After arriving at the ambush site again, Qin Hao asked Leviathan to release the newly hatched billions of Lashers. This time, the size of the swarm was much smaller than last time. Although the swarm's replenishment speed was very exaggerated, But in just a few days, even the cheapest and fastest hatching Lasher can hatch billions, which is already the limit of the swarm.

Overwhelming bugs were flying in the void, and Qin Hao asked the ghost Leviathan through a psychic link: "Are you an adult now?"

"Not yet..." The ghost Leviathan said to Qin Hao: "King! Although I have obtained a lot of resources during this period, the time is too tight. I can't digest so much energy at all. Now my state is intermediate. Between the adult body and the juvenile body, although the body is already an adult, there is still some gap in terms of energy attack!"

"Otherwise, you will fight this time! The best way to digest energy is to fight! Through this fight, you may find the opportunity to become a complete adult!" Qin Hao said with a smile.

"You can try it!" The ghost Leviathan said eagerly.


After Qin Hao and the others waited at the ambush site for almost two days, the Borg fleet finally arrived late.

"Let's go straight, it's a wave!" Qin Hao waved his hand, because there are only two transitions left from the solar system, and he has no time to organize a new round of interception.

"As you wish!" The ghost Leviathan agreed, and then the swarm charged towards the Borg fleet that had just completed the transition.

"Boom boom boom boom..." The adult Leviathans were still the first to attack. These super big bugs that existed as the mothership of the bug swarm, their attacks were equally fierce!

In the face of sudden attacks, the Borg fleet has become accustomed to it. The front of their fleet is full of assembled warships. These relatively low-performance spaceships have been used as cannon fodder.

"Boom boom boom..." Borg spaceships were destroyed under the fierce attack of the Leviathans, followed by those large Zergs who began to show their power, the destruction beam of the Purifying Eye, and the Corruptor's The spore attack caused some damage to the Borg warships.

"Let the Corruptor and the Eye of Purification withdraw from the battlefield first!" Qin Hao waved his hand. These large Zergs cost a lot, and he didn't want to waste them here.

"Yes!" Phantom Leviathan immediately organized these large Zergs to withdraw from the battlefield, and then fled directly to the solar system through phase transition.

Just as the large bugs were attacking,

The vast number of whippers also rushed to the battleships of the Borg with all their strength.

"Boom!" A whipper exploded, but it was not powerful enough to break through the armored shell of the Borg battleship.

"Bang bang bang bang..." One after another whippers exploded near the Borg battleship. The speed of these small flying insects is much lower than that of missiles, and they are all non-metallic structures, so the shields are basically Without intercepting them, these little guys all jumped on the enemy's battleship, and then detonated themselves.

One Lasher can't do much damage to a ship, but what about a hundred? How about a thousand? What about 10,000? Even the capital ship of the Borg couldn't handle being bombed by a line of 100,000 or even a million Lashers!

"Boom boom boom..." One spaceship after another was destroyed in the self-destruction of the whippers.

"Melee weapons are fully fired!"

"Intercept these damn things!"

"Grandma! These damned Interstellar Federation people, they really did the sneak attack before!"


In fact, as early as the last attack, the Borg had realized that the cosmic creatures that attacked them before were related to the Interstellar Federation. This time they were attacked again, making them completely convinced of this!

"Damn it! It turns out that the one who tore up the contract is the guy from the Interstellar Federation. These bastards actually attacked us so long ago!" Baturuka patted the armrest of the seat vigorously. It caused a lot of losses, but it was because they had a non-aggression agreement with the Interstellar Federation, and the Interstellar Federation was still in the quagmire of war, so no one connected the worm swarm with the Interstellar Federation.

But now all the evidence points the swarm to the Star Federation, and all the Borg are aware that the previous attack was done by the Star Federation.

"Bastards! These bastards actually started attacking us at that time! When this battle is won, I will definitely wipe out every planet in the Star Federation!" Baturuka roared angrily.

"Boom boom boom..." At this time, the battle outside was still going on, and the overwhelming whippers rushed towards the Borg battleship, but at this time the Borg battleship had also been released from the buffer period after the jump. Their close-in defense guns were fully fired, and it was not so easy for the Lashers to get closer.

"It's your turn to play! Let the other Leviathans evacuate first!" Qin Hao saw that it was difficult for the Lashers to cause damage to the Borg warships, so he let the ghost Leviathan go off in person!

"Okay! King!" The ghost Leviathan agreed excitedly, and then it immediately ordered other adult Leviathans to stop attacking, and then evacuated from the battlefield. With the firepower of the grid, these Leviathans can easily withdraw from the battlefield.

"Ang!" After a mental roar, the ghost Leviathan rushed towards the Borg fleet.

"Boom!" The atomic breath swept across the Borg fleet, destroying hundreds of spaceships in an instant!

Although the ghost Leviathan is not yet a full-grown adult, its power at this time is no longer comparable to what it used to be. Now his atomic breath is more powerful, and the Borg's conventional warships are completely vulnerable to it!

"Boom boom boom..." Seeing the spaceships being destroyed by the ghost Leviathan, Baturuka immediately issued an order: "Tell Quesera, it's time to go out!"

"Yes!" The adjutant immediately conveyed the order to Quesera.

As the commander of the Borg Titans, Quesera paid a heavy price when fighting the Phantom Leviathan before, and he was reprimanded by the joint meeting for this, so after seeing the Phantom Leviathan again, He hates it even more!

"Activate the energy disrupting beam and suppress this guy!"

"Launch phase missiles!"

"Ejection weapons are ready! Attack immediately after suppressing the target!"

Quesela issued an order. After fighting against the ghost Leviathan before, they improved the Titan battleship to a certain extent, because the Titan is immune to almost all energy attacks. Only the energy disrupting beam can suppress it, but it cannot hurt it, so Quesera equipped this Titan with a large number of old-fashioned weapons that have been sent to the museum-catapult turrets!

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