eyes and Corruptors will be able to hide behind and shoot coldly.

"Catch up!" Seeing those large creatures on the opposite side trying to run away, Talus certainly couldn't do it. He lost dozens of spaceships and thousands of soldiers when he came up. Now let the enemy run away. Is that possible?

Under the command of Talus, the Borg fleet moved forward at full speed, chasing the swarm ahead frantically.

Although the distance between the two sides is constantly increasing, Qin Hao is very smart. He let the swarm fly around the low-earth orbit of Tivira star, so that Tivira star becomes the best bunker, you know The Borg are the same as other civilizations, their main weapon is also a directed energy weapon, and the real thing can only attack in a straight line, so when the swarm and the Borg are separated by a Tivira star, Talus' fleet has some There was nothing they could do, they could only continue to chase, trying to close the distance.

Time ran away quickly in the pursuit and escape, and soon the Skywalkers on the ground broke out of the temporary cocoon from the chrysalis!

Although the appearance of these evolved skywalkers has not changed much, they have the ability to survive in space for a short time.

Then these skywalkers soared into the sky, they quickly rushed out of the atmosphere of Tivira, and then entered outer space.

"What's that!?" A Borg soldier in a destroyer was the first to discover the skywalkers who had ascended from Tivira. At first, these skywalkers looked like densely packed black dots , but when they approached, these hideous and terrifying Zerg immediately scared the Borg soldier!

"" The Borg soldier pointed tremblingly at the Skywalkers outside the porthole. Only then did the senior management of the fleet discover these unknown creatures that had suddenly lifted off into the sky!

"Attack!" With Qin Hao's order, hundreds of thousands of Skywalkers rushed towards the Borg fleet, and this was only the first wave of attack.

"Damn! What are these?!"

"Alarm! The spaceship is under attack!"

"Alert! Alert! The shield is rapidly decaying..."

For a moment, the siren on the Borg spaceship was loud.

"Turn on the near-defense guns and destroy them!" All the captains gave the order. At this time, they no longer need to ask for instructions. If they don't destroy these unknown creatures, they will be sunk themselves!

"Swish, swish..." Although the tiny light beams emitted by high-frequency laser weapons are not effective against warships, they are extremely easy to deal with fighter jets and these skywalkers.

The Borg spaceship, which believes in the multi-cannon god religion, has a large number of close-in defense weapons. For a time, the space is full of colorful lasers. The Skywalker army was brutally massacred. The whole army was wiped out!

"Hehe! That's all!" After eliminating hundreds of thousands of enemies, Talus couldn't help but floated up again.

"The second wave! Let's start!" Qin Hao said very calmly.

Afterwards, more Skywalkers rushed out of Tivira Star. This time, the number of Skywalker troops exceeded 100 million. In more than a week, the biological resources of Tivira Star were almost wiped out by the swarm. All the organic matter was used to hatch the swarm, and the number of worms on Tivira was unimaginable at this time!

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