"Why? Didn't your teacher tell you?" Margaret asked curiously.

"No..." Qin Hao looked back at the worm queen, and saw that she was still smiling, but she didn't say anything.

"Hehe, well, since she didn't say anything, let me say it." Margaret nodded with a smile, and then said to Qin Hao: "The reason why we ask you to limit the swarm is very simple. Involved by you!"

"Ah?!" Qin Hao was taken aback for a moment, he didn't know what Margaret meant by that.

"The swarm's ability to reproduce and evolve is too strong. If you don't restrict it, the universe will be occupied by them sooner or later, and this is not allowed by the monitors. If you don't restrict the swarm, once they are occupied by the monitors If you pay attention, bad luck will follow for your master and us immortals!" Margaret said.

"Supervisor?" Qin Hao heard another strange term.

"Yes! Overseer!" Margaret repeated.

"What is that?" Qin Hao was stunned.

"You don't even know the watcher?" Margaret looked at the queen suspiciously.

"He is still far away from the level of the immortal, and it is useless to know this so early." The queen said lightly: "But since the immortal is mentioned now, then you can talk about it."

"Okay!" Margaret nodded, and then said to Qin Hao: "To be honest, I don't know what monitors are, but they do exist and monitor the entire universe. Anything that affects the balance of the universe will Get their attention, and if they judge it as a destroyer of the universe, they will kill it!"

"Has no one seen the watcher?" Qin Hao asked.

"Everyone I've seen is dead, except for one..." Margaret said here and glanced at the Queen of Worms. She was the one who had seen the watcher and survived.

Regarding the balance of the universe, King Marshall told Qin Hao before that the reason why the messengers of death hunted down the immortals was because the energy in the universe is conserved. No matter who it is, there must be birth, old age, sickness and death. Gather energy in the universe, but this energy will be released after death.

But the immortals pursue eternal life. They are immortal, and the energy in their bodies will never be returned to the universe, and in their endless lifespan, they will continue to plunder the energy of the universe. In this way, they are important to the entire universe. This threat, even if it is only a small threat, but if left unchecked, there will be more and more immortals, eventually threatening the existence of the universe.

And Rui, Margaret and others came to Qin Hao mainly because they were afraid that his swarm would be too ostentatious. Although swarms live and die, and their lifespan is generally not particularly long, their crazy reproduction will definitely arouse the attention of the monitors. their attention.

Although the monitors will not manage the swarm, after all, even if they occupy the entire universe, they will not have any impact on the survival of the universe. As long as the things that die, no matter how much energy and resources they plunder, once they die, these things will be destroyed. will be returned to the universe.

Therefore, the monitors will not manage the swarm, and the same is true for the Borg. No matter how they conquer the universe, no matter how they plunder resources, as mechanical life forms, they will not store a large amount of energy. After they are used, they will be released in another form, so in the eyes of the monitors, they will not pose a threat to the universe.

But the monitors ignore the swarm and the Borg, but when they pay attention to the swarm, they are likely to find the queen, and then follow the clues to find other immortals. As the queen who can escape from the watcher, Hasti Of course, Nia would not have any scruples, she could escape, but what about the immortals implicated by her? They are no more than the watchers hunt down!

So Rui, Margaret and others came. They didn't want to wait for Qin Hao to recruit the watchers to the door, so they came to stop Qin Hao in advance and let him restrain the swarm, so as not to attract the attention of the watchers.

After explaining all the interests,

The eyes of Rui and others all fell on Qin Hao. If Qin Hao can understand the righteousness, then he should guarantee to restrain the swarm and not let the swarm expand endlessly.

But if Qin Hao refuses, these immortals must take action in order not to be unlucky with them. Although Qin Hao has the backing of the Queen of Insects, they dare not directly assassinate Qin Hao, but "help him" reduce the number of insects. A group of these people can still do it. If you accidentally "accidentally injure" the fleet of the Star Federation in the process of reducing the swarm, then you can only say sorry!

Obviously, these senior immortals didn't want to take the risk of offending the Queen of Worms to turn against Qin Hao, but they didn't even want to die!

For the immortals, there is nothing more terrifying than depriving them of their lives!

"..." Qin Hao pondered and didn't rush to speak. He was thinking and examining the determination of these people.

The four senior immortals, including Rui and Margaret, did not rush Qin Hao either. As immortals, they had plenty of time.

Time passed by, Qin Hao never opened his mouth, and the four senior immortals were not in a hurry. The Queen of Worms sat aside and was even more relaxed. Only Lucia, who came over, couldn't sit still. In her opinion, You guys are just wasting your time sitting around here.

"Qin Hao, haven't you thought about it yet? Is it that complicated...Isn't it a simple multiple-choice question to either agree or reject?" Lucia interjected, but she regretted it after she finished speaking. In such a crucial negotiation, her sudden intervention is tantamount to disrupting the situation.

"..." Qin Hao looked back at Lucia, the girl stuck out her tongue, and then hid behind the queen.

"Hey! All right! It's time to make a decision!" Qin Hao nodded. Lucia did interrupt his thinking, but it didn't affect much. He had been silent for long enough.

"What's your decision?" asked Taliman, who had never spoken.

"I can restrain the insect swarm and only let them serve as defensive tasks, but...there is no free lunch in the world!" Qin Hao's meaning is obvious, he can think about the overall situation, so that these senior immortals don't have to worry all day long, but they You have to pay a certain price!

"You make a price!" Rui said, looking directly into Qin Hao's eyes. Everyone is an immortal who has nothing to gain. Although Qin Hao is not, he is also a child of an immortal. When he came here, he didn't expect Qin Hao to meet their conditions without making any demands.

"Star core! I only want the star core!" Qin Hao said with a smile. He just learned a piece of news when he was communicating with the queen, that is, the Titan is also driven by the star core, and the amount used is more than one. !

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