"Aren't these reinforcements very powerful? Why is it so hard to deal with a copper horn?" Qin Hao's brows were slightly wrinkled, knowing that he was only an F-level weak in the test organized by "Twilight". Chicken, can't even have the title of warrior, can only be regarded as an ordinary enhanced person.

But what about the guys in front, their weakest are E-rank fighters, more of them are D-rank or even C-rank, and someone like Anthony is a super-strong A-rank, but when he is dealing with Tongjiao, he has no It doesn't seem to be that powerful to be able to kill the opponent in seconds.

But in any case, with the support of the powerful energy weapons, Anthony and the others are still advancing at a good speed. After half an hour, they have advanced to less than ten kilometers away from the guard artillery defense circle of the Federal Glory. range.

"Everyone, work harder, we are here!" Anthony encouraged his morale. At this time, his team had been reduced to three people. Except for the two E-rank soldiers who were killed when they faced Tongjiao just now, Another E-rank warrior was accidentally dragged away by the swarm.

Although all the dead were the weakest E-level enhanced warriors, the casualties still cast a shadow over the team's morale.

"Yeah!" The other enhanced warriors nodded, and everyone was cautiously vigilant around them, because the three people who died before were caused by carelessness.

"Wait!" After walking for another five minutes or so, Anthony suddenly raised his right hand to signal the team to stop.

"Sir, what's wrong?" Ken asked suspiciously.

"That's not right!" Anthony said.

"Ah?" Ken looked blank, and the others didn't notice anything unusual.


"Oops..." Qin Hao, who was observing secretly from afar, suddenly screamed badly, because he felt the breath of Yinjiao!

Qin Hao has personally experienced the power of the silver horn, and just now Anthony and the others were so laborious to handle a copper horn, when facing the silver horn, Qin Hao didn't even dare to think about it.


"Boom!" At this moment, the ground suddenly collapsed, and the two enhanced warriors fell down without any psychological preparation.

"Ah! Ah!" Followed by two screams, these two unfortunate enhanced warriors died so inexplicably.

"Everyone be careful!" Anthony shouted, and at the same time, the muzzles of all the enhanced warriors were aimed at the collapsed ground.

"Squeak!" With a harsh scream, a hill-like silver-horned giant beetle climbed out of the giant pit.

"Damn it! What the hell is this!" Ken looked at the super-giant bug in front of him and said in surprise.

"Squeak!" After a scream, the silver-horned giant beetle raised its bloody blade and poked at Ken.

After all, Ken is a B-rank enhanced warrior, so when facing the attack of the silver horn, his speed is still barely able to keep up, so at the moment when the silver horn strikes, he dodges to the side and dodges. this attack.

"Bang!" Yinjiao's blade poked deeply into the soil.

"Attack!" Anthony shouted loudly.

"Boom boom boom boom..." The other enhanced warriors opened fire one after another, the individual energy cannons spit out the flames, and the energy projectiles hit the silver-horned giant beetle, but after the flames dissipated, the silver-horned giant beetle was completely unharmed!

"How is this possible?!" Almost all the enhanced warriors were dumbfounded. They had never seen such a powerful Zerg. Although the big bug was also very powerful before, it couldn't support it for long in front of the energy cannon.

But the super big bug in front of him has metamorphosed, and the individual energy cannon is completely useless in front of it. Those energy projectiles hit its body, and even a white mark cannot be left.

"Squeak!" The silver-horned giant beetle screamed again. It saw that Ken was too slippery to hit him for a while, so it changed its target.


"help me……"


The transformation target of the silver-horned giant beetle is terrible for the warriors. After all, not everyone can have the strength of B-level and C-level.

Those d-rank and e-rank enhanced warriors couldn't even react, and were pierced by the sword feet of the silver horns.

"No! Don't let it slaughter!" Anthony made a decisive decision, and he shouted to several of his subordinates: "Follow me, you B-ranks! Destroy this monster!"

"Okay!" Ken and several other B-rank enhanced warriors nodded, then rushed towards Silver Horn.

"Boom!" Anthony took the lead, the first to rush to the side of the silver-horned giant beetle, and then punched the worm's legs with a punch.

"Hey..." An electric light flashed, and Yinjiao's body suddenly crooked, and the worm's leg that was hit was numb.

"Boom boom boom boom..." Immediately after, the attacks of several other B-rank enhanced warriors also arrived. They waved their weapons and attacked Yinjiao, but it was a pity that their attack methods were pure. Physical attack, and although their weapons are sophisticated, they still can't break the silver horn's carapace.

In this way, except for Anthony's electric shock, which made one leg of the silver-horned giant beetle numb, the attacks of several other people had no effect at all.

"Squeak!" The silver-horned giant beetle made an annoying chirping sound. It swung its blade and swept away, forcing the B-rank enhanced warriors back. Then he raised his blade and stabbed Anthony sharply, because in the silver From the horned giant beetle, it seems that these people are only Anthony who can pose a threat to him!

"Shhh!" Anthony's skill was good, and he immediately avoided the attack of Yinjiao, but Yinjiao seemed to recognize him, and a pair of knife feet attacked Anthony one after another, forcing Anthony to keep dodging, and there was no chance at all. Keep attacking.

"No, we can't deal with it at all!" Soon, Anthony recognized the form. Although they are all top-notch fighters, they are still too weak in front of this kind of monsters. cause some damages.

"Mummy! Are all the military idiots? What are you doing to provoke such perverts?!" Anthony became more and more angry, and these enhanced warriors couldn't pay for this big bug, so ordinary soldiers came here to die?

"Sir, what should we do?" Ken asked while attacking. He also saw that he couldn't kill the big bug in front of him at all.

"Let's drag it first, and the others will immediately evacuate in the direction of the Federal Glory!" Anthony shouted loudly. At this time, if they evacuated the same way, it is impossible for them to run faster, so the only safe place is the Federation. Within range of the Glory's guard guns.

"Yes!" Ken nodded, and then shouted loudly to the other enhanced warriors: "We hold it, you guys go, we will meet at the Federal Glory!"

"Yes!" The other enhanced warriors also found that they couldn't help, so they immediately ran in the direction of the Federal Glory. Although the road was still blocked by giant beetles, at least they were not as invincible as the monster in front of them.

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