Although in interstellar wars, especially in collisions between civilizations, it is rare to keep captives. After all, reproductive segregation has caused races to be unable to integrate, and there is also a lack of trust. Therefore, keeping captives is a very bad idea act wisely.

But for Qin Hao, he has another way to get the absolutely loyal parasites of other races!

The four empires, including Lanning, have the same origin. They are all pure technological civilizations, and they are not as crazy as the Borg, who carry out infinite mechanized modifications on themselves, so they are all ordinary creatures. No resistance to parasites.

So as long as the three empires accept these soldiers, Qin Hao can use the combination of amoebas and parasites to get a lot of high-level empires, and then affect the decision-making of the three empires, let alone break the covenant of the three empires , even if it is not impossible for them to fight each other.

And once the three major empires have a war with each other, then they can enter the fourth stage of the battle plan and take advantage of the fire!

With the help of the war between the three empires, the Interstellar Federation can continue to benefit from it, and even plunder their territory and compress their living space. When the power of the three empires is exhausted, it will be the end of this battle. Closing the net in the final stage!

At that time, the strength of the three major empires was no longer one in ten, and the army of the Interstellar Federation marched straight in, and it would be easy to take down the three major empires.

"Not bad!" Qin Hao nodded in satisfaction. Although this plan may take several years or even ten years, in the long river of civilization development, this time is just a flick of a finger.

"Marshal, do you have any comments or instructions?" Huang Xing asked respectfully.

"Okay, you can follow this plan to implement it. If there are any changes or supplements, you can make up your own mind at that time. If the matter is important, you can come to me." Qin Hao said to Huang Xing, since this battle plan It's all sorted out by Huang Xing, so there's nothing wrong with letting him command this battle, just like what Qin Hao said before, he firmly believes in the principle of trusting people and never doubting people.

Since he chose Huang Xing, Qin Hao was willing to let go of power.

"Thank you Generalissimo!" Huang Xing was extremely excited at this moment, and at the same time he was glad that he had a good boss.

After all, handing over all the troops of the Federation to a person who is not very familiar with it is definitely not something that an ordinary dictator can do!

Of course, if it weren't for Qin Hao's amazing personal strength and holding the trump card of the swarm, he might not be able to delegate power like this.

Soon, the first part of the battle plan began to be implemented. Because it was just getting started, Huang Xing was not in a hurry for success. In the first three months when the Interstellar Federation stood firmly on the territory of the Lanning Empire, he didn't even release any rumors .

But during this time, Huang Xing was not idle, he scattered all the amoebas and parasites that Qin Hao gave him, and these insects mixed with the trade caravans of the three empires and returned to the territory of the three empires. These bugs began to develop silently in groups of two and two, and they became the real lurkers...

However, after three months, some rumors appeared one after another. At the beginning, the frequency of rumors was very low, and the rumors were not very exaggerated. These rumors were sent back to them through the trading fleet of the three empires. After the native land, it is just to let the people of these empires have more things to talk about after dinner.

But one after another, as time goes by, the rumors become more and more, and more and more detailed, some even describe people with noses and eyes, and the most exaggerated thing is that they even have names!

However, these rumors did not have any substantive effect. The meaning of their existence is at most to disgust the three empires, and those who released these rumors were all those from small and medium forces.

The Interstellar Federation not only does not spread rumors, but also does not believe and spread rumors!

Huang Xing did things very safely. He picked up the Interstellar Federation completely. Even if the three empires knew that there were rumors, they couldn't think of the Interstellar Federation, let alone blame them.

In the blink of an eye, another half a year has passed, and the three empires have gradually adapted to gossip. Although they have greeted each other and expressed that they do not believe such rumors at all, no matter whether it is the emperors of the three empires or the people below Subjects, after hearing such rumors too much, their impression of the other two empires is not as good as before.

At this time, the first stage of the alienation plan has also come to the final step.

A mercenary fleet belonging to the Namer Empire attacked the trading fleet of the Solan Empire and hijacked the entire fleet. After they robbed all the goods, they also extorted a large amount of ransom from the Soran Empire.

Of course, the Solan Empire would not let it go. They immediately dispatched a fleet to encircle and suppress this mercenary group. The final result was that all the merchant fleets were blown up and all the crew members were torn apart. The mercenary fleet that only belonged to the Namer Empire fled after losing more than ten frigates.

However, when the Soran Empire fleet destroyed the spaceships of the mercenary fleet, some mercenaries also ejected the escape pods when the spaceship exploded. These escape pods were quickly captured by the Solan Empire fleet, and the mercenaries also became a captive.

Through the interrogation of the captives, the third empire was involved. A rich businessman with a royal background in the Babia Empire turned out to be the main messenger of this looting, and the looted goods were stored in his port warehouse. !

All of a sudden, the relationship between the three empires became more subtle. Although this conflict did not really break out, Emperor Babia finally punished the wealthy businessman with royal background and fined him a large sum of money In order to compensate the Solan Empire, the Namer Empire also issued a warrant for the mercenary fleet, which is an explanation for the Solan Empire.

Although the war has been suppressed, the relationship between the three countries has become even more distant. Even near the border between the Soranlun Empire and the Namer Empire, both sides have quietly increased their border guards.

Everything is moving forward in an orderly manner according to the script set by Huang Xing, and Qin Hao will not only urge the laboratory to digest the technology of the Mortz people as soon as possible, but also he will often accompany the queen.

Recently, the worm queen has become particularly emotional, which makes Qin Hao very uncomfortable.

When I first got to know Queen Worm, even the voice of Queen Worm was a mixed timbre of male and female, and there was no tone of voice. , especially after she appeared in a human form, Qin Hao even saw the expression on her face.

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