About two hours later, almost all the personnel in the two interstellar bases had been evacuated. At this time, Qin Hao boarded one of the interstellar bases.

"Generalissimo! The base has been evacuated, please give instructions!" An engineer stayed here to take care of Qin Hao.

"Introduce the antimatter reserve into the power furnace, and at the same time make the power furnace overload!" Qin Hao said to the engineer.

"Generalissimo! That's too dangerous. The power furnace itself may spontaneously ignite when it is overloaded. If antimatter reserves are imported, the moment the antimatter pours into the power furnace, it will cause a violent explosion, and the entire interstellar base will be destroyed. Become a super bomb! Its power will even exceed the Hell Annihilator missile!" The engineer warned.

"This is the effect I want!" Qin Hao sneered. At this time, the super weapons of the Interstellar Federation Fleet have almost been released, missiles like the Hell Annihilator have already been fired, and the Borg There is not much difference between the sides, and both sides can no longer use super weapons at this time.

"Yes! Generalissimo!" After learning that Qin Hao really wanted to make the interstellar base a super bomb, the engineer stopped talking nonsense and immediately began to carry out Qin Hao's orders.

"After everything is ready, give me the switch for importing antimatter, and then you evacuate immediately!" Qin Hao said to the busy engineer.

"Generalissimo! I would like to stay!" said the engineer.

"No, you don't need to stay, there are places where the Federation needs you more." Qin Hao shook his head.

"Then Generalissimo..." The engineer looked at Qin Hao.

"You don't have to worry about me, I won't die so easily!" Qin Hao smiled.

"Yes! Generalissimo!" The engineer was infected by Qin Hao's confident smile, so he no longer asked to stay, and he lowered his head and got busy again.

Soon, the engineer completed the overclocking operation of the power furnace, and then drained the antimatter reserve to the power furnace.

"Generalissimo, press this button, and the antimatter will be introduced into the power furnace immediately. You only have ten seconds to evacuate. Once the ten seconds are over, the power furnace will be detonated by the antimatter immediately, and the antimatter will undergo a chain reaction. At that time, the energy it releases is definitely not weaker than the Hell Annihilator missile!" The engineer generally handed a control button to Qin Hao, while carefully urging.

"The Federation and I will remember your achievements!" Qin Hao said to the engineer solemnly.

"It's my honor to work for you and the Federation!" The engineer saluted Qin Hao.

"If possible, I hope you can go to another interstellar base, and then work with your colleagues to transform that interstellar base into this look!" Qin Hao said while returning the salute.

"Of course! Grand Marshal, don't worry, I promise to complete the task!" The engineer nodded.

"En!" Qin Hao nodded, and then watched the engineer leave the interstellar base in a small boat.

At this moment, all the people in this interstellar base have been evacuated, and this interstellar base has also been transformed into a super bomb that may explode at any time!

"Come on! You guys who are neither human nor ghost! It's time to pay your blood!" Qin Hao said coldly, and then left the interstellar base directly.

As a fortress fixed in the planet's gravity well, although the interstellar base has thick skin and powerful firepower, it also has a fatal weakness, that is, its mobility is extremely poor, and it does not have the ability to phase jump.

Therefore, it is completely unrealistic to expect an interstellar base to enter the middle of the enemy's fleet. Interstellar bases are generally built near some important interstellar buildings for protection. Maximum power.

But at this time, this interstellar base has been transformed into a super bomb by Qin Hao, so how to send it to the middle of the enemy's fleet has become the biggest problem.

If the interstellar base is allowed to move forward with its own weak power, even if the power furnace is overloaded, it will not be able to reach the enemy before it will be blown up.

"Come on! It's time to become a rickshaw driver!" Qin Hao clenched his fists, and then pressed his hands on the metal shell of the interstellar base. At the same time, he leaned forward, letting his shoulders rest on the metal shell of the interstellar base above!

"Ah!" Qin Hao let out a roar, but because the universe was almost a vacuum, his roar could not be transmitted at all.

Pushed by Qin Hao, the huge interstellar base started to move little by little, and then began to accelerate gradually!

Pushing the huge interstellar base, Qin Hao's nose and temples were hot and sweaty. In the low-temperature cosmic environment, Qin Hao's sweat was instantly condensed, and a fine layer of frost hung on his face.

Relying on his strong personal strength, Qin Hao mobilized almost all his psychic energy to help him promote this interstellar base.

But because the mass of the interstellar base is too large, Qin Hao needs to pay a lot of energy to overcome its inertia!

But the near-vacuum environment in the universe also provides Qin Hao with convenience, that is, after the interstellar base is pushed, it will not be subject to any resistance, so as long as Qin Hao maintains the acceleration given to the interstellar base, then it will keep speeding up. Although the speed was very slow at the beginning, as time went by, the speed of the interstellar base became faster and faster!

After almost three hours, the speed of the interstellar base had soared to a level similar to that of a battleship, and it quickly approached the Borg fleet.

"Hmph! Is this someone rushing to die?" Baturuka sneered, although he was a little surprised that the interstellar base could move at such a high speed, he didn't take this mere interstellar base seriously. inside.

In the final analysis, the interstellar base is not a battle star. Although it also has high-strength armor defense and a powerful firepower system, it does not have those super weapons on the battle star, so it is just a super-large heavy cruiser. It can be killed in seconds with a round of shots, but in such a short period of time, it is impossible for it to cause particularly large damage like a battle star.

"Concentrate your firepower, lock on to the moving interstellar base, and destroy it!" Baturuka gave the order.

"Yes! Commander!" The captains in the fleet agreed, and then locked on to this interstellar base!

"Boom boom boom..." Hundreds of thousands of spaceships launched an attack on this interstellar base. Under the intensive firepower, the shield of the interstellar base soon began to run out, and because the engineers had all evacuated, The recharging of the shield has almost stagnated, so the interstellar base was quickly broken through the shield!

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