Because the swarm lacks large-scale protection facilities such as force field shields, it is very disadvantaged when fighting phase missiles, especially super heavy phase missiles such as M bombs or hell annihilation.

So when the two M-bombs of the Borg came straight to the swarm, only the ghost Leviathan had time to send one of the M-bombs into the phase space to detonate, and the other M-bomb drove straight in. Inside the swarm!

"Boom!" The M bomb was detonated, and a large amount of antimatter released a huge amount of energy in an instant. This energy swept across a large area of ​​the starry sky, and the insects where they passed were instantly vaporized.

In the blink of an eye, more than three-fifths of the bug swarm was lost, plus the losses caused by the previous attack by the titans, at this time the Skywalker army has only one or two tenths left!

Titan, a battleship with strong vitality and strong defense, took advantage of the battle against the swarm. Its strong defense can make the attack of the swarm ineffective in a short time, and its powerful attack ability can instantly disintegrate Defend against vulnerable swarms.

Especially the large-scale fragmentation weapons such as M bombs make the swarm's strongest defense method-the microbial cloud useless.

"Ang!" The ghost Leviathan roared, and it was the only Zerg that could entangle with the Titan battleship at this time. Among the other surviving Zerg, whether it was an adult Leviathan, or those Eyes of Purification and Corruptors , they can at most provide some supplementary firepower. When confronting the Titans head-on, the fragile flesh of the Zerg is always the biggest weakness.

"Dare to come again!?" Quesera has been paying attention to the ghost Leviathan. This strange creature has escaped from his titan twice, so this time he vowed to destroy this strange giant creature and bring it back to life. Add it to your own territory as a collectible.

"Enter the ultimate form!" Seeing the ghost Leviathan rushing over, Quesera immediately ordered the Titan to meet the enemy in its strongest form.

Although every time the Titan battleship enters its final form, it needs a major overhaul and maintenance, but now it is the final battle between the Borg and the Star Federation. Once this battle is won, Quesera will have plenty of time to repair his ship. Battleship!

"Yes! Commander!" The soldiers under Quesera's command agreed, and immediately controlled the battleship to enter the battle state.

"Ka Ka Ka..." The huge Titan battleship suddenly began to deform, and soon changed from a spaceship to a huge humanoid warrior. It held a gun in one hand and a shield in the other, looking like a steel god of war!

"Ang!" The ghost Leviathan roared and rushed over, and it opened its mouth with an atomic breath.

The brilliant atomic breath came straight to the transformed Titan,

At this time, the humanoid Titan suddenly raised the shield in his hand!

"Boom!" The atomic breath hit the shield in Titan's hand, and a bright light burst out from the shield. A dazzling shield rose and collided with the atomic breath. During the collision between the two, terrifying energy was released. When it came out, whether it was the swarms of insects that hadn't had time to dodge or the battleships whose positioning was not perfect, they all melted instantly in this terrifying energy tide.

"Boom boom boom..." After the atomic breath ended, Titan's counterattack also arrived. It aimed at the ghost Leviathan and fired three shots in a row, but the so-called gun in its hand was larger than the first-class main gun of the capital ship. still big...

Feeling the terrifying energy fluctuations coming from ahead, even the ghost Leviathan would not dare to pick it up. It is only proficient at changing its own energy frequency, so it changes its own energy frequency to a level that is in sync with the frequency of the attacking energy. And use this to avoid damage, not to be absolutely immune to energy supply.

At this time, the strength of the energy attack fired by the titan obviously exceeded the controllable range of the ghost Leviathan, so it did not dare to resist the damage.

Through the ultra-short-distance phase jump, the ghost Leviathan avoided the attack of the humanoid Titan, and then used his mobility and flexibility to deal with the Titan.

After Quesela attacked the ghost Leviathan several times to no avail, he immediately turned his attention to other swarms. Except for those adult Leviathans that can also perform ultra-short-distance phase transitions, the other swarms are No such luck anymore.

In the face of the powerful attack of the Titan, whether it is the Eye of Purification, Corruptor, or Hunter, although these large Zerg have slightly stronger defenses, they are no different in the face of the Titan's attack.

So after only a few rounds of attacks, except for the adult Leviathans who could also use the ultra-short-distance phase jump to escape, the other bugs were all wiped out by the Titan.

During this period, the Phantom Leviathan also tried to stop the humanoid titan, but its efforts all failed. The humanoid titan's defense was strong enough. It had eaten two atomic breaths, and insisted on destroying those large Zerg.

And the Phantom Leviathan didn't dare to get too close to the Titan. It suffered countless losses in the previous battles. It knew that the Titan could emit energy interference beams. Once hit by this kind of beam, the Phantom Leviathan's flexibility would be lost. If there is no existence, it will have to face the attack of the titan, and then the ghost Leviathan can't bear it.

So in desperation, the ghost Leviathan can only use the ultra-short-distance phase transition and atomic breath to fight against the humanoid titan, but this cannot prevent the titan from killing other Zerg.

After dealing with the Purifying Eye, the Corruptor, and the Hunter, the titan continued to deal with the ghostly Leviathan, but its escort fleet pounced on the other adult Leviathans!

On the right-wing battlefield, although the swarm suffered almost annihilated losses, they also severely damaged the Borg fleet, causing them damage to more than 200,000 warships, and at the same time firmly held the Borg The Titan battleship is pinned here!

"Yihang! It's time for your new toy to appear!" Seeing that the Borg Titan was restrained, Hu Ke clenched his fists vigorously. Up to the current position, everything is still proceeding according to the script he expected.

"Yes! Sir!" Han Yihang immediately sat up straight after taking the order, and then gave the order to attack: "Finally it's our turn! Attack!"

"Yes!" The officers and soldiers in the bridge shouted in unison, and then the battle stars of the Star Federation started slowly!

"Fire! Destroy the enemy's vanguard! Protect the two interstellar bases!" Han Yihang issued an attack order.

"Yes!" With the echoes of the gunners, Zhan Xing finally showed his power!

"Buzz!" With a barely visible ripple sweeping across, the 100,000 Borg warships rushing to the front suddenly stopped, followed by these warships disintegrated inexplicably, and the good warships were not under any attack. Signs, they just disintegrated, and they continued to disintegrate until they became the most original particles, and then disappeared into the vast universe.

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