In the space station on Ozilla, Qin Hao and the others got sufficient supplies, and of course the cost was quite expensive.

After resting for about two days, Qin Hao and the others returned to their spaceship and were about to leave the space station, but just as Qin Hao was about to launch the spaceship, the Queen of Worms suddenly frowned.

"Master, what's the matter?" Qin Hao asked curiously.

"Interesting!" The worm queen smiled and said nothing.

"..." Since the queen didn't say anything, Qin Hao didn't ask any more questions. He drove the spaceship out of the port of the space station and entered the vast universe.

"Go directly to Moore Star?" Qin Hao asked.

"No hurry, go here first!" The worm queen pointed at the star map. This place is two mid-distance jumps from Mortu star. It's not too far, but it's not close either.

"Okay!" Qin Hao nodded. Although he didn't know what the queen wanted to do, since she asked to go to this place, she naturally had her intentions.

Then Qin Hao adjusted his course and went straight to the planet designated by the Queen of Worms.

Star Lois, the public garbage dump of the Nass galaxy, is where the entire galaxy puts garbage, and it is also the destination of Qin Hao and the others this time.

Lois Star is a volcanic planet. It has an atmosphere, but it is full of sulfide gas, which is not suitable for habitation at all. Moreover, the surface of this planet is filled with magma and gunpowder smoke. You don’t know when, in Wherever lava erupts.

For living, this place is a hell, but if it is used for garbage disposal, this place is a natural incinerator, so at least two-thirds of the garbage in the entire galaxy is transported here.

After arriving at the gravity well of Star Lois, Qin Hao found that the route here was very busy, with garbage ships jumping here continuously, and then turned around and left after dumping the garbage on Star Lois.

However, although it is busy here, it is also quite remote, because almost all the garbage ships that come and go are unmanned, and such spaceships full of pollutants are rarely operated manually.

Moreover, the garbage discarded here is of little recycling value, so interstellar pirates will not come here, and there will be no patrol fleet passing by.

"Master, what are we doing here?" Qin Hao asked suspiciously.

"Wait for someone." The worm queen said lightly.

"Who are you waiting for?" Lucia asked.

"Shua!" The worm queen stretched out her hand, and just grabbed the void in front of her, and a figure appeared in her hand.

"Ah!? Who!?" The man screamed. He was originally hiding in the back cabin of the scout ship. For some reason, the space around him was distorted, and he was directly caught on the bridge!

"I'll go! When did he get on the ship?" Qin Hao was taken aback. Although he didn't dare to say that he was the best in the universe, he was considered a strong man, but someone touched his spaceship. , and just put it on and followed them all the way, he didn't even notice it at all.

"The Quills, a very rare breed." The worm queen looked at this guy with a duck-like head but without a hair and smiled.

"You... who are you!?" The Naquil in the Queen's hand asked in a panic.

"Damn it, you got on my boat and asked who we are?" Qin Hao sneered.

"Plop..." The queen really thought this guy was disgusting, so she just threw him on the ground. Anyway, the Quills are not good at hiding their breath, but their strength is actually very average. Among the people present, Bo Nadette is relatively weak, and the remaining three people can torture him to the point where he can't take care of himself with one finger.

"Tell me, what's your name, why are you on my boat?" Qin Hao kicked the Naquier,

But he didn't try hard.

"My name is Torion, and I'm going to take a spaceship to Abras. I may be on the wrong ship." The Naquil said after getting up from the ground.

"Hey, it's really troublesome, let's read the memory." Qin Hao sighed, he didn't believe the nonsense of the Quill people at all.

With a single finger, Qin Hao pinned the Quill on the ground. The powerful psychic energy oppressed him and he couldn't move at all. Then Qin Hao pressed his palm on his head, and the psychic energy began to invade this guy's mind.

"..." After a while, Qin Hao looked at the worm queen blankly.

"Don't waste time. Although these guys have no skills, their brain structure is different from other creatures. Even I can't forcefully read their memories!" The queen said helplessly.

Generally speaking, the reason for not being able to read the other party's memory is because the other party has mental power not weaker than yours, and he tried his best to resist, so he failed to read the memory, but the Quills are different, their The brain structure is very weird, making it impossible for other energies to penetrate at all, which leads to the fact that although they are weak and their mental power is scum, you just can't read their memories.

It is precisely because of this advantage that the Naquils are the race that produces the most liars in the universe, because no one can tell whether their words are true or false.

"Is there any way to deal with them?" Qin Hao asked.

"The method is quite simple." The worm queen shrugged, and then Naquil, who had been calm just now, broke out in a cold sweat.

"No! I say! I speak the truth! In the name of Tanzania! I speak the truth!" the Naquil said hastily.

"Master, how can you scare him like this?" Qin Hao asked curiously.

"They have a special brain structure that prevents the intrusion of external mental energy. Wouldn't it be better to open their heads and use mental power to check?" The queen still kept a smile on her face, and then suddenly a Sharp nails, it seems that this is going to open the dipper directly to the Naquil.

"Don't! Don't! Don't! I beg you, I'm just working for others, don't kill me..." the Quill knelt on the ground and cried.

"Then tell me." Qin Hao didn't want to get blood everywhere on his bridge.

"My name is indeed Torreon. I am a freelancer. I am now employed by the Ronal Pirates. They have been watching you from the space station. You spend a lot of money, and you look like a rich man, and The spaceship has no combat power, so they asked me to lurk on your spaceship to provide them with real-time coordinates, so that they can locate you and catch you!" The Naquil said, but if this is true, then There is no way to verify it, unless the kid's bald head is pried off.

"Master, do you believe it?" Qin Hao asked back.

"Pry it open and you'll know?" The Queen of Worms said while making gestures to open the ladle.

"Don't! I'm telling the truth. It's very easy to verify. They should be coming soon..." Torion was almost frightened. This kind of dead star...

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