"Forget it, since you're not there, there's nothing you can do. Don't expect too much..." Qin Hao sighed. Although he felt a little disappointed, it was something he couldn't help.

"Let me see if the information on Titan's construction is complete." The worm queen came to the console.

"Master, I forgot to ask you just now, how long does it take to build a Titan?" Qin Hao asked while looking around.

"If you have mastered all the technologies and have all the resources, then it will take about fifty years to build a dock... After the dock is built, the Titan can actually be built in modules, as long as it is finally assembled in the Titan dock, This time-consuming may not necessarily be." After thinking for a while, the queen said.

"That's it..." Qin Hao nodded secretly, and then began to think in his heart.

Now the Queen of Worms is downloading relevant data and materials for building Titans. These are no longer a problem for Qin Hao. As for the dock, Qin Hao has no choice, let alone humans are not capable of building Titan docks inside gas planets. Even if he had this ability, he couldn't wait fifty years!

So the ready-made dock here became Qin Hao's only choice.

But to use this dock, Qin Hao must open up the channel between the Babylonian galaxy and the mainland of the Interstellar Federation, and eliminate possible threats. In this way, he not only needs to occupy the entire Lanning Empire, but even the other three in the same star field. He has to wipe out the great empire and the small forces around it.

Only in this way can Qin Hao create a safe production environment for the Titan Dockyard. Otherwise, the goal of a large number of transport ships coming and going here every day is too big. Once they are targeted, the Interstellar Federation will be in big trouble.

"It's really tricky!" Qin Hao rubbed his hands subconsciously, he knew that he had thought things too simply before.

According to Qin Hao's previous thinking, as long as the ruins of the Titans are found, it would be great if he could get a ready-made Titan. With the Titans, the Star Federation would naturally increase in strength. question.

If there is no ready-made Titan, then as long as the data is downloaded, Qin Hao can flee with the fleet, and the four empires do not have to eat all of them.

But the reality is not like this. The Titan Dock has also become a treasure that Qin Hao cannot abandon and cannot transport away. He must guard this treasure, so the four empires must be taken down, otherwise this important facility will be left in other civilizations Surrounded by him, Qin Hao couldn't even sleep peacefully.

"Okay, I've downloaded all the relevant technical information for you." The Queen of Worms said while throwing a football-sized disc to Qin Hao.

"What is this?" Qin Hao asked.

"Moltz's memory, there is a reading device at the entrance, just remove one when we leave." The Queen of Worms said to Qin Hao.

"Is there very little data on this Titan? Such a small storage device is enough?" Qin Hao asked curiously.

"Hehe, if it were replaced by your storage device, it would take at least a football field to fit it!" The worm queen rolled her eyes.

"Uh..." Qin Hao was once again shocked by the technology of the Mortz people. It seems that the technology of the previous generation is indeed more than a star and a half ahead of the current one.

"Master, is this dock still usable?" Qin Hao asked a question that he was more concerned about.

"It can be used, but your scientists may not be able to use it for a while. The technology of the Mortz people is enough for them to learn for a while." The Queen of Worms was also helping Qin Hao download the technology materials of the Mortz people while talking. .

"Hey! That's right!" Qin Hao sighed, and he also felt that he was a little too eager for success.

You must know that it may have been thousands of years since the Borg got that Titan,

But it was not until recently that they repaired the damaged Titan and made it truly capable of fighting. As for Qin Hao himself, he imagined that he would use it to participate in the battle immediately after getting the Titan. too naive.

"Qin Hao, don't be too anxious. After all, we have obtained these materials and knowledge now, and our technology will improve accordingly. Sooner or later, we will have our own Titan!" Lucia persuaded from the side.

"En!" Qin Hao nodded.

"Here! This is part of the technology of the Morz people stored in the dock. I don't know if your technology can be connected with it. If not, you have to find a way by yourself." The queen threw Qin Hao another Said after the football-sized disc.

Although the Queen of Worms is the last person who has mastered Mortz's technology, she obviously won't waste her time teaching human scientists, not even for Qin Hao!

Holding two discs in his hand, Qin Hao had already lost interest in visiting the Titan shipyard, because it was useless for him to see it, so why not bring these materials back to Earth first, and let those scientific researchers get in touch with them first.

Then Qin Hao has to start preparing for the invasion of the entire territory of the four empires. Considering the current strength of the Interstellar Federation, it is not easy to win the four empires. Qin Hao and the others used the Anteco predators before. The ultimate ability was to launch a surprise attack and take down the Babylonian sector.

At this time, although the Lanning Empire has no leader, it is easy to deal with it, but the other three empires are not easy to deal with. Although the reasons for the Interstellar Federation to attack the Lanning Empire are a bit far-fetched, they can be regarded as famous teachers anyway, and Lanning's defeat was too fast, and the other three empires had no time to react.

So it's okay for Qin Hao to annex Lanning. After all, for the other three empires, if Lanning can be saved, they will go to rescue, but Lanning is already hopeless, so they won't waste their troops anymore.

But if Qin Hao launches troops against the other three empires again, no matter what reasons he finds, no matter how reasonable these reasons and excuses are, the three of them will definitely join forces, after all, they have already felt the strength of the Interstellar Federation and threats.

Therefore, it is not an easy task for the Interstellar Federation to win the remaining three major empires. This will inevitably consume most of the energy and time of the Interstellar Federation. Human science and technology, if after Qin Hao wins the three empires, human scientists have mastered all the Morse technology, then Qin Hao can immediately start the construction of the Titan battleship!

Of course, all of this is based on the most ideal situation. First of all, based on the current capabilities of the Interstellar Federation, they simply do not have the strength to annex the three empires. Secondly, it is not a short-term task to digest the technology of the Mortz people The things that can be done within a few days, you must know that it took the Borg nearly a thousand years to digest the technology of the Silos civilization.

Although the starting point of human beings is much higher than that of the Borgs back then, it is definitely not something that can be completed in a few years to digest the technology of the Mortzes.

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