Talus, who had done too many bad things and sacrificed countless soldiers for his own benefit, was originally determined to be a hero once, to use his most heroic death to redeem the honor of this life, but unfortunately, Qin Hao did not He didn't get what he wanted.

Among the four capital ships of the Borg, except for Talus's ship, the other three capital ships were all sunk, and only Talus led his flagship to escape the gravity of Tarnex star. well.

On the way back, in the flagship of Talus, everyone did not feel the joy of escaping from death at all, and even felt a little downcast.

"I'm sorry for you..." Talus looked frustrated at this moment.

"It's me! It's me! I'm not capable. When everyone wants to live, it's me who brings you into thinking. It's me who killed millions of soldiers on Tivira. ground troops perish on Tarnex..."

"At first I thought I could go to accompany you, and I could personally atone for your sins, but who would have imagined... When I wanted to die, I couldn't die..."


Talus beat his head hard, the artificial skin on the mechanical arm had been smashed, and the artificial skin on the top of his head was already damaged and blood flowed, but Talus didn't respond, and he Beating his own head, the monotonous bang bang sounded throughout the bridge, making people feel sad when they stopped.

Those who wanted to live were killed, but those who wanted to die couldn't die. This made Talus into annoyance. The people in the entire ship saw their commander blame themselves so much, and they felt uncomfortable. After all, Talus It wasn't intentional, who would have thought that a group of beast-like cosmic creatures would be so cunning and powerful!

Knowing that the spaceship was docked in the airport of Capital Star, Talus couldn't get rid of his sadness and decadence.

But just after the spaceship docked, a large group of gendarmes rushed up, and then they seized the spaceship, and all the crew members were driven back to their cabins and locked up, while Talus himself was taken away by the gendarmes. .

After being taken off the spaceship, Talus was thrown into the prison of the gendarmerie. The mistakes he made in the previous battle were enough to cause him to be executed a hundred times!

And just two hours after Talus was put in prison, a man dressed as a lawyer appeared in front of him.

"Now I'm going to have a private conversation with my client, please get out!" the lawyer said unceremoniously to the guarding military police.

"..." The two gendarmes looked at each other, then turned and left. The lawyer had already passed the security check when he came in. It was impossible for him to help Tallus escape from the gendarmerie prison, and even if he could escape How about it? Is it possible that Talus can still run out of Capital Star? At that time, he will have to be arrested and given a heavier punishment.

"Click!" After the two gendarmes went out, the lawyer took out a small box from his briefcase and put it on the table, then pressed the red button.

"Buzz!" An invisible ripple radiated out, shielding all monitoring and monitoring equipment here.

"Huh!" At this moment, Talus breathed a sigh of relief, his fatigue was swept away, and he leaned back on the chair in a mess.

"Why did you come here?" Talus asked, obviously he had an unusual relationship with this lawyer.

"Cut, can I come in without going through the formalities? You can do it too, to make such a big mess!" The lawyer said helplessly.

"Are you sure?" Tallus asked.

"That depends on your performance," the lawyer said.

"Don't worry, I played really well on the way back!" Talus said with a smile. Although he really planned to die at the beginning, he made the decision to end it, but after being let go by the swarm, Talus calmed down. If he could live, who would want to die?

So he put on a big show on the way back, casting himself as a prodigal son, hoping to win the sympathy of the jury at trial.

"Well... I will watch the video carefully after I go back, and I will also have a good chat with your crew members. If you do well enough, although your official career is over, you will still have no problem surviving." The lawyer thought for a while Said after a while.

"Then please!" Talus said with a smile.

"Well, I will do my best to prepare materials to convince the jury. Don't relax. If someone finds a flaw, once the jury thinks that you have been teased, then you are really dead!" the lawyer warned.

"Don't worry, it's about my life, I will take it seriously." Talus promised.

"That's fine, I'll go first. There's a lot of preparatory work in the early stage, so I have to hurry up." The lawyer said.

"Please!" Talus deliberately got up and bowed to the lawyer. When the lawyer put his hand on the red button on the small box again, Talus' expression changed, and he returned to the previous decadent and A loveless expression.

"Click!" The lawyer pressed the button, then turned and left.

Then two gendarmes came in and took Talus back to the cell where he was held. During the whole process, Talus seemed to be a walking dead. He was held by the two gendarmes, neither cooperating nor resisting, as if the whole It's like man has lost his soul.

Here Talus is going to be tried by a court-martial, but there is a quarrel over at the Engineers Union!

"Don't worry about that Talus' life or death, I don't care about his life or death at all, what I care about is what will happen to Tarnex! What if those cosmic creatures attack other planets!" Victor slapped the table angrily, because He's had enough of the bosses of the two factions bickering over Tallus' life and death.

There are also many factions in the Engineers Association. If Talus can achieve this position, there must be someone behind him. These people must want to protect Talus. Save your life!

But the other faction thinks this is a good opportunity. Although killing a Talus is irrelevant to them, it can take this opportunity to suppress the hostile faction. This is the focus of their attention.

But for Victor, watching these two factions bicker is a waste of his time!

Seeing that Victor was enraged, people from both factions fell silent for a while.

"Master Victor, I think we must clear up those cosmic creatures! And their samples are also worth studying. After all, such a powerful and intelligent cosmic creature has never been seen before. Maybe this is a key for us to overcome the barriers of biotechnology! "A big engineer got up and spoke.

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