The powerful energy annihilation field spreads outward crazily, it devours everything that can be touched, and all substances are reduced to ashes in the annihilation field!

Hundreds of Borg battleships closest to the detonation point were vaporized in an instant, but this still couldn't stop the energy annihilation field from rapidly spreading around!

"Immediate energy force field interference device!"

"The strength of the force field shield has been raised to the highest level!"

"All ship shields are raised to the maximum!"

"All ships stay away from the annihilation field!"


After Baturuka was briefly shocked, he immediately began to give orders. The power of the energy annihilation field is too strong. It is impossible to completely avoid losses or resolve this attack. Now Baturuka can only do everything Work hard to minimize your losses!

"Buzz!" Under Baturuka's order, energy waves radiated out. These energy waves can interfere with the operation of other energy fields, disrupt the internal structure of other energy fields, make them unstable, and dissipate quickly .

Once the energy field is not stable, it will release energy irregularly, and then its lethality will be greatly reduced.

In addition to interfering with the annihilation field, several force field shields were raised on several Borg capital ships, and together with the previous outermost force field shields, they began to block the diffusion space of the annihilation field, giving as much as possible The surrounding warships fight for time to evacuate.

"Bo..." When the annihilation field touched the first force field shield, the force field shield was like a bubble blown by a child, and it shattered when touched by the annihilation field...

Followed by the second... the third...

The force field shields were damaged one by one, but they did consume part of the energy of the annihilation field. Coupled with the effect of the energy field interference device, it could have lasted for three minutes, and the annihilation field with a damage radius of 10,000 kilometers only lasted. It takes about one and a half minutes, and the range of its spread is only more than 5,000 kilometers.

With the disintegration of the energy interference device, the annihilation field finally dissipated, but this attack also brought the loss of twelve thousand warships to the Borg fleet!

Although for a million-ship super fleet, this loss is not enough to hurt the bones, but the loss of 10,000 warships is enough to make any commander feel pain!

"Damn it! These damned Interstellar Federation people!" When the battle damage report came up, Baturuka's teeth were about to be gritted. One must know that the Borg swept half the universe. When did they suffer such a loss?

"My lord, do we want to use the M bomb?" the combat staff officer asked, it's not like the Borg don't have anti-matter weapons!

"Use it! Why not! Prepare the M bomb!" Baturuka said through gritted teeth.

"Yes! General!" The adjutant immediately conveyed the order.

"We're preparing two shots of destruction light!" Baturuka added after thinking for a while.

After suffering a huge loss, Batuluka was also on fire. Anyway, under the double star system, the antimatter recharge will be very fast, so there is no need to be so cautious when using super weapons.


"Super power reaction detected in front! Please dodge immediately!"


The fleet of the Interstellar Federation detected the enemy's super weapon, but at this time they had just completed a short-distance phase transition, and the phase engine was still cooling down, so it was impossible to use the short-distance phase transition to avoid it.

"Damn it! Activate the force field shield!"

"The capital ship rushes forward! Take the damage for the friendly forces!"

"All ship shields fully activated! Prepare to withstand the impact!"

Han Yihang gritted his teeth, the confrontation of fleets in space is like this, the super weapons of both sides are destructive, so the loss is unavoidable at all, and they can only do everything possible to exchange for the greatest victory at the smallest price.



Two bright white lights arrived one after another, and the energy beams hit the capital ship's shield, causing the shield's energy to be greatly lost. However, because the capital ship was absorbing damage in front, the impact on the conventional battleships behind was relatively small. After the devastating beam, the Starfleet only lost three or four thousand warships.

At this time, the Borg's M bomb has also been launched!

Also using phase missiles as a carrier, the Borg's M bombs are not much weaker than the Hell Annihilator of the Interstellar Federation, but their phase missile technology as a carrier is far worse than that of the Interstellar Federation.

As the ancestor of playing phase missiles, the Hell Annihilator of the Interstellar Federation has the ability of six phase transitions, and its penetration ability is so strong that it ignores the enemy's interception at all. Although the M of the Borg is powerful, their missiles It can only jump three stages, and its phase penetration ability is not a little bit different from the Hell Annihilator of the Interstellar Federation.

Therefore, in actual combat, in order to ensure that the M bomb can reach the designated area and detonate, the Borg often send a large number of carrier-based aircraft to escort the M bomb. The aircraft-carrying force was wiped out, so now there are no fighters to escort.

"Sir! The enemy has launched a super-heavy phase missile!" The radar soldiers quickly discovered the trace of the M bomb and immediately reported it to Han Yihang.

"Intercept it immediately!" Han Yihang also knows the power of the M bomb. After all, Cynthia, as the number one intelligence dealer in the universe, has provided the Interstellar Federation with information about the Borg, and the M bomb is the big killer of the Borg. , and it is not a secret equipment, so the information is relatively public.

Under the order of Han Yihang, the air defense ships of the Interstellar Federation began to rush forward. Their high-frequency laser weapons are the best choice for air interception!

In addition to these air defense ships, several motherships of the Interstellar Federation have also dispatched a small number of carrier-based drones. These carrier-based drones have just come off the production line, and they have already been put into use without even having time to form them.

"Order the Lanculas battleship to release the battle swarm!" After dispatching the air defense ships, Han Yihang still felt that it was not safe enough, so he ordered the Lanculas-class battleship to join the interception mission.

Under the order of Han Yihang, the battleship Lankulas released a large number of nano-swarms. Although these ultra-miniature robots only have a small plasma cannon, they are numerous and very flexible. Fang Gou's body, it doesn't take too long to disassemble it!

"Buzz!" At the same time, the Borg's M bomb entered a transition, and after the transition was completed, it was only about 10,000 kilometers away from the Star Federation's fleet.

At this time, the secondary main gun of the Interstellar Federation Fleet also began to freely fire in the direction of the M bomb, because the target of the missile was too small to be locked by the main gun. The second-level main gun fired over, and if the Borg's M-bombs didn't jump and dodge immediately, they would probably be destroyed!

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