The moment the Ancient Glory entered the phase space, the ghost Leviathan also suddenly accelerated, followed behind the Ancient Glory, and plunged into it.

One boat and one insect shuttled quickly in the phase line, and the time passed by every minute and every second. After about twenty hours, Qin Hao and the others finally came to the end of the phase line.

"Shua!" With a flash of silver light, the ancient battleship Huiyao rushed out of the phase space and entered the dead space, followed by the ghost Leviathan, also entering this small enclosed space.

"Alert! Alert! This ship has encountered fire control radar!"

"Alert! Alert! This ship has been locked!"

Almost at the same time as it rushed out of the phase space, the siren sounded in the Ancient Glory.

"The shield is turned on at full power, and the entire ship is notified to prepare for the impact! Immediately lock the hostile target!" Although Harward was also a captain who took office after only temporary training, after so many wars, he Already very competent.

Before long, the voice of the radar officer came: "The target has been locked, three Morka-class unmanned destroyers! Four Hoodun-class unmanned heavy cruisers and seventy-five Ahura-class unmanned fighter jets!"

"It's all drones?" Qin Hao was slightly taken aback after hearing the radar officer's report.

"Immediately release the carrier-based aircraft and lock on to the target. Once within range, fire and destroy it immediately!" Howard continued to give orders.

"Yes!" The officers and soldiers in the bridge agreed in unison.

"Shua, Shua, Shua..." The carrier-based aircraft on the Ancient Glory were released, and they formed a formation and rushed towards the opponent's drone.

Soon, in the center of the warships of both sides, the fighter units took the lead in exchanging fire...

As soon as the fire was fired, Qin Hao's carrier-based air force had an absolute advantage. You must know that in ancient times, the strength of the Yagota civilization was not comparable to that of other civilizations. In addition, there were fighter planes fighting against drones. When the combat power was stronger, and there was a powerful battleship behind him to provide support from the energy position, more than 70 hostile drones were wiped out in an instant.

"Are you sure which faction these drones belong to?" Qin Hao asked.

"Affiliated to the Karmoz civilization!" Howard reported, if other ships encountered these unmanned warships, they would definitely not be able to know the strength of these warships. After all, these are spaceships from ancient times.

However, the battleship of the ancient Huiyao also came from ancient times, and its database contained relevant ship information, so after locking the target, it immediately showed the power and basic performance of these warships.

That is, in about five minutes, relying on the energy field of the ancient Huiyao, Qin Hao's carrier-based aircraft troops easily wiped out the opponent's drones, and then returned to the mothership.

And at this time, the enemy's seven battleships have also entered the range of the Ancient Glory!

"Fire!" Following Howard's order, the weapon system of the Ancient Glory was fully activated, and it launched an attack on the seven hostile warships in the distance.

And at this moment, the ghost Leviathan, who also completed the transition, was not idle, it rushed to the vicinity of the opponent's battleship in an instant, and then started to attack!

You must know that the ghost Leviathan is a very strange creature. It is immune to almost all energy weapon attacks, so it looks easy on the battlefield. What kind of missiles, their weapons are almost all energy types, so they can't hurt the ghost Leviathan at all.

However, the attack of the ghost Leviathan can easily tear the hulls of these spaceships. With the cooperation of the ghost Leviathan and the ancient glory, the battle ended quickly. The whole army was wiped out in time.

"Grand Marshal! We found a Carmoz mothership ahead!" Howard came to Qin Hao and reported to him.

"Is the other party acting hostile?" Qin Hao asked.

"Not yet." Howard replied.

"Come closer." Qin Hao nodded.

"Yes!" Howard saluted Qin Hao, and then gave the order.

Soon, the battleship of Ancient Glory sailed towards the mothership of Carmozi...

As it continued to approach, Qin Hao also saw the mother ship of the Karmaz through the porthole. This ship was very big, even as big as the Titan of the Borg, but it was still not a Titan, but Once the body size has reached that level, the technology and weapons are far from being as powerful as the Titans.

Soon, the Ancient Glory came to the side of the Carmozi mothership, and the Carmozi mothership just floated there quietly, motionless, without any electromagnetic or electromagnetic waves inside it. No energy signal, not even any lights in sight.

"What's the situation? Is this mothership already abandoned?" Qin Hao asked doubtfully.

"You'll know if you go and have a look." The queen smiled and said.

"That's right!" Qin Hao nodded, and then ordered the landing craft to be prepared, and then he boarded the boat with the queen and Lucia.

Soon, the boat left the Ancient Glory and sailed towards the mothership of the Karmazi.

After approaching the mothership of the Karmozi people, Qin Hao and the three easily boarded the spaceship. As for the closed isolation hatch, how could that thing stop Qin Hao and the three of them?

Silence... Absolute silence, deathly silence!

This is Qin Hao's first impression of this mothership, because when he boarded this mothership, he found that this mothership seemed to have really been abandoned, here even the life support system and the virtual gravity system It has been closed for a long time, and the situation of the entire hull is not much different from the outer space.

"Let's go to the bridge first." Lucia suggested.

"Master, do you know how to get to the bridge of this ship?" Qin Hao looked at the queen.

"Come with me." The worm queen smiled slightly, for these things from the ancient times, she is really familiar with them.

Following the queen, Qin Hao and the three soon arrived at the bridge of the Carmozi mothership, where there was still deathly silence.

"Have you brought energy crystals?" the insect queen asked Qin Hao.

"Bring it!" Qin Hao nodded. There are a lot of energy crystals in his spirit crystal space for a long time.

"Give it to me!" The worm queen said to Qin Hao.

"Okay!" Qin Hao immediately took out a large pile of energy crystals and put them aside.

"Shua!" The worm queen pointed, and the energy crystals floated beside her, and then she said to Qin Hao and Lucia: "Wait for me for a while, I will go to the power room, I hope the equipment there can still be used .”

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