After telling Qin Hao about the Borg's movements, the cloaked man left, as if he was really not in a hurry to get Qin Hao's answer.

"Master, do you think what he said is true?" Qin Hao asked the queen.

"Although they have other plans, they are not deceiving, so since he said so, the Borg may really take action." The queen said.

"But didn't the Borg just unify the other side of the Death Scar? Why didn't they take a break and immediately arrange such a large-scale military operation?" Qin Hao asked very puzzled.

"I don't know about this. Maybe you can ask that wind elemental person." The queen said. Although she is powerful and has lived long enough to master many ancient secrets, she is not omniscient and omnipotent after all. She didn't know anything about the Henbog side either.

"Okay! Then let's go back to the battleship first, and I'll contact Cynthia right now!" Qin Hao was also very nervous at this time, and he was also afraid that the Borg would come here now. Although the construction of the Titan has already started, it is still far from completion. It's far away, and even if the Titan is completed, it will take time to load various weapons and then train and use them.

So if the Borgs are coming now, the Star Federation's fleet will not be able to counter the Borgs with just three capital ships of the Yagotas.

After returning to Qin Hao's flagship from the surface of the planet, Qin Hao found that Lucia was coordinating the fleet to prepare for defense. After all, the queen told her that a very fierce battle might break out on that planet.

It turned out that the cloaked man subdued the will of the planet so easily, and the fierce battle was over before it even had time to happen.

"Okay, let the fleet return to the vicinity of the planet's gravity well, and then continue to attack the planet!" Qin Hao said to the commander of the fleet. Now the planet's will has been captured by the cloaked man, and those aliens before The master has also been killed by the will of the planet, so the planet has no power to resist.

After arranging for the fleet to continue to attack, Qin Hao came to a meeting room, and he brought Nilu over at the same time.

Originally, Nilu was attached to Qin Hao all the time, but just now he knew that there was going to be a fierce battle, so he left Nilu in the battleship. Now that the battle is over, Qin Hao has brought Nilu back to his side , so it is better to contact Cynthia who does not know where she is.

"Nilu, can you contact your mother now?" Qin Hao asked Nilu who had re-formed.

"I'll try, but I'm not sure..." Nilu nodded,

Then he closed his eyes.

Time passed by, and Nilu sat on the chair with her eyes closed, very quiet.

"Shua!" Nilu's eyes opened.

"How is it?" Qin Hao asked.

"No... brother... I can't contact my mother..." Nilu shook her head, because King Marshall is Qin Hao's mentor and also Nilu's father, so since Qin Hao got the inheritance of King Marshall, Nilu He started calling him brother.

"Can you try again?" Qin Hao asked again because he was worried about the Borg's movements.

"Hmm! I'll try!" Nilu closed her eyes again.

About five minutes later, Nilu's eyes opened, and her demeanor was completely different from before.

"The Chosen One, are you looking for me?" Cynthia said to Qin Hao using her daughter's body.

"Well! I want to know the current situation of the Borg. Are they really planning to attack us across the scar of death?" Qin Hao asked bluntly, because the connection between Cynthia and her daughter was not very stable. , so the long story must be cut short.

"Wait a minute! The Chosen One!" Cynthia didn't answer immediately, obviously she didn't have the relevant information, but this didn't prevent her from launching an investigation immediately.

As the strongest intelligence dealer in the universe, Cynthia's intelligence network was even bigger than Qin Hao imagined, and within about ten minutes, the silent Cynthia spoke again through Nilu!

"It is true that the Borg are gathering their forces recently, but they may not be crossing the scar of death!" Cynthia said to Qin Hao.

"Oh?!" Hearing what Cynthia said, Qin Hao heaved a sigh of relief. Although the worm queen said that the cloaked man couldn't deceive him on purpose, they couldn't help but make a mistake. They might have discovered that the Borg were gathering On the other side of the scar of death, they had no opponents, so it was judged that they must have come to attack Qin Hao.

"Well... it's like this. According to the top-secret information of the Borg, they discovered a dead space near the Grand Cross. This time the troop build-up may be aimed at that dead space. Of course, it is not ruled out that they crossed the dead space. The possibility of scars." Cynthia said to Qin Hao.

"What is dead space?!" Qin Hao was taken aback, he had never heard of this term.

"I don't know either. The information about the dead space is strictly blocked by the Borg, and I can't find it." This time, Cynthia, who is almost omniscient, also disappointed Qin Hao.

"Dead space is a kind of subspace. Most of it is distributed in death, so it is named dead space. It's just that to enter this kind of space requires special phase technology, and this phase technology has been lost, so it is already very difficult. Few people know about it." At this time, the Queen of Worms walked in.

"Master, do you know Dead Space?" Qin Hao asked immediately.

"Well! Some of these dead spaces are formed naturally, and some are caused by human beings..." The queen said slowly, as if she was recalling the magnificent war scenes in ancient times.

"Man-made? Can man-made space?" Qin Hao was taken aback. This is a technology he has never heard of, at least there is no relevant introduction in the scientific and technological materials of the Mortz people.

"Hehe, even in ancient times, it was impossible to artificially create spaces. Those artificially formed dead spaces are usually accidental products of war." The queen said with a smile.

"An accidental product of the war?" Qin Hao asked suspiciously.

"Well! When the black hole weapons collide, it is possible to create a stable subspace, which is the dead space!" The queen explained.

"Then where are these dead spaces? Are there many of them?" Qin Hao asked.

"If you count the naturally formed dead spaces, the number is quite considerable. However, only a few of these dead spaces are open and can be detected by phase radar as long as you get close to them, but most of them require special equipment. The equipment can only be found by scanning, and after positioning, you can enter the dead space through a special phase engine." The queen said.

"Then what's in the dead space?" Qin Hao asked, the Borg had to spend so much effort to enter the dead space, it must be useless!

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