Some of these information are true and some are false. The information obtained by the Namerians is true. However, the Solan people only did a small amount of alienation, but Huang Xing let the Namerians find out a lot.

For example, the Solan people only framed so many Namerians, but Huang Xing let the Namerians know about ten times!

These half-truths and half-false intelligence made it impossible for the three empires to fully verify it, but at the same time they were able to verify part of it from other evidence, so they had to start to doubt each other's intentions.

If everyone can barely accept the contradiction of just saying bad things to alienate the relationship and changing the ratio of the amount of medicine, then no one can bear to conspire with the Interstellar Federation to carve up their empire. up!

So the emperor of the Suolanlun Empire urgently summoned his core officials and discussed countermeasures with them.

When they got it at the beginning, many important ministers were skeptical about this information. After all, the three empires have been allied for many years and they jointly face the threat of the Interstellar Federation, so they have a basis for alliance with each other.

But with the arrival of follow-up intelligence, these skeptical ministers also began to gradually change their attitudes.

First of all, there is some information about the Interstellar Federation. Based on this information, they can easily infer that the strength of the Interstellar Federation is no less than that of the Borg. In the Interstellar Federation, it actually has no effect!

We must know that when the Borg swept across the other side of the Scar of Death, the civilizations there had no lack of alliances, but what happened? The Borg pushed over likewise, and the effect of those civilizations' alliances is really not obvious.

When faced with an absolute gap in strength, when the opponent has already formed a technological crush, the effect of the alliance is minimal.

Therefore, the basis for fighting against the Interstellar Federation no longer exists, because it doesn't matter whether they are united or not. For the three empires, the only condition for self-protection is not to provoke the Interstellar Federation. Then they will not send troops to attack, and they will be safe. up.

Later, the spies of the Soran Empire in the Babia Empire also sent back some news that the Babia Empire quietly dispatched 14 more main fleets to the border between the two countries!

"What are they going to do!? Send 14 more main fleets! They are going to declare war!" the emperor of the Solan Empire roared in the hall.

"..." The important ministers below were silent, after all, the behavior of the Babia Empire was too unbelievable.

However, Emperor Solanlun and his courtiers did not know that the reason why the Babia Empire sent 14 more main fleets to the border was because they had heard some news from the Interstellar Federation. The Lanlun Empire was worried about the fact that wealthy businessmen with royal backgrounds in the Babyia Empire had robbed the Solan Wheel merchant fleet before, so they secretly ordered a batch of advanced arms from the Interstellar Federation in order to take revenge on the Babyia Empire.

It is precisely because of this information that the Babia Empire sent 14 additional main fleets to the border in order to prevent the Soran Empire from retaliation.

But it was precisely because of this move of the Babia Empire that the Solanlun Empire felt threatened. At the same time, it also verified the information they received from the Interstellar Federation. Lanlun Empire!

"Hmph! Before, they hired mercenaries from the Namer Empire to attack our trading fleet. After being punished, they were still so determined to carve up our empire. This is simply intolerable!" said a Soran. The round senior general said angrily.

"What do you guys think?" the emperor of the Soran Empire asked sullenly.

"Your Majesty, I think the most urgent thing is to first look at the idea of ​​​​the Star Federation,

If they have decided to join forces with the Babia Empire to attack us, then it will indeed be more troublesome. If they have not made up their minds, then maybe we still have a chance! " Prime Minister Solan Lun said after a moment of silence.

"Oh? Tell me what you think!" Emperor Solanlun nodded. He also knew that if the powerful Interstellar Federation intervened in this matter, they would be unable to resist at all. The most urgent task now is to change the Interstellar Federation's thinking.

"I think we should immediately send a high-level envoy. If possible, it is best to meet their Generalissimo Qin Hao. If we can persuade him, we may be able to turn it around and join the Interstellar Federation to carve up Babia. Even if the empire can't let the Star Federation send troops, at least they have to convince them not to fight us with the Babia Empire!" said Prime Minister Solan Lun.

"Convincing their generalissimo? Is it that easy?" An official next to him asked with a frown.

"First of all, according to the information we have and the behavior of the Interstellar Federation, they are actually not belligerent, but they are very prone to anger. If the Interstellar Federation were greedy and belligerent, with their strength, they would have already leveled us all. Pushed! But they didn't, so they are still peaceful, as long as we don't touch their bottom line, such as killing their people, the chances of the Star Federation sending a fleet to attack us are actually very small. If you take the initiative to pay some price, at least the Interstellar Federation will not help each other," said Prime Minister Solan Lun.

"That's right! I've also studied the behavior of the Interstellar Federation. They never take the initiative to provoke others, but if someone kills their people, it will definitely end forever!" Emperor Solanlun also nodded.

"Yeah, I don't know if you have noticed that during the battle of the Interstellar Federation attacking Lanning, the Interstellar Federation sometimes even delayed the fighter plane in order to avoid casualties. This shows how much they value human life!" A person next to him said the general.

"Hmm! I heard that the people of the Interstellar Federation seem to be the same as the Holy Messenger. They have very poor fertility, so everyone is very precious!"

"No wonder they form an alliance with the Holy Envoy, it turns out they have something in common!"


Others also talked about it.

"Okay, so which one of you is sure to send an envoy to the Interstellar Federation and convince their generalissimo?" The emperor stopped the following discussion.

"Your Majesty, since the Prime Minister came up with this idea, it will be the best if he implements it!" said an official next to him.

"Oh? What do you think?" Emperor Solanlun looked at the prime minister.

"Veteran is willing to give it a try!" Prime Minister Suo Lanlun said with a bow.

"Okay! Then you can go there yourself!" A smile finally appeared on Emperor Solanlun's face. This old prime minister is very capable. If he goes out, he will definitely ensure that the Star Federation will not send troops to attack Solanlun.

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