Under Quesela's order, thousands of armor partitions were shot up on the body of the Titan mecha, and under these armor partitions were all black missile launchers!

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh..." Wave after wave of missiles sprayed out from the launcher. The loading speed of these missiles is so fast that they can be launched basically once every second. In a short period of time, a total of them Thirty-six shots fired!

Hundreds of thousands of missiles attacked the Phantom Leviathan at the same time. The scene was very spectacular, and the missiles of the Borg were not ordinary missiles. Like humans, they also used phase missile technology.

Therefore, shortly after being launched, these missiles entered the ultra-short-distance transition mode one after another, and when they reappeared, they were already beside the ghost Leviathan!

Through the micro-phase engine technology, missiles, an outdated weapon that originally required a long flight time to hit the target, can be reborn in an instant. Although it is still impossible to hit the target immediately, it also greatly reduces the flight time of the ballistic trajectory, thus Reduced probability of being intercepted.

For civilizations like the Borg, phase missile technology does not have any technological barriers, and they have fully mastered the relevant technologies, but they have always used energy weapons before, so they did not think about this aspect. After the enlightenment, not only the Borg, but many civilizations quickly developed their own phase missiles and equipped them to the frontline troops.

However, compared with other civilizations, the Borg pay more attention to phase missiles. Although other civilizations have almost picked up phase missile technology and revived the missile weapons that have entered the museum, they basically They are still mainly energy weapons, and missiles are sporadically equipped as auxiliary weapons.

After all, compared to energy weapons, missiles take up too much space. You need to leave enough space in the battleship to store ammunition, and even open several production lines to produce missiles, so as to meet the demand for ammunition on the battlefield. need.

But the problem is that when a warship is designed, it has no free space. Where can it open up space to be used as an arsenal for missiles? Not to mention the production line, this thing itself takes up space, coupled with the reserve of raw materials, this makes the space inside the ship even more insufficient.

Therefore, other civilizations are generally only equipped with a small amount of phase missiles and use them as surprise weapons. Only the Borg, they are not only rich and powerful, but also have the most advanced military system in the universe. Apart from the Borg, there is no A civilization can decommission all its warships within ten years!

Only the Borg, all their warships are new ships within ten years! Such a powerful industrial capability ensures the update speed of the Borg's weapons, and it is precisely because of this that the Borg can achieve technological crushing on the enemy on the battlefield, and this is also the capital that the Borg can dominate the universe!

In fact, in terms of laboratory technology alone, although the Borg are still ahead, they are not too far ahead of those first-class cosmic civilizations, and the reason why the Borg were able to sweep half of the universe, making other civilizations helpless In addition to the Titan warships, their industrial capabilities are too strong. Other civilizations may also have mastered related technologies, but their warships equipped with new technologies may only be in single digits, but at this time the entire Borg fleet has already updated.

In this case, it doesn't matter how high the technology in your laboratory is, only when you transform them into weapons and use them on the battlefield, its power will be reflected!

At this time, the situation that the ghost Leviathan has to face is like this. Although the Borg only paid attention to this weapon after humans used the phase missile technology and achieved quite good results, they only took one or two years. Within a short period of time, a large number of spaceships have been replaced, including a large number of full-time guided missile destroyers and guided missile frigates, and the Titan battleship has also been equipped with tens of thousands of missile launchers after a certain maintenance!


This weapon, which was first used by the human civilization under Qin Hao, has become a deadly threat to the ghost Leviathan.

"If you can't bear it, hide in the subspace!" Qin Hao sensed the fear of the ghost Leviathan through the psychic link, and knew that he might not be able to resist such a large-scale missile attack.

"King...I can't go back to the subspace now..." The ghost Leviathan was also very helpless. He had just entered the subspace before, and now this ability is still cooling down...

"I'll go!" Qin Hao frowned, but he didn't want to give up on Leviathan, so he had to do it himself!

"Get together!" Qin Hao shouted loudly through the spiritual energy link.

"Squeak!" The ghost Leviathan responded, then coiled up his body, and compressed himself as much as possible.

"Shua!" Qin Hao came directly to the top of the ghost Leviathan through teleportation, and at the same time he released some energy, and made the energy form a black mist to cover himself.

In fact, what Qin Hao did was completely unnecessary. Although he was not bad in height, if he landed on the phantom Leviathan with a length of tens of kilometers, it would be like an ant standing on a city wall, and no one would notice it at all.

"Boom!" Qin Hao pressed his right palm on the ghost Leviathan's head, and his power continuously poured into the ghost Leviathan's body!

"Support the shield yourself!" Qin Hao said to the ghost Leviathan through a psionic link.

"Yes! Your Majesty!" After the ghost Leviathan was supported by Qin Hao's strength, he immediately built a shield around himself!

"Boom boom boom boom..." Countless missiles hit the shield, and the violent explosion was close to Qin Hao, but Qin Hao was unmoved at all. He gathered the strength of his whole body and injected it continuously through the palm of his hand. The body of the ghost Leviathan.

After the ghost Leviathan got Qin Hao's energy, it merged with its own energy to form a protective barrier around it. Under the continuous bombardment of the Titan mecha, the shield was still strong, and there was no sign of damage at all. !

"The turtle shell is quite strong!" Quesera sneered, then turned around and asked, "Has the meteor shower system cooled down?"

"There are still thirty seconds! Commander!" The adjutant replied immediately.

"Okay, let's do another round, I don't believe this turtle shell can last until we run out of ammunition!" Quesella sneered.

I thought that the launch of missiles does not need to be like the launch of energy weapons. It takes a long time to cool the barrel after completion. The launch interval of missiles is mainly limited by the time for loading ammunition. The main reason is that each missile launcher has one ammunition and thirty-five ammunition each. After all are launched, it needs to be transported from the ammunition depot and reloaded, but this does not take too long, unless the ammunition All the ballistics stored in the library have been emptied!

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