"Thirty kilometers away?" Qin Hao frowned. If he was allowed to travel 30 kilometers alone and enter the area controlled by the Zerg, it would not be a big problem, but the key point was that what he wanted to get back was the supplies dropped by four heavy transport planes. !

The materials delivered by the four heavy transport planes are at least tens of tons. It is impossible to tow them back without eight all-terrain armored transport vehicles, but taking a convoy to the Zerg control area, this kind of work Qin Hao didn't dare to pack a ticket!

"Can't even you do it?" Nicole asked Qin Hao with a hopeful look on her face. !

"It's difficult..." Qin Hao said with a solemn expression. He is very self-aware of himself. Although his current strength is good, he has not reached the point where Alpha star is rampant. , Qin Hao can't settle himself at all. Although he has the ability to escape, what should the team do?

"But those materials are very important to us, especially the equipment used to repair the engine..." Nicole also looked sad.

"Can't the fleet make another airdrop?" Qin Hao asked.

"Other materials are easy to talk about, but there is only this set of equipment for repairing the C2 engine. If you can't get it back, you have to transfer it from the rear. It is estimated that it will take at least ten days..." Nicole said.

"No, we don't have so much time to waste." Qin Hao said.

"But..." Nicole also didn't want Qin Hao to take risks.

"Forget it, I can only take a gamble!" Qin Hao bit his teeth, and now he can't care about calculating the risk. As long as it is possible to succeed, it is worth a try!

"You asked Cohen to help me prepare a convoy. I need 15 all-terrain armored transport vehicles, 22 tanks, and 5,000 marines!" Qin Hao said, his mouth was two Armoured strength of a motorized infantry division.

The reason why Qin Hao wants so much equipment is that he is actually prepared for losses. He does not hope to hide from the eyes and ears of the Zerg, because in Alpha Planet, the eyes and ears of the Zerg are all over the planet, and so many humans are dispatched. Vehicles, it is impossible not to alarm the Zerg.

So Qin Hao planned to use some transport vehicles and tanks as bait to divert most of the swarms, so as to find an opportunity to smuggle the supplies back.

This time, Qin Hao has already prepared his heart. His team may be damaged by more than half, and he may not be able to bring back one third of the airdropped materials, but he is bound to get the equipment to repair the C2 engine, because repairing the Federation The Glory's engine could not be delayed.

Although the outpost defense line can be established soon, and the energy of the Federal Glory can be greatly saved, but every day they are delayed in Alpha Star, the risk of their entire army being wiped out will increase several times, so Qin Hao knows in his heart that they Can't afford to delay.

"Okay! I'll tell Dad!" Nicole turned and left.

Qin Hao took a deep breath, went back to the room and simply packed himself, and then got ready to go.

Time is short, Nicole is back.

"Qin Hao, my father agreed to your request. When did he ask you to leave?" Nicole said to Qin Hao.

"The sooner the better, I don't want those bugs to destroy our supplies!" Qin Hao said.

"Yeah! My dad thinks so too." Nicole nodded and said to Qin Hao, "Now my dad has asked the adjutant to assemble the troops, come with me."

"Okay!" Qin Hao agreed, then followed Nicole to a hall in the battleship.

This should be the camp of armored soldiers. Qin Hao took a rough look. There are about fifty-two tanks parked here, about forty armored personnel carriers, and maybe thirty or forty transport vehicles.

"Qin Hao, you're here!" General Cohen took the initiative to greet him.

"Well! General, do I want to add a few more armored personnel carriers?" Qin Hao said, he didn't know there was such equipment here, otherwise, he would definitely want it, because this kind of armored personnel carrier Although not as strong as a tank, it provides some protection to the soldiers.

"Well! No problem, I'll give you all of these forty armored personnel carriers!" General Cohen also paid for it this time. In order to get back the equipment for repairing the C2 engine, he almost put all the armored forces into it!

"Okay!" Qin Hao nodded. This large armored personnel carrier can carry fifty fully armed marines and has good fire support.

If all forty armored personnel carriers are driven out, at least 2,000 marines can ride, and these armored personnel carriers can also form an effective defensive circle, protecting soldiers on foot from insects. Frontal raid of the group.

About half an hour later, all the vehicles and soldiers were assembled. Fifteen all-terrain transport vehicles were used to transport supplies. Twenty-two tanks were the biggest card in Qin Hao's hand, and the rest The armored vehicles and marines, to be honest, Qin Hao brought them a lot of courage, and when they encountered a large-scale insect swarm, they were at best cannon fodder.

After all, in the absence of bunkers and air support, when motorized infantry encounters swarms in the wild, it is basically slaughtered. Although those armored personnel carriers can provide some bunkers, in the face of an inestimable number of swarms, these The armored vehicle is just a consolation.

"I'm sorry!" Qin Hao silently said to these marines, but for the entire Federal Glory, for more soldiers and crew to survive, sacrifice is necessary.

"Let's go!" Then Qin Hao raised his head and ordered loudly.

"Yes!" the soldiers answered in unison.

Then the engine of the armored vehicle started, and twenty-two tanks drove ahead. Qin Hao directed the huge convoy to drive out of the Federal Glory and head towards the location of the supplies.

"Good luck! Brothers!" When passing by the outpost bunker, the soldiers inside greeted the soldiers who were attacking with a smile. No one knew if there would be a chance to meet again, but everyone's face was indifferent. smile.

These marines are all veterans. They have been fighting on Alpha for more than seven months. Every day, new troops are filled in, then they are wiped out by the Zerg, and then new troops are filled, so these veterans have already seen They are used to life and death, and seeing death as their home is no longer empty talk for them.

The mighty convoy drove out of the range of the close-range anti-aircraft guns of the Federal Glory, and the motorized infantrymen who were protected by the armored vehicles all clenched their electromagnetic rifles. Rely on the rifle in the hand!

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