Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1645: The Mysterious Man Who Comes Again

It is precisely because the Borg suffered heavy losses when they acquired the battle star, so they need a certain amount of time to recover their strength, but in terms of the Borg's industrial system, it may not take too long for them to replenish the fleet According to Cynthia's intelligence analysis, the Borg only need about two years to restore the fleet size to its heyday, or even more!

As for personnel training, many of the Borg have been fully mechanized. Most of these people are high-level captains. After all, only they have the financial resources to modify themselves.

The fully mechanically modified Borg will upload their memories and thoughts to the Internet. Once they die in battle, they can recreate their bodies and download their memories and thinking patterns. It is tantamount to being resurrected.

Although Qin Hao doesn't really agree with this so-called resurrection, the Borg can quickly rebuild the commander system in this way. As for the lower-level crew members, they can quickly acquire skills through memory transmission. After a few months of training, you can be fully qualified for your job.

This is a bit like the stable memory transmission equipment used by humans, except that the transmission method of the Borg is more direct and rough, and it can only be used for these semi-mechanical people. Equipment, there is a high probability of being shocked by a large amount of information into a fool.

Therefore, through these methods, it does not take too long for the Borg to recover their strength. This is the main reason why Qin Hao gave up his plan to attack the Borg immediately. The marching speed in the scar of death is too slow, and the Star Federation It will take at least a few months for the fleet to cross the scar of death. During this time, the Borg fleet has recovered some strength, and they are fighting locally, so it is easy to delay until the fleet is formed.

In this way, the Interstellar Federation of Lao Shi's expedition did not actually get too much advantage. It is better to take advantage of this time to develop itself, and then wait for the Borg to take the initiative to attack, so that Qin Hao can also ambush the opponent on the edge of the scar of death. Bo, fight a battle of waiting for work.

However, although Qin Hao gave up his plan to take the initiative to attack, he still had to get the Interstellar Federation to act. Now that the war is imminent, the Interstellar Federation must go all out to prepare for the battle.

Then Qin Hao called Huang Xing over, and briefly explained the situation in front of him to Huang Xing.

"In this way, our peak combat power is a battle star that can be attacked at any time and three battleships of Yagota, while the peak combat power of the Borg is a battle star with a limited attack time and a Titan. , right?" Huang Xing sorted out the information Qin Hao just said.

"Well! That's what it means." Qin Hao nodded.

"In that case,

We got the two biggest and smallest trump cards, and the Borg held the two in the middle..." Huang Xing rubbed his chin.

"That's not to say, the Borg actually have some advantages over us, because at the battle star level, they are actually the same as us, but we have a slight advantage in the length of the battle, which can ensure that the battle stars attack at any time , and their battle stars can basically only be used against our battle stars, and cannot be easily deployed on other battlefields." Qin Hao said after thinking for a while.

"Then we do suffer a bit!" Huang Xing nodded. If the Interstellar Federation cannot gain the upper hand at the battle star level, then the Titans are obviously invincible below the battle star level, even if the Interstellar Federation has three Yage Towers Human capital ships are completely unable to compete with it.

"According to intelligence calculations, the Borg still need about two years of preparation time, plus the time for them to assemble their troops and cross the scar of death, we should have about two and a half to three years to prepare for war, I'll leave these to you! You must integrate all your forces and actively prepare for the battle!" Qin Hao said to Huang Xing.

"Yes! Generalissimo!" Huang Xing said excitedly, he knew that Qin Hao was delegating power to him, which was a kind of great trust.

"Okay, go get ready!" Qin Hao waved his hand, making Huang Xing retreat first.

Then Qin Hao propped his hands on his desk, and he began to think about the participation of the swarm in this war. Judging from the current situation, if the swarm does not participate in the battle, the Interstellar Federation cannot stop the Borg Titans Add the combination of Battle Star.

Just as Qin Hao was thinking, there was a knock on his office door.

"Report!" The signal soldier outside the door shouted.

"Come in!" Qin Hao replied.

"Grand Marshal! The capital star garrison fleet sent a report that a man suddenly appeared on the bow of their flagship and asked to see you!" said the communications soldier.

"Suddenly appeared on the bow of the flagship of the garrison fleet?!" Qin Hao frowned. A person with this kind of strength is definitely not an idle generation, but why didn't he come to the earth to find himself directly?

"Could it be them!?" Suddenly, a thought flashed in Qin Hao's mind. Those people are probably the only ones who have great strength and are afraid of the earth?

"Okay! I got it!" Qin Hao nodded, and then sent the messenger away.

"Shua!" His right hands pointed together to form a sword, and then Qin Hao clicked between his eyebrows to activate the ability of teleportation.

With a flash of silver light, Qin Hao disappeared into his office, and the next moment, Qin Hao appeared alone in the vast space.

Soon, Qin Hao found the location of the Earth Guard Fleet, and teleported directly to the flagship of the fleet.

"It really is you!" Inside the bridge, Qin Hao saw the mysterious man in the cloak again.

"Let's talk!" the cloaked man said kindly.

"Okay! Arrange a meeting room!" Qin Hao said to the soldiers around him. After the mysterious man broke into the bridge, these soldiers with live ammunition pointed their guns at him.

Fortunately, these soldiers were calm, no one got angry, and the mysterious man didn't care about these soldiers, so when Qin Hao arrived, there was no conflict between them.

"Okay, now you can talk." After Qin Hao and the man in the cloak sat down in the conference room, Qin Hao said to the man.

"We have received a small piece of information." The mysterious man said to Qin Hao with a smile.

"What information?" Qin Hao asked casually, but he had already guessed something in his heart.

"About the Borg." The mysterious man laughed.

"They found the battle star of the Yagota people? And they lost a large number of battleships. Once the battleships are replenished, they will attack us?" Qin Hao asked with a smile.

"Hahahaha... I didn't expect you to be quite well informed!" the mysterious man laughed after hearing Qin Hao's words.

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