Because this battle star is sealed, there is no one guarding it at all. After all, there are so many such dead spaces near the scar of death. Without specific coordinates, it is not easy to find a specific dead space.

More importantly, even if you found the battle star in dead space, how do you get it out? Who among the three super civilizations in ancient times didn't have any tricks!

For example, the Yagota civilization, their spaceships rely on blood to drive, even if you find their hidden battle star, without the support of the Yagota blood, it is just a piece of scrap iron!

The same is true for the Shino civilization to which this battle star belongs. Although their warships do not require a unique bloodline, they also have a special locking method, that is, the frequency of spiritual power, because the frequency of the spiritual power of the Sino people is on a special wave band , so it is difficult to imitate.

Although it is difficult, it does not mean that it is impossible, but in ancient times, there was no civilization that could imitate the spiritual power of the Sino people and master the cutting-edge technology of the Sino people, so they hid the battle star in the dead space and were not afraid of being killed. People steal.

"So, we can't use this battle star anymore?" Qin Hao asked with some disappointment.

"That's not enough." The worm queen smiled slightly.

"Master, what can you do?" Qin Hao asked.

"First of all, it may be difficult for other races to imitate the frequency of the spiritual power of the Sino people, but for us Zerg, it is very simple. Don't you have many leaders of the Zerg under your command? They are all Experts in mental power are very good at this, and they can easily imitate the wave band of the Shino people's mental power." The worm queen said with a smile.

"What about the technology of the Hino people? The leaders of the swarm don't understand technology?" Qin Hao still had a bitter face.

"They don't understand the technology of the Shino people, but the technology of the Yagota people is comparable to that of the Shino people. There is no technical barrier between using the technology of the Yagota people to crack the technology of the Shino people. It will be done!" said the Queen of Worms.

"Really? That's great!" Qin Hao was overjoyed. As long as he can crack the technology of the Sino people, the rest will be easy. As long as he instills it in the leaders of the swarm through a stable memory transmission system, these guys It can completely replace the control system of Battle Star at all levels!

You must know that although the swarm leaders are ugly, their strength is very strong. Apart from their mouths, these guys almost have their brains left. They are like super biological computers. , Let them take over Battle Star, Qin Hao doesn't even need to reprogram Battle Star's central control system, and can completely replace it with a few swarm leaders.

If it is said that on a frigate-class spaceship,

The size of the swarm leader is the main reason why they cannot board the ship, but for Battle Star, it is no problem to have hundreds of thousands of swarm leaders on it. The size of this thing even exceeds that of the Titan. Things that reach tens of meters are like an ant in front of it.

So using the swarm leader to control the battle star, there is no loading problem.

Now there is only one problem before Qin Hao, and that is how to decipher the technology of the Shino people. It was Qin Hao who only got a few battleships of Yagota. Although some information about Yagota's technology was stored on them, the content was not complete.

The most important thing is that human beings have not yet fully mastered the Argota technology, so if they want to crack the Sino technology, it is not something that can be done in the short term.

"It's true that they can't finish this job in a short time, but someone can do it." The queen said with a smile.

"Who?" Qin Hao asked immediately, and then he saw the Queen of Worms pointing at the tip of his nose.

"Uh...Master, of course I know you have this ability, but you probably don't want to waste this time with me..." Qin Hao said with a wry smile.

"You do something for me, and I'll help you crack the technology of the Sino people. Although not all of them, it is guaranteed that the leader of the swarm can perfectly display the full combat power of this battle star, and let them master the corresponding maintenance technology ’” said the queen with a smile.

"Master, there is an old saying in my hometown, that is, if you have something to do, just open your mouth. If you have anything to do, just open your mouth. There is no reason for you to shirk. Even if you don't help me crack the technology of the Sino people, I will do it." Yes, and there will be no slack in the slightest." Qin Hao said with a serious face.

"I know, I still understand your character." The queen nodded. If she hadn't known Qin Hao's character, she wouldn't have invested so much in him in the early days.

"However, as your master, I can't use you in vain. Since I asked you to help, I have to give you some benefits! And you need these now. I couldn't help you against the Borg before, after all I can't do it directly, but now that I have the opportunity, Master doesn't mind helping you," the queen continued.

"The disciple would like to thank Master!" Qin Hao bowed to the queen, and then he asked the queen, "Master, I don't know if there is anything you would like me to do for you?"

"En!" The worm queen nodded first, and then said to Qin Hao, "Actually, I've been thinking about this matter for a long time."

"..." Qin Hao didn't speak, he continued to wait for the Queen's next words.

"Actually, when we found the Carmozi mothership last time, I was thinking about it." The queen said.

"The mothership of the Karmozi people?" Qin Hao was taken aback. He was also present when he discovered the mothership of the Karmozi people.

"I found an interesting record in the Kalmozi's database," said the queen.

"Record?" Qin Hao was even more confused.

"According to the records of the Karmozi people, somewhere inside the scar of death, there may be a core of energy hidden!" said the queen.

"What?! They actually have news about the energy core?!" Qin Hao's eyes widened all of a sudden. You must know that the energy core is a very rare treasure in the entire universe. Although Qin Hao now has the time core, He can no longer accommodate other energy cores, but this does not prevent him from attaching importance to this kind of treasure.

"That should be an energy core of life attribute, I want to get it." The queen explained.

"Master, do you want me to help you find it?" Qin Hao asked, he knew why the queen asked him to help.

First of all, this energy core is located in the depths of the scar of death, which is the territory of the boss and the others. The queen dare not approach, so she can't find it in person, so she can only ask others for help, but the problem is that the treasure of the energy core is really It is too precious, except for Qin Hao, the Queen of Worms dare not tell anyone else the news, because even the closest friends may have selfishness for this kind of treasure!

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