More than half a year passed in a flash. During this time, there was no news from the Borg, and even Cynthia didn't have much valuable information.

Because the Interstellar Federation has already won the war against the Redeemer Alliance, and after Qin Hao changed his attitude, the Interstellar Federation no longer slaughtered those civilizations, but instead gave them a way out. No one wants to die if they can survive , those civilizations are no exception, they have become the vassal states of the Star Federation.

Subsequently, the Interstellar Federation sent a large number of officials to integrate the technology, military and population of these civilizations, and gradually the side of the scar of death was gradually unified. After the Interstellar Federation obtained the technology of these civilizations, Their foundations are also gradually enriched.

The only thing that made Qin Hao unhappy was his treasure hunting trip. I don’t know if he exhausted all his luck before or what. He searched for nearly a hundred dead spaces in a row, but he didn’t even find a hair. .

However, in the words of the Queen of Worms, this is a normal manifestation. Qin Hao's harvest before can only be said to be overwhelming luck, and his status as the chosen one is helping him.

But after all the good luck was exhausted, everything returned to the right track. According to the Queen, let alone half a year of searching, even hundreds of years of searching may yield nothing. After all, the scar of death is too big. There are countless dead spaces scattered, not to mention that the rest of the battle stars may not be in the dead spaces near the scar of death, maybe they are hidden in the dead spaces accidentally created during a certain war.

But for the current Qin Hao, he has nothing else to do anyway. The military and political system of the Interstellar Federation is run by the bureaucratic system headed by Huang Xing, and it is now on the right track. Qin Hao is not particularly keen on power. So he didn't want to participate.

As a result, Qin Hao, who had nothing to do, had nothing to do except dig treasures.

Time passed day by day, and the entire universe seemed to be calm again, and it was unprecedentedly calm. After all, before this, there were countless civilizations in the universe, and there were always wars breaking out between them, but only on a small scale. But definitely a lot.

But now the entire known universe is divided into two by the scar of death, half is ruled by the Borg, and the other half is under the control of the Interstellar Federation. Now that these two parts have been unified, there is no plan to go to war with each other for the time being, so The universe has entered a period of unprecedented peace.

The common people are very happy. After all, there is a saying that is good, that is, it is better to be a dog of peace than to be a person in a troubled world. When wars are frequent, human life is really not as good as a dog!

But in the eyes of Qin Hao's senior executives, the universe has never had a peaceful day, even now, this peaceful situation is nothing but an illusion.

Both the Star Federation and the Borg are actually accumulating strength. Once the time is right, a war between the two sides will break out at any moment!

In addition to the hidden danger of war between the Interstellar Federation and the Borg, the threat of the Destroyer has always lingered in Qin Hao's mind. Although he now has a battle star, Qin Hao still has no idea. There were battle stars, but they were eventually destroyed.

Although according to the Queen of Worms, the destruction of the three major civilizations was too sudden, and they had no time to activate the sealed battle star, but in Qin Hao's view, the battle star may have the hope of fighting against the destroyer, but he still has some hope in his heart. No bottom.

Time passed day by day, on this day Qin Hao completed another round of treasure hunting, and as before, he still found nothing.

"Generalissimo, I have received a communication request from Earth!" Harward reported to Qin Hao. At this time, his battleship, the ancient Huiyao, had become Qin Hao's special ship for treasure hunting.

"Come in!" Qin Hao nodded, and every once in a while, Huang Xing would report to him the development of the Star Federation. Although this guy has a deep desire for power, he is very measured.

After a while, Huang Xing's image appeared in front of Qin Hao.

"Generalissimo! It can be regarded as contacting you!" Huang Xing said anxiously.

"What's wrong?" Qin Hao asked immediately.

"Minister Qian Feng was assassinated!" Although Huang Xing's words were brief, Qin Hao became impatient.

"What did you say!? Qian Feng was assassinated? How about others?" Qin Hao's eyes were red. You must know that when he was still relatively weak, Granny Liu really cared for him. It can even be said that if he hadn't Under the protection of Granny Liu and the Qian family, Qin Hao had already died countless times.

Although Qian Feng's father sold Qin Hao once later, he was also for the benefit of the family. Although Qin Hao felt resentful, he did not pursue it for Granny Liu's sake. Later, Qian Feng succeeded as the head of the family. He followed Qin Hao wholeheartedly, and Qin Hao did not treat Qian Feng badly. When almost all the major families in the Earth Federation were uprooted, the Qian family remained quite intact.

Although the current Qian family dare not call it the first family of the Interstellar Federation, it is still among the best, and Qian Feng himself has also sat on the position of Minister of the Interior, and all these are inseparable from Qin Hao's care.

So although Qin Hao now possesses supreme power, he still maintains his personal relationship with the Qian family, and he has always been grateful to the Qian family. Under such circumstances, he heard that Qian Feng Was assassinated, so can you not be impatient?

"Qian Feng's condition is very bad. Now his body has failed multiple organs, and the doctors saved his brain. Now maybe only you can save him." Huang Xing said to Qin Hao.

Because Huang Xing wants to coordinate the operation of the entire federation, Qin Hao told him a lot about his own details, so Huang Xing also has some understanding of Qin Hao's ability. He knows the current situation of Qian Feng, relying on scientific means It is impossible to save him. It is not easy for doctors to hang their lives. Now if they want to save Qian Feng, they can only rely on the Zerg biotechnology in Qin Hao's hands.

"I'll be right back!" Qin Hao didn't talk nonsense, he directly asked Howard to end the treasure hunting trip, and rushed back to Earth at full speed.

On the way back, Qin Hao learned about Qian Feng's situation and how he was assassinated from Huang Xing.

For now, Qian Feng's condition is very bad. He was attacked by an energy cannon. Fortunately, this energy cannon was fired from a very far away place, so when it came to Qian Feng, it was already at the end of its strength. And the energy cannon didn't hit him directly.

But even so, as a person with no cultivation talent, Qian Feng was not wearing any protective equipment at the time, so he was almost blown to pieces by the aftermath of the energy cannon!

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