"Generalissimo!" An officer in his thirties raised his hand behind him.

"Say!" Qin Hao nodded.

"I think that if you want to attack the three empires, there is one thing that must be guaranteed, that is, they cannot be united," the officer said.

"En!" Qin Hao nodded.

"So we have to drive them apart. If we can make them fight each other, then we can even reap the benefits!" The officer said, his thoughts coincided with Huang Xing's.

"Then how do we drive them apart?" Qin Hao asked.

"I haven't thought about it yet..." The officer scratched his head and laughed.

"Cut..." Someone next to him hissed.

"Don't laugh at him, any strategy is thought out bit by bit. If you feel hopeless to defeat your opponent from the very beginning, it is worthy of irony!" Qin Hao waved his hand, and then continued: "I called you here for Brainstorming, now the major has said that we need to separate the three empires, then you have to consider how to separate them next, you don’t need to be too specific, as long as you have a general idea, the people behind will perfect your ideas for you, That’s the brainstorming process.”

"By the way, give this major a second-class credit." Qin Hao said to the clerk next to him.

"It's the Generalissimo!" The clerk replied immediately.

When Qin Hao said this, not only did those laughing voices disappear immediately, but everyone began to think about it. After all, Qin Hao really paid for it. The major just said a few words and gave him a second-class merit. , if anyone can come up with a concrete and feasible plan, then they can't be promoted directly?

Since ancient times, the word fame and fortune has been the best motivation, especially for men, the word fame and fortune can definitely drive them forward desperately.

"I think we can spread rumors to them during the trade. Although they may not believe it once or twice, but as the saying goes, three people make a tiger, and the rumor will become true if it is said a hundred times! At that time, the three big If the empire does not fight, they will have to renounce their morality!"

"That's right, we can also act as interstellar pirates to rob their trade spaceships, and then frame each other!"

"If we do it, it may reveal flaws. It is best to buy the mercenary organizations of the three empires and let them rob!"

"If we buy it ourselves, we may show our feet. If we buy it through a middleman, we will kill the middleman after the mercenaries do it!"


With the level-by-level additions, the plans for the divorce plan have become more and more abundant. Although some proposals may be unrealistic, some proposals are also feasible.

"How is it? Are you inspired?" Qin Hao turned to look at Huang Xing.

"Generalissimo, I have to admit that the collective wisdom cannot be underestimated." Huang Xing nodded.

"Starting from today, this meeting will be chaired by you, and the award will be awarded. As long as it is not too much, I will give you this authority. When it is almost done, you can summarize their suggestions and give me a copy after combining your ideas. Feasible report." Qin Hao said to Huang Xing.

"Generalissimo, do you trust me so much?" Huang Xing was stunned. You must know that Qin Hao gave him too much power. This is the right to be promoted and credited in the military system!

"As the saying goes, there is no need to be suspicious, and there is no need to be suspicious when employing people. As long as you think you are competent, then I will leave this job to you." Qin Hao said with a smile.

"Thank you Generalissimo! I won't let you down!" Huang Xing said solemnly.

"Okay!" Qin Hao nodded in satisfaction, then stood up and said to everyone: "Everyone be quiet, from now on,

This meeting is organized by my..."

Qin Hao paused when he said this, because he really didn't arrange any position for Huang Xing, he was just his own staff member, but this level of meeting was presided over by a staff member without a formal title, and returned to him It's a bit unreasonable for officers to have the authority to promote and record their merits, and it's hard for Huang Xing to convince the public.

So after pausing for a while, Qin Hao continued: "My deputy marshal, General Huang Xing, will preside over it!"

"What!?" Everyone was dumbfounded for a moment, even Huang Xing himself.

"Generalissimo?!" Huang Xing looked at Qin Hao, he didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in this generalissimo's gourd.

"From now on, you are my deputy marshal! When I am away, you will take care of military affairs." Qin Hao said with a smile.

Around Qin Hao, there are not many trustworthy people. Hu Ke and Han Yihang are generals. Give them all the work of scientific research and education.

For Qin Hao, the fleet is actually secondary. After all, his personal strength is so strong that he can tear apart the capital ship, and there are endless swarms of insects under his command, so he is not afraid of whoever seizes power, but he values ​​education and scientific research very much. It concerns the future of the entire human race.

From Qin Hao's point of view, he can rebuild the fleet if it is gone, and he can recruit troops if the soldiers are killed. But if there is a problem with education and scientific research, it will affect at least one generation!

And most importantly, in terms of Qin Hao's prestige in the army, as long as he is a federal hero, no one can seize power from him, and with Qin Hao's strength, let alone Huang Xing has no such idea Even if there is, he is not qualified to assassinate Qin Hao, so Qin Hao is very relieved to release the military power.

Qin Hao dared to delegate power because of his personal strength, but Huang Xing didn't know, how could he, an ordinary person, understand how powerful Qin Hao was? In his opinion, this is the great marshal's trust in him! At that time, he was so moved that he almost dug out his heart and showed it to Qin Hao.

At the same time, Huang Xing also vowed in his heart that he would not disappoint Qin Hao's expectations of him.

Huang Chen was grateful, but the officers below couldn't sit still. Some officers felt unbalanced. They were dissatisfied with why Huang Chen, a commoner, suddenly sat on top of all of them. But at this time, the benefits of the dictatorship are reflected It came out, that is, under this political system, no one dared to question Qin Hao's appointment, and no one dared to challenge Qin Hao's authority.

If this had been replaced by the previous federal democratic regime, it would have been a long time ago. Not to mention that the army could not agree, neither could the federal government.

But now, as the powerful dictator of the Interstellar Federation, Qin Hao's words are orders, and no one dares to question them. Even as long as he is still alive, no one dares to disobey Huang Xing, the new deputy marshal. After all, Qin Hao used the butcher knife to kill But the blood is still wet!

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