At Lucia's suggestion, Qin Hao found the queen.

"Master, what do you think of this matter?" Qin Hao briefly described the matter to the queen.

"These three boxes..." The queen frowned, she didn't know what the three boxes represented, but what is certain is that these three boxes are absolutely meaningful to those people, otherwise they would not He would tempt Qin Hao five times and three times, asking him to find these boxes.

"Master, do you think they can really revive Nicole?" Qin Hao asked.

"Based on those people's abilities, they can definitely revive Nicole, but they also need to pay a certain price for it. It depends on whether these three things are worth the price they paid!" The queen said.

"I see..." Qin Hao nodded thoughtfully.

"Even if they can save Nicole, once we lose our use value, they can easily kill us all!" Lucia said.

"Indeed, it's not impossible. Although they are unlikely to lie, they can still do such a thing as killing after reviving!" The Queen of Worms nodded.

"Then should I negotiate some conditions with them so that they don't hurt us, or even human beings?" Qin Hao asked.

"Even if you negotiate well, there will always be loopholes. If they want to kill us, they will always be able to take advantage of the loopholes!" Lucia objected vigorously.

"Well! Qin Hao, you'd better not rush to do this." The Queen also agreed with Lucia's statement.

"Okay, I'll think about it..." Qin Hao nodded. He felt infinitely guilty for Nicole in his heart, and he once fell into deep self-blame.

Although Qin Hao has been busy in the past few years, he has never forgotten the matter of resurrecting Nicole. He worked hard to make himself stronger, and one of his goals was to revive Nicole as soon as possible, because Nicole's last remnant soul It won't last long either.

But it is still far away from half of the queen's strength. Qin Hao even planned to beg the queen at all costs at the last moment to let her help Nicole resurrect. Qin Hao can't help it!

Now, the boss of the Destroyer gave Qin Hao another choice. As long as he found the three boxes, the boss would revive Nicole, which gave Qin Hao new hope.

So Qin Hao wanted to complete this task in his heart,

He came in exchange for Nicole's resurrection, but his identity made him not only need to consider his own thoughts, he also shouldered the life and death of the entire human race.

Just like Lucia worried, no one knows what the Destroyers are thinking. God knows whether Qin Hao and humans will lose their value after they get those three boxes, and then they will destroy humans?

So Qin Hao didn't dare to choose easily, but time was running out, and Nicole's remnant soul was already worrying. Through Qin Hao's efforts to revive her, she can basically give up now, because within a few years, Qin Hao It is impossible to reach half the strength of the Queen of Worms.

On the one hand, it is the life of the lover, and on the other hand, it is the safety of the entire human being. It does not sound like a difficult choice. After all, human beings have tens of billions of people, and Nicole is just a mere woman.

But this is the so-called standing and talking without pain in the back. This matter did not fall on my head. Anyone can say what Wei Guangzheng said, but once it involves yourself, the decision is not so easy. Humans are not machines. People have feelings, and maximizing benefits is easy to say, but not everyone can maintain absolute rationality all the time.

Qin Hao is quite rational, but he is still a person after all, not a machine, so his heart is also very tormented. He wants to resurrect Nicole, but he is afraid that it will drag human beings into a situation where there is no redemption.

In the next few days, Qin Hao locked himself in the room and meditated. He thought about many things and analyzed many possible situations, but the final results made him extremely disappointed.

Because once human beings lose their value in the eyes of the Destroyer, human beings will fall into catastrophe. With Qin Hao's current strength, he cannot help human beings through this catastrophe at all.

So through analysis, it is best for Qin Hao not to help the boss find the three boxes.

On the fifth day, the worm queen came in front of Qin Hao. At this time, Qin Hao was much haggard. This kind of mental fatigue was more damaging to a person's body than the physical fatigue.

"What? Haven't figured it out yet?" The worm queen sat beside Qin Hao.

"I figured it out, but it's hard to make a decision..." Qin Hao said in a low voice. Of course he knew that giving up Nicole would be the best choice, but he couldn't make up his mind.

"Let's not talk about the Destroyer, just tell me that you want to revive Nicole?" The Queen of Worms suddenly changed direction and asked.

"Think!" Qin Hao said without hesitation.

"Then have you thought about how this girl Lucia will deal with herself after Nicole is resurrected?" the queen asked again.

"Uh..." Qin Hao was stunned, he had never thought about this question.

Regarding Lucia, Qin Hao's heart is also very complicated. At the beginning, he and Lucia had such a short period of ambiguity, but later it was over because of no contact for a long time, so for Lucia Qin Hao also felt guilty.

And recently, Qin Hao and Lucia have become inseparable again, and he has gotten used to the feeling of Lucia by his side. Although neither of them has broken the point, this delicate relationship has formed.

So after resurrecting Nicole, how to deal with the relationship between Qin Hao and Lucia has become a problem.

"Master, what do you think I should do?" Qin Hao asked in a tangled state.

"Hey! Some things are in the past, they are in the past, and they won't be perfect after being remedied, so it's better to cherish what is in front of you!" The Queen's words were not fair, she was obviously biased towards Lucia.

First of all, the queen and Lucia switched bodies, the relationship between the two of them is relatively close, and at this time the queen is also considered half of Lucia's master, and she naturally speaks to her, plus the threat of the destroyer Right in front of her eyes, the Queen of Worms didn't want Qin Hao to help the Destroyers find things, just like what Lucia said, once Qin Hao lost the value of use, how would the Destroyers treat him, how would they treat humans, and what would happen to him? How to treat the queen depends on the mood of the Destroyers.

The queen didn't like the powerlessness of not being able to control her fate, so she didn't want Qin Hao to help the destroyers find what they needed.

Putting all these reasons together, it is not surprising that the queen's remarks are obviously in favor of Lucia.

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