"Bernadette, are you guilty?" the chief said to Bernadette after listening to his grandson's description. As for Bernadette's father's plea, he turned a blind eye at all.

"It's ok, put your hat on before you speak, this leader is not in vain." Qin Hao secretly smiled in his heart, he was not in a hurry to intervene, he wanted to understand the situation of this ethnic group first, and then act.

Although there are only a few hundred descendants of the Yagota people left, and each of them is very precious, those cancerous tumors must not be left behind. These guys are like tumors in the body. If you can only cheat yourself, it is better to cut it off and get rid of future troubles forever!

"Boss, I know I shouldn't come back, but I have something important to tell everyone this time!" Bernadette tried to explain, but was interrupted directly by the big boss.

"It's fine if you're convicted!" The chief didn't listen to Bernadette's explanation at all, because he knew that Bernadette dared to come back. If he dared to say that, she might really have enough important information, and maybe this information could make her Everything that brought someone back privately was forgiven.

So the big leader can't let her finish her sentence, because once Bernadette is forgiven by everyone, he can't kill her anymore, at least he can't kill her justifiably. The rule of the chieftain is very unfavorable.

But Bernadette absolutely can't stay. She dared to hurt her grandson just now. No matter what the reason is, this is equivalent to provoking her own authority. If she can't kill her, then the authority of her big leader will suffer. Doubt, this is also unacceptable to him.

So the best choice is to prevent Bernadette from speaking out, just kill her and it's over!

"Guard! Now that she has pleaded guilty, kill him!" The chief waved his hand.

"Kaka..." The guards on both sides were basically obedient to the chief, so when the chief gave the order, these people immediately loaded the bullets.

"Hey! The big boss is so majestic, can't you let a little girl finish her sentence? It seems that the boat you are driving now was bought with the money from selling her? Don't you feel any guilt towards her?" Qin Hao walked forward slowly.

"Kill them all! Do it!" The big leader waved his hand, and he had a bad premonition in his heart, so in order to preemptively strike, he directly ordered the guards to shoot and kill Bernadette and the foreigners.

"Whoosh, whoosh..." The guards didn't care so much, since the chief gave the order, they fired directly, and the laser guns emitted red beams of light, heading straight for Qin Hao and the others.

"Don't!" Bernadette's father rushed forward. He hoped to be able to use the laser for his daughter. At this moment, he didn't care about his own life or death, or he wanted to use his life to replace Bernadette. Special forgiveness.

However, the big leader's killing intent has been decided, and in order to maintain his authority, he must kill these people today. If there are other people who stop him, he will not hesitate to kill everyone who stops him!

Therefore, Bernadette's father's actions could not save his daughter at all, and would cost his own life in vain.

But with Qin Hao around, Bernadette couldn't die, and neither could her father. All the lasers seemed to be hitting an invisible barrier, and they couldn't hurt those people in front of them at all.

"Energy field generator? Who are you?!" The chief was taken aback, and at the same time he made a gesture behind his back, telling the guards to bring heavy weapons over, his murderous intent remained unchanged.

"Energy field generator? It doesn't need to be so troublesome..." Qin Hao smiled, and then walked forward step by step.

"Kill him!" Seeing Qin Hao walk out of the "effective range of the energy field generator", the chief immediately ordered.

"Swoosh..." The laser shot towards Qin Hao's direction,

But they were all blocked by Qin Hao's body protection spiritual power. This kind of individual weapon did not pose a threat to him at all. Even if Qin Hao didn't activate the shield, the laser with this intensity would not be able to break his skin. Not to let his clothes become tattered, Qin Hao still didn't pretend to be Thirteen, but inspired spiritual energy to form a shield on his body.

"The guards stop him!" Seeing that Qin Hao walked out of the range of the energy field shield generator but was still able to resist the laser's shooting, the chief leader began to panic.

"Hula..." A large group of soldiers gathered around, Qin Hao smiled, he didn't want to hurt these people, after all, they were just guards who obeyed orders, after the big boss was dealt with, they were still Qin Hao's good subjects.

"Shua!" Qin Hao disappeared out of thin air, and the soldiers looked at each other in blank dismay.

"My dear chief, it seems that you haven't figured out the current situation!" Qin Hao appeared directly behind the chief, and he almost said close to the chief's ear.

"..." The big leader didn't speak, and didn't dare to move at the same time. Cold sweat dripped from his forehead. At this moment, he was a little flustered, but his consciousness was very clear.

"It's over! It's over! This guy must be a strong man who bought Bernadette, but isn't it just for the sake of inheriting the family? Why did he come here? And to stand up for Bernadette? Said that this girl actually has the means to make such a strong man bow his head and obey his ears?" The chief was thinking quickly in his mind.

"There may be some misunderstanding between us... between us..." the chief said tremblingly.

"Hehe..." Qin Hao couldn't bear it anymore, why did the villain keep saying this after he kicked the iron plate, misunderstanding? You didn't say that when you clamored to kill people just now!

"Bernadette! These are all your compatriots. You don't want your race to perish, do you?" The leader knew very well that he couldn't persuade Qin Hao, a strong man, so he immediately chose the target of Bo on Nadette.

"Oh! You have a strong desire to survive!" Qin Hao smiled, and then looked at Bernadette.

"Master, please don't kill him first, please? I want to finish my sentence first." Bernadette said, she is a very persistent person, and she also believes in prophecy, so she very much hopes to tell everyone what she knows. Tell them that the spring of the tower civilization is coming!

"Okay! But you don't have much time. This big leader has a lot of thoughts. He is waiting for his trump card. He thinks that thing can eliminate us and bring the situation back, so when he is disappointed, he I won't be able to hear what you said later." Qin Hao said to Bernadette with a smile.

"En!" Bernadette nodded, and then said loudly to everyone: "Do you still remember the prophecy handed down from the ancient times? The national teacher will lead us back to glory in the future!"

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