Although the fleet of the Interstellar Federation can now activate the gravity distortion system to free the fleet from the gravity suppression of the binary star system, Han Yihang did not do so. He was going to surprise the Borg at a critical moment.

The fleet moved forward slowly under the pressure of the double gravity field. At this time, the Borg fleet was already in full swing. They had already locked the target and began to adjust the position of the muzzle. As long as the enemy was closer, they would give The main cannon is charged.

Because the speed is relatively slow, and the stellar gravity field is particularly large, the movement of the Interstellar Federation's fleet in the gravity well of the magic eye star is like a snail crawling.

However, both parties participating in the war were surprisingly patient about this, and neither side was in a hurry.

Just when the Star Federation's fleet was about to enter the range of the Borg's main guns, both sides unanimously began to release carrier-based aircraft.

Densely packed carrier-based aircraft rushed out of the mothership, they were like a swarm of bees, circling non-stop near their own mothership! After all the fighters were assembled, the fleets of both sides began to rush towards the center of the battlefield!

Under the influence of the double gravity field, the carrier-based aircraft was also greatly affected, but the distance between them was still being continuously reduced.

"Recharge the main gun!" Baturuka gave the order, and then the Borg fleet and their orbital defense weapons began to recharge.

"Activate the gravity distortion system, but all ships maintain the current speed!" Han Yihang also issued an order at this time.

"Yes!" The adjutant immediately conveyed Han Yihang's order, and several Anteco Marauder-class battleships in the fleet activated the gravity distortion system one after another, including all warships in the gravity distortion field.

"Alarm! Alert! High-energy reaction ahead! Dodge!" The moment the Borg battleship's main guns were fully charged, the early warning radar of the Interstellar Federation Fleet began to alarm frantically.

"Maneuver and dodge!" Han Yihang immediately issued an order.

"Yes!" Following Han Yihang's order, the Interstellar Federation Fleet, which had been drilled for a long time, flashed to both sides in an orderly manner. They were not restricted by the double gravity field at all, and their speed was very fast!

"Send..." Baturuka had already raised his hands, but he couldn't continue to issue orders!

Because the main gun of the Borg just locked on the coordinates calculated according to the movement trajectory of the Star Federation warship, but now the spaceship of the Star Federation fleet suddenly accelerates, which makes the data of the locked target instantly invalid!

If they continue to shoot forcibly, they are destined to lose their targets!

"Lock the enemy's coordinates! Charge the main gun!" But at this moment, under Han Yihang's order, the Star Federation's fleet began to charge the main gun.

"Launch!" Because the Borg fleet is stationary, the warships under Han Yihang's command don't need to be aimed too precisely, as long as they aim at the approximate position, they can launch!

After all, under the double gravity field, it is completely unrealistic for a Borg battleship in a static state to maneuver and dodge.

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh..." Energy beams shot directly at the Borg positions.

"Swish, swish, swish..." Missiles were fired from carriers at all levels like a torrential rain. There were much more carrier-based aircraft released by them before.

These missiles entered the state of ultra-short-range phase transition immediately after launching, and after a short while, they appeared in front of the Borg positions!

Because ultra-short-distance phase jumps can avoid flying over normal distances, this makes missiles have a higher survival rate, so their chances of hitting enemy ships are also much higher.

But no matter what, the speed of the phase missile is still not as fast as that of the energy weapon. At this time, the salvo of the Interstellar Federation Fleet has hit the force field shield of the Borg. Because they rely on the orbital defense building for defense, they naturally enjoy it. geographical advantage.

The force field shield generators that exist as orbital defense weapons provide powerful protection for the Borg fleet.

Brilliant rays of light hit the pale yellow shield, as if it had been swallowed, without any waves at all!

"Continue to attack, and pay attention to the enemy's counterattack!" Han Yihang continued to issue orders, because the opposite was a powerful Borg, so from the beginning to the end Han Yihang never expected to hit the enemy hard in the first round of attack.

"Shua!" Just when the first round of attacks of the Interstellar Federation was intercepted by the force field shield, the phase missiles that had approached the Borg positions entered a second stage transition state.

As the first interstellar federation to use phase missiles and the most mature phase technology, the conventional phase missiles they use generally have three transitions. The first transition is used to shorten the distance between the target and the attack, and the second transition It is used to avoid the enemy's interception means, and the third stage of the jump is to directly cross the shield to attack the enemy's hull.

Although other civilizations have also used phase missiles, almost all of their missiles have two stages of transition. The first stage is used to shorten the distance, and the second stage is used to avoid interception.

Because the phase technology is not as proficient as the Interstellar Federation, even the Borg, their phase missiles are not very capable of piercing shields. After all, while the phase missile technology is developing, the shield technology is also improving. Now the first-class civilization All shield technologies can effectively interfere with this ultra-short-distance phase transition, forcing the target out of the phase space before penetrating the shield.

So even for the most technologically advanced Interstellar Federation phase missiles, their chances of successfully penetrating the shield are about 30%, and most missiles can now be intercepted by the shield.

But it is this 30% chance of penetrating the shield that makes the interstellar federation's phase missile a deadly weapon that makes other civilizations frightened. After all, the legend that the shield is still on the ship and gone is too terrifying.

At this time, the Borg who were facing the interstellar federation's phase missiles were no exception. All the captains, including Baturuka, put their hearts into their throats. They had studied the warships and weapons of the interstellar federation, so Very aware of the lethality of this weapon!

"Boom boom boom..." Most of the missiles were effectively intercepted by the force field shield, and then they slammed into the force field shield.

The violent explosion consumed the energy of the force field shield quickly, but some of the phase missiles passed through the force field shield smoothly and went straight to the Borg battleship behind!

"Shua!" These surviving phase missiles started the third transition, they just disappeared when they approached the Borg battleship, and then appeared immediately, but this time they appeared, they were already behind the shield of the enemy battleship up!

"Boom boom boom..." Explosions and flames erupted in the Borg fleet. Although the actual damage caused was not very high, several Borg conventional battleships were still sunk.

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