One advantage of human battleships and weapons is that they are extremely versatile, because humans generally have no superpowers, so their weapons and equipment are all purely technological, and they also require low operator capabilities.

Therefore, the warships and equipment of the Interstellar Federation do not need to have strong spiritual power to control them like the equipment of the Holy Messenger, nor do they need the blood of the Yagota civilization to be activated like the warships of the Yagota civilization.

Not to mention being like the Borgs, many devices need to be connected to the Borgs' neural network to be most effective. The control of Star Federation battleships and equipment is easy to operate and requires low requirements in the entire universe.

And this kind of equipment also has strong combat capabilities, so it will naturally become a sought-after item in the arms trade!

The most important point is that the Interstellar Federation not only sells arms, but also provides training for the crew. With stable memory transmission equipment, the Interstellar Federation can allow the forces that buy their arms to master the driving skills of these warships in a short period of time. This is also unprecedented in the space arms trade market. Of course, the training of personnel is definitely not free...

Stable memory transmission equipment is the unique technology of the Holy Promenade, but this technology is very tasteless to the Holy Promenade family who are all mentally strong, and they have not thought about selling this device to the outside world, so In the end, it was the Interstellar Federation that carried forward this technology.

But now the Holy Angels are basically a vassal race of the Interstellar Federation, so they will naturally not complain that the Interstellar Federation has stolen their technology, or stop supplying the Interstellar Federation.

Under the instillation of stable memory transmission equipment, a large number of soldiers of the Solan Empire quickly mastered the driving skills of the Star Federation warships. In less than two months, they drove the second-hand warships that the Star Federation was supposed to eliminate. went back.

With nearly 10,000 conventional warships, the military strength of the Soran Empire skyrocketed, and the original military balance with the Babia Empire was broken!

There are hatred and conflicts of interest in itself, and now they have the strength to eliminate their opponents, so what kind of politeness is there for the Soran Empire?

So the Soran Empire declared war on the Babia Empire in the second week after the new battleship they bought arrived at the border!

And just two hours after the declaration of war, the fleet of the Solan Empire rushed into the territory of the Babia Empire and launched a fierce attack on the fleet of the Babia Empire!

"Boom boom boom..."

The beams of energy lasing back and forth in space are clearly visible hundreds of thousands of miles away,

The Solan Empire spent a lot of money this time. They also thought carefully when purchasing warships. The spaceships they purchased were mainly divided into two types and three models!

First of all, the largest number purchased by the Soran Empire is the Kenlak Raider-class missile frigate. Although these small ships are fragile, they have extremely strong firepower. Even capital ships have to avoid their sharp edges. If they are tough, they will not be able to resist a few rounds of salvos.

In addition to this kind of guided missile frigate, the Soran Empire also purchased some Gallas Law Enforcer-class heavy cruisers. This thing has powerful firepower, rough skin and thick flesh, and is also equipped with the biological armor known in the universe of the Interstellar Federation. Reorganize the body on the battlefield when it is severely damaged, quickly repair the armor shell, and gain a new life!

It can be said that this kind of heavy cruiser is the best front-line meat shield in fleet battles. They have high health resistance and can quickly recover blood by themselves. There are almost no shortcomings!

Of course, if you want to talk about shortcomings, there are still Gallas Enforcer-class heavy cruisers, and that is-expensive! This thing's demand for biological armor is too great, and it is precisely because of the large amount of biological armor that it has strong defense and regeneration capabilities, but at the same time, its cost is far higher than other conventional warships.

The cost is expensive, so when Huang Xing sells it to the Solan Wheel Empire, it will not be cheap. He not only has to get back his money, but also has to make money, so the Solan Wheel Empire has to pay a higher price when buying it. This made the Solan Empire, which had accumulated wealth for tens of thousands of years, not dare to replace all the front row battleships with Gallas Law Enforcers.

In order to reduce costs, the Solan Empire purchased a large number of Lavasa fighters. This heavy frigate can basically be regarded as the monkey version of the Gallas Law Enforcer, but it is much smaller in size and does not have a force field generator. , the weapon system is also much weaker, but it is still very good as a front row meat shield.

In fact, the Suolan Empire also wanted to buy some auxiliary cruisers at the beginning, but in the end, no matter what price they offered, Huang Xing did not agree!

With the update of technology, the warships on the human side have updated a lot of technology, but the core configuration of the warships has not changed. Spaceships such as the Kenrak Raider, Lavasa Fighter and Galas Law Enforcer are all solid ships. A model of gun power, they don’t have any technological equipment, and they sell it as soon as they sell it. Those technology-assisted cruisers are related to the strategic and tactical issues of the Star Federation. risk.

But these spaceships that only pursue strong guns are different. After upgrading, selling them will not reveal too many technological secrets.

Although they only bought two types of spaceships, the Solan rounder found that they were worth the money once they entered the battlefield!

With their powerful defensive capabilities, the Lavasa fighters and Gallas enforcers in the front row can almost ignore attacks other than the main guns of the opponent's capital ship. Unless the enemy's fleet-level volley fires, it is impossible to destroy them at all.

And the Kenlak Raider in the rear also showed its unparalleled output capability. The combination of these two types of spaceships constitutes the strongest contradictory combination!

The most important thing is that the Solanlun Empire did not pursue a single ship without loss when fighting. They were willing to sacrifice, so they fought more fiercely. In addition, the Babia Empire itself was caught off guard, so it was quickly defeated. Come down!

In just one month, the Solanlun Empire made great strides, capturing six star systems, eighty-one resource stars, and four administrative stars of the Babia Empire!

The defeat on the front line shocked the Babians. At the same time, they also discovered the Interstellar Federation warships in the fleet sequence of the Solan Empire, so the ambassador of the Babia Empire immediately advanced to see Huang Xing. They needed to know whether the Interstellar Federation participated in the war !

And at this time, Huang Xing, a black-hearted politician, showed his rogue face. He even claimed that the Interstellar Federation has always had an arms trade, but the Babia Empire never asked for it...


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