Hearing that the worm queen was finally going to tell herself this secret, Qin Hao immediately became serious.

"Before I tell this story, I have a question for you." The worm queen started her story in no hurry.

"You ask." Qin Hao said immediately.

"How much do you know about the earth?" the queen asked.

"Not many, just a general idea." Qin Hao frowned.

"I have read your documents before. According to your research, the earth was born about 4.6 billion years ago. This timeline should be considered accurate." The Queen said.

"..." Qin Hao didn't speak, he knew that what the queen had to say was still to come.

"But when I looked back, I found that in your research, the earliest organisms on the earth were born 4.1 billion years ago, but multicellular organisms did not appear until 600 million years ago. It has been more than six million years ago." The queen continued.

"En." Qin Hao nodded, he didn't think there was any problem.

"Don't you think it's strange?" the queen asked.

"Strange?" Qin Hao asked puzzled.

"Do you think it is difficult to create something out of nothing, or is it difficult to change from less to more?" asked the Queen of Worms.

"Of course it was created out of nothing..." Qin Hao said as a matter of course.

"That's right, creating something out of nothing is a qualitative change, and changing from less to more is just a quantitative change, so it is much more difficult to create something out of nothing." The queen nodded, and then continued: "Since creating something out of nothing is difficult, then from the birth of the earth to the appearance of the first life It took about 500 million years for a single-celled body, why did it take 3.5 billion years for it to grow from a single cell to a multi-cellular body?" The queen asked rhetorically.

"Uh..." Qin Hao didn't know how to answer this question.

"Looking at the back, it only took 600 million years from the emergence of multicellular organisms, to the emergence of human beings, and to your present development, right?" the queen asked.

"En!" Qin Hao nodded.

"This means that based on the conditions of the earth, it only takes 600 million years from the emergence of multicellular organisms to the evolution of human beings into advanced life." The queen said.

"..." Qin Hao didn't speak,

But there are already some thoughts in my heart.

"500 million years can make life out of nothing, and 600 million years can make multicellular organisms evolve into advanced life forms that can almost unify the universe. Then let me ask you, it takes 35 years to go from single-celled primitive life to multicellular organisms." Has it evolved over hundreds of millions of years?" The Queen of Worms completely stopped Qin Hao from asking.

"That's right..." Qin Hao frowned, no matter whether it is to create life out of nothing, or to evolve from a multi-cellular organism to a higher life that can shuttle in the universe, it is more difficult than the evolution of a single-celled organism into a multi-cellular Creatures are much harder!

But why it took only 5.6 billion years for these two stages, but it took 3.5 billion years for the evolution from single-celled organisms to multi-cellular organisms. This is simply unreasonable!

"Because your research has been interrupted!" The queen worm took the initiative to reveal the answer.

"Ah?" Qin Hao was taken aback.

"Earth is actually one of the first planets in the universe where advanced life was born. Your wave of human beings was indeed born more than six million years ago, but before you, there were two higher life births on Earth!" The queen slowly Said.

"There have been two higher life forms?" Qin Hao was taken aback, but he quickly realized it.

He has heard of this kind of thing before. When Qin Hao first came into contact with the Holy Envoy, Qin Hao attended a trade fair, where he encountered similar things, and the Duke and Opd were born. On the same planet, after developing into a higher civilization, the Opds found a more livable planet, and then abandoned their home planet, but during this time, the Dukes developed, and they gradually developed It has become a high-level civilization, because it is of the same origin, so after the Opu people discovered the Dukes, they did not destroy them, but sheltered them as the suzerain.

So when Qin Hao heard that the earth had two waves of advanced civilizations before humans, he was surprised at first, but he quickly accepted the fact.

"Are these two civilized people still there?" Qin Hao's curiosity shifted to other places.

"The people of the first civilization still exist, but the civilization born in the second wave has been destroyed..." Then the Queen of Worms told Qin Hao a long story.

In the description of the Queen of Worms, the earth is not as unknown as Qin Hao imagined, it is the most obscure holy place in the universe in the hearts of the most experienced immortals, and it is also a forbidden place!

Because the Destroyer who destroyed the universe several times and the Chosen One who saved the universe several times were born on the earth, but due to the annihilation of civilization, the earth gradually faded out of everyone's vision, only the most senior immortals like the Queen of Worms, Only then will we know the existence of the earth and its particularity.

According to the queen's description, the earliest life on earth was indeed born 4.1 billion years ago, but only 500 million years later, the first batch of advanced civilizations born on earth appeared. These earliest earthlings were very powerful and powerful It is unimaginable that the best of them even have the power to destroy the planet with a wave of their hands. Even the later Titans or Battle Stars are still small in front of them.

Ambition and strength are twin brothers. When the earliest people on earth found that their strength was unmatched by other civilizations, their ambitions also expanded accordingly, so they embarked on the road of conquering the universe.

In the face of their mighty power, other civilizations in the universe are simply vulnerable. Even the insurmountable scars of death cannot stop their footsteps. They continue to descend on one planet after another, conquering one after another. civilization.

Until a civilization was unwilling to be enslaved by these powerful earthlings, they launched revenge. Under careful planning, they tried to kill the leaders of those earthlings with a poison, but unfortunately, their plan failed, that The chief did not drink the poisoned wine, but his beloved wife drank it down.

These poisons were originally used to kill the invincible leader of the earthlings, so its toxicity can be imagined. The leader's wife died in his arms very quickly, no matter how powerful the leader was , He even failed to kill his lover.

A powerful monarch who can rule almost the entire universe, but can't even protect his beloved wife, the anger in his heart can be imagined!

After his wife was killed, the monarch's temperament changed drastically, and his anger swept the entire universe, not only the civilization that poisoned it, but other civilizations also suffered, because from then on, the monarch began to believe in one thing— -Non-my family, its heart must be different!

Then the monarch ordered to kill all non-earth intelligent creatures in the universe, which was the origin of the first crisis of annihilation.

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