After receiving Qin Hao's order, Han Yihang quickly sent a small fleet over. This small fleet included two engineering ships, two mining spaceships and four escorting frigates.

After these spaceships arrived at Tianyuan Star's No. 4 satellite, Qin Hao immediately ordered them to break ground at the location chosen by the Queen of Worms!

Under Qin Hao's order, the two engineering ships landed quickly, and a large number of engineering robots and related engineering vehicles were unloaded. These robots and engineering vehicles began to dig at the location designated by the Queen of Worms. A large pit with a diameter of fifteen kilometers and a depth of ten kilometers was dug.

Then the two mining ships went into action, firing pulsed lasers one after the other. The two lasers quickly dissolved the rocky structure of the moon and continued to drill down.

After about seven days, the laser drill bit has dug about 100 kilometers underground, and the front of the laser drill bit here is finally not a rock structure, but a metal structure!

"Generalissimo, the laser drill bit has encountered the metal isolation layer, and it is no longer able to drill down." The engineer ran to Qin Hao and said that this metal is very strong, and its performance is second only to the strongest technological biological armor of human beings.

In fact, in terms of sturdiness alone, this metal is even a little bit stronger than biological armor, but it does not have self-healing ability, so overall it is better than biological armor!

"Can't you drill through?" Qin Hao asked.

"It's very difficult. We have changed three drill bits, but we only drilled down 100 millimeters..." the engineer also said helplessly. If the drilling continues at this pace, they don't know how many drill bits will be replaced. More importantly, I don't know how much time it will take.

"Well! Okay, your mission is over, let's evacuate." Qin Hao nodded. Since the laser drill can't do anything to get the metal isolation layer, it's useless for the mining spacecraft to stay here.

Then Qin Hao asked the engineering robots on the engineering ship to go down to the depths of the mine to cut the metal isolation layer, but the effect was the same [UU reading 00ks], although the robots were working day and night, the cutting machines in their hands did not know how to burn It dropped a lot, but it still couldn't cut through the metal wall.

"I'll do it!" Qin Hao frowned and was about to end himself.

"What are you going to do?" the queen said unhurriedly.

"Blast off the metal isolation layer!" Qin Hao said truthfully.

"And then?" the Queen asked.

"Then go in! Then teleport from here to the Titan factory." Qin Hao said as a matter of course, because the queen said before that the Titan factory was built inside a giant gas planet. Although the shipyard where the Titan was built is very large, after all, the size of the Titan battleship It’s like the moon, but the problem is that the volume of this gas planet is two thousand times that of the earth, which means that its volume is about 100,000 times that of the moon. Find a Titan in such a giant gas planet Factory, that is simply looking for a needle in a haystack!

So if you want to enter the Titan factory, you must enter from the teleportation point inside the satellite.

"Then have you ever thought about using your strength to hit the metal wall hard, and after you break through the wall, can the various instruments and equipment behind the metal wall still be used?" The queen continued to ask.

"Uh..." Qin Hao was stunned. He wanted too much to get the Titans or Titan information in the ruins. As the saying goes, caring makes chaos, so he ignored many things. Only after being reminded by the queen, Qin Hao came to his senses.

"It seems that if you want to enter the portal of the Titan Factory, you can only grind a little bit..." Qin Hao sighed. Now he can't wait to teleport directly into the Titan Factory, but the reality is not that simple.

It is impossible to directly transfer to the Titan factory, thinking that he does not even know the specific coordinates of the Titan factory,

Even Qin Hao didn't dare to teleport directly to the portal in the satellite, because he didn't know the situation inside, and if he teleported rashly, in case the place he teleported to was a cabinet or a wall or something, he would talk to him after teleporting. When those objects merge, the consequences will be very dire.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome." The queen suddenly said at this time.

"Oh? Master, do you have a solution?" Qin Hao's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Are you carrying the protozoa?" the queen asked.

The protozoan is a basic species among the Zerg. It is somewhat similar to the stem cells in the human body, through which it can evolve into any other Zerg or Zerg building.

"No..." Qin Hao shook his head, he really didn't have the habit of carrying protozoa with him.

"Then let's bleed some blood." The worm queen flicked her fingers, and a ray of light sank into Qin Hao's body. This was a memory.

"I'll go! Can you still play like this?" Qin Hao was taken aback after reading the memory.

This memory is actually a method taught to Qin Hao by the Queen of Worms. Through this method, Qin Hao can control some of his blood cells to divide, reproduce and mutate through spiritual energy. Eventually, these blood cells will form a protozoa!

"No wonder Master never takes the swarm seriously. I wondered how Master would re-cultivate the swarm if the swarm died..." Qin Hao suddenly realized that after having this ability, He can produce a protozoa anytime, anywhere, and with a protozoa, everything is possible. As long as the resources are sufficient, a protozoa can fill a planet with a swarm of insects in just a few months!

"This skill is the master's special skill at the bottom of the box..." Qin Hao thought to himself, and at the same time, he admired Sufficient's control and understanding of genes to a certain extent. It seems that the Queen of Worms is absolutely capable of making a creature do what she wants. The appearance mutates and evolves at will.

"Get a protozoa out!" the queen said to Qin Hao. Now that she has changed her body, although her psychic power is still there, her body belongs to Lucia. There is no Zerg gene in her blood, so she can't get out a protozoa. .

But Qin Hao is different. More than half of his genes have been modified, a large part of which is from the Zerg, so as long as he masters the method, it is not difficult to create a protozoa.

Although he just learned this skill, Qin Hao's comprehension is not bad. He only made a protozoan after trying it twice.

"Let the protozoan evolve into a hatching cavity!" the queen said to Qin Hao.

"Okay!" Qin Hao threw the protozoan on the ground, and the little thing quickly lay on the ground and turned into a huge cocoon. Of course, Qin Hao needed to continuously send energy to it during the process.

Half an hour later, the hatching cavity broke out of the cocoon.

"According to this gene sequence, hatch a few bugs." The queen then passed some memories to Qin Hao.

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