After seeing the doomsday scene on Tivira, the two frigates unanimously wanted to report to the fleet what they saw, but unfortunately, after entering the atmosphere, their external communications were also disrupted.

"How did this happen? What happened to this planet?"

"Yeah! This is horrible!"


Although external communication has been disrupted, the two spacecraft can still communicate through optical equipment.

"Continue to descend and take a look."

"Okay! We'll cover you from behind!"


After a brief exchange, the two spaceships began to descend their altitude one after the other.

But when the two spaceships were still more than 2,000 meters away from the surface, the surface suddenly cracked, and a large number of bugs broke out from the ground, and skywalkers overwhelming the sky rose into the sky, and directly attacked the two spaceships!

"what is that!?"

"Damn it! Unleash the fighter plane! The near-anti-aircraft fire is fully fired!"

"My God! How much does this have to be?!"


Facing the overwhelming insect swarm, the two frigates began to release their fighter jets and activated their close-in defense guns.

However, because these two spaceships are frigates, they can't carry too many fighter jets. There are only three or five fighter jets released from each spaceship. Facing the overwhelming swarm of insects, although these fighter jets are more maneuverable and have more firepower. It was fierce, even protected by a shield, but it was still forced by the swarm to scurry around, and it was even difficult to return to the mothership.

In addition to releasing fighter jets, the two frigates also activated close-in defense guns. Because Skywalker is too small, it is difficult for the battleship's first-level main guns or second-level main guns to lock on such an overly flexible target. Attacking such a small target with the main gun will also seriously waste energy.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The red and green laser weapons strafed back and forth in mid-air, and the Skywalker who was hit would be killed instantly, and then the body would fall to the ground.

But for swarms,

They themselves have overpopulated, resulting in an extreme shortage of food. Even if those fallen skywalkers are broken into pieces, they will be dragged back to the hive by the worker bees, and then used to feed the larvae.

Hundreds of thousands of Skywalkers were flying in the sky, their bodies even covering the sky. The fighter jets released by the two frigates were shot down by the swarm before they could survive even two minutes. Successfully skydive, but there are literally millions of runners waiting for them on the ground.

The Borg pilots were torn to shreds by the raiders as soon as they hit the ground.

As for the two frigates themselves, although their close-in weapons eliminated thousands of Skywalkers, it was of no avail at all. Looking at the vast swarm of insects in front of them, the captains of the two spaceships knew very well that they could not kill them all. of these unknown creatures.


"Well! We have detected enough information, let's withdraw!"


After a simple communication, the two spaceships stopped descending, and then flew upwards. Because the gravity of the planet had to be overcome, the speed of the spaceship's ascent was not particularly fast.

"Squeak!" Seeing the two frigates fleeing, the swarm seemed to have been injected with chicken blood. Many Skywalkers even launched crazy suicide attacks.

When these skywalkers approached the frigate, they frantically launched the explosive worms in their bodies. After all the explosive worms were shot out, their lifespan was about to reach the end. At this time, the skywalkers simply slammed into the shield of the battleship. , Use your own flesh and blood to consume the shield energy of the spaceship.

Although a skywalker can not consume a lot of shield energy, but you can't stand the large number of skywalkers. Thousands of skywalkers collide with the shield, plus the attack of the explosive bugs they release, it is very difficult. The energy shield of one of the frigates was on the verge of collapse!

"Let's retreat! It looks like we won't be able to get away..." The captain of the spaceship whose shield was severely damaged sent a message to the friendly forces.

"I'll cover you, we can all get out of this hell!" replied the captain of another spaceship.

"No need, the shield of my ship can no longer support it! Goodbye! My friends!" After sending this message, the captain of the damaged spaceship stopped replying, and he ordered the spaceship to shut down the power engine , supplying all the energy to the shield and weapon system, and then recharging his main gun, ready to open the way for the friendly forces!

Because the power engine was turned off, the spaceship began to fall to the ground in a free fall. The chasing Skywalker directly hit its energy shield, and tens of thousands were burned to death immediately.

But the large number of deaths of Skywalker also put great pressure on the shield of the spacecraft. After flashing for the last time, the energy shield of this frigate finally shattered!

"Squeak!" After seeing the shield of the spaceship shattered, the swarm became excited, and they flocked towards the damaged battleship frantically.

"Ding ding ding..."

Spikes kept hitting the armored shell of the spaceship. Although the material technology of the Borg is far from the level of human biological armor, their superalloys are also very powerful. Skywalker's spike attacks cannot Break it down.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

But the ensuing explosive bug attacks were different. After losing the protection of the shield, when the ship's shell was attacked by the explosive bugs, it quickly couldn't resist it. The outer shell of the spaceship began to be damaged, and the structure There were even damages, and many cabins were on fire...

"Brothers! Go all the way!" In the last blessing of the captain of the damaged spaceship, a bright light shot through the swarm, and directly rushed out of the atmosphere and reached the outer space.

The light from this main cannon wiped out thousands of Skywalkers. Wherever the beam passed, the Skywalker army was wiped out. Taking advantage of this opportunity, another spaceship plunged headlong into this life channel, and then accelerated towards the outside. Go to space.

One frigate escaped, but the remaining one was not so lucky. They even sacrificed the power of the spaceship in order to charge the main gun in the shortest possible time. They were chasing the ground at high speed.

"Boom!" The frigate hit the dry ground at one end, and the spaceship broke into three sections.

Whether there are survivors in the crashed spacecraft, no one knows, but even if there are, it will only make them suffer more pain, because just a few minutes after the spacecraft fell, overwhelming raiders rushed to the vicinity of the spacecraft, And rushed in along the broken gap of the spaceship.


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