"Damn! How many of these guys are there? Can't they kill them all?" Seeing thousands of carrier-based planes destroyed and thousands of excellent fighter pilots killed, Quesela was extremely angry!

In the previous battle, he eliminated 100,000 Skywalkers with the help of the Iron Curtain system Quesera, which made him very happy. After all, annihilating 100,000 air units is a very brilliant record, and it is even enough to be recorded in history.

But who would have thought that in just a few hours, tens of thousands of the same air force units would appear again!

You must know that for a huge military group like the Borg, the number of their warships cannot be calculated in units of 100,000, but the individual strength of these creatures is not weaker than that of small warships, but the number is so large that people Fear……

"Commander! Our landing craft is under threat!" The adjutant said loudly.

"Cover their landing! Use the dome system!" Quesera made a decisive decision. Now the escort carrier fleet has been wiped out. If left alone, the landing troops will never even think about landing on the ground, and they will all be wiped out by those creatures .

"Yes! Commander!" The order was conveyed, and soon the Titan battleship began to approach the close orbit.

The huge body and terrifying mass caused the Titan battleship to seriously interfere with the hunting star's tidal law when it approached the hunting star. A huge wave swept the coastline, but because the swarm was not close to the sea, it did not Threatened by what.

But at this moment, a terrifying mask fell from the Titan battleship. This mask bounded by the edge of the Titan's bow was directly projected, instantly projecting a protection zone with a diameter of thousands of kilometers on the Hunting Star. !

This mask directly connects the Titan warships in outer space with the surface, and all the insect swarms in the area were hit hard by the Titan weapons. In just a few minutes, all the insect swarms in the protected area were wiped out.

Then a large number of landing craft began to land in the protected area. This kind of unreasonable cover made the swarm lose their temper at all. Neither Skywalker's fire-focused cationic breath nor the attack of plasma worms could break through the golden streak. film!

Of course, in order to help the landing ship land smoothly, Titan is not without loss. Although this dome system is powerful, it can forcibly open a landing on a planet and destroy all hostile targets in the protected area, but its consumption The function is also very terrifying, within at least two hundred hours, the Titan battleship will no longer be able to use this ability, and within forty-eight hours, other super weapons of the Titan will also be temporarily disabled.

It is precisely because of the great side effects that Quesera will not use the dome system to cover the landing troops unless it is absolutely necessary.

But now he has no choice, if the dome system is not activated, then all the landing craft will be wiped out by the swarm, and all the landing troops will be dead!

Quesera, who has been invincible since taking over the Titan battleship, couldn't accept this kind of failure, so he immediately ordered the dome system to be activated, and forcibly helped the ground troops land!

"Boom boom boom boom..." Landing craft landed on the ground one after another, and then a large number of Borg ground troops walked out of the landing craft.

The engineering vehicles began to build a defensive circle, and Borg outposts and bases sprang up one after another. With powerful technology, it only took a dozen minutes for the Borg to build a forward base.

During this period of time, the landing craft are still going back and forth. They have to take advantage of the time when the dome system is still in effect to transport as many troops to the ground as possible. Once the dome system is closed, they want to transport them to the ground again. Troops and supplies are not so easy.

"Your Majesty, are we going to launch an attack from the ground?" The leaders of the swarm asked Qin Hao for instructions. They tried countless attacks, but they couldn't break through the protective mask of the dome system, so they wanted to launch an attack from the ground.

"Wait first!" Qin Hao pondered for a moment, he was not in a hurry to launch an attack from the ground. Although this confrontation was just to test the strength of the Titan battleship, if he could eliminate as many of the Borg's vitality as possible, Of course it couldn't be better!

Because of the existence of this Titan, although Qin Hao eliminated hundreds of warships by sneak attack at the beginning, he also knew that once the opponent's Titan became serious, his swarm would have no chance to cause damage to the opponent's fleet. Effectively killed.

Therefore, it was Qin Hao's best choice to lure the enemy to the ground battlefield and destroy them here.

So under Qin Hao's deliberate laissez-faire, the Borg began to crazily increase their troops on the ground, and millions of land combat units landed on the surface again. These land combat units are all elites on Titan battleships. They were originally to conquer the enemy's planet. Vanguard is now dispatched to Hunting Planet to deal with these invaders.

About ten hours later, the dome system completed its task, and the mask gradually disappeared. But at this time, the three forward bases and eighteen outposts of the Borg had been built, and more than three million ground troops were also dispatched. After completing their garrison, they used these bases and outposts as nodes, preparing to expand their territory and wipe out the remaining enemies on this planet.

"My lord! The opponent's shield has disappeared, shall we start attacking?" The leaders of the swarm asked Qin Hao. Just now, because of the existence of the dome system, the Zerg could not break through the shield, so the Borg successfully landed. Now The protective shield disappeared, and they had already begun to lose their offensive mood.

"Let's play and see!" Qin Hao said indifferently, because the resources on this planet are too rich, so now Qin Hao is like a super rich local tyrant, he doesn't care if he loses some insect swarms.

"Yes! Your Majesty!" After getting Qin Hao's approval, the leaders of the swarm, who were full of anger, immediately organized the swarm to attack the outposts of the Borg.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

"Boom boom boom boom..."

Skywalker's cationic breath and plasma worm's high-energy plasma fall wanted to raze these Borg outposts to the ground, but at this time the Borg outposts had been completely built, and the huge energy shield generators supported them. A solid energy shield was set up, making the swarm's energy attacks impossible to work at all.

Seeing that long-range energy strikes were ineffective, the leaders of the swarm immediately dispatched an army of tramplers.

Nearly five hundred third-order tramplers rushed towards the outposts of the Borg with heavy steps. After two evolutions, these giant zerg, which were originally like giant mammoths, became taller at this time, more than ten meters The tall bodies possessed explosive power, leaving nothing but ruins wherever they spoke.

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