At this time, the sky was already very dark. In the jungle, because the trees blocked the light, it was almost no different from the night.

"Let's go!" Qin Hao took a deep breath, then prepared to head towards the small valley.

But when Qin Hao was about to leave, he suddenly heard a strange movement from the jungle on the right.

"Russing..." At the beginning, the sound was very subtle and far away from Qin Hao, but as time went by, the sound became closer and louder, and at the end, That was already very deafening.



This time Qin Hao didn't need to use his ears to listen. He could see with his eyes that the trees in the distance were cut down, and the sound of the trees falling could be heard far away.

"Huhu..." Qin Hao lifted his nose and smelled it, and a strong Zerg breath floated over.

"Whoosh ..." Qin Hao climbed a big tree a few times. He looked down from a height and looked into the distance. He saw a large group of bugs slowly approaching. They were about two kilometers away from where Qin Hao was. , said near is not near, said far is not far.

"That's..." Qin Hao's evolved vision far exceeds that of ordinary people. Not only does it have a certain telescope function, but also has strong night vision ability, so he can clearly see the appearance of the insect swarms two kilometers away. The appearance of a bug scared Qin Hao almost to the point of falling from the tree.

This is definitely not because Qin Hao is timid, but because this disgusting bug Qin Hao has seen before! I saw it in a dream!

At this time, in the dense insect swarm, a disgusting insect that looks like a brain is being carried on its back by dozens of ordinary giant beetles. A big toothless mouth and a few soft tentacles.

"No! It's not the same as the bug in my dream. It doesn't have eyes, and it doesn't have that slender spike in its mouth!" Qin Hao quickly discovered that this bug was a little different from the one in his dream. .

"What the hell is this?" Qin Hao muttered to himself, but at this moment, his ears suddenly heard a voice, or in other words, the voice appeared directly in his mind.

"Go east, to that valley!"

"Who's talking?" Qin Hao looked around, but there was no one around him.

At this time, the swarms in the distance suddenly turned, and they set off eastward, heading straight for the valley where the supplies were temporarily stored!

"He is the leader of Tongjiaokou!" For a moment, Qin Hao's mind flashed a light, and he guessed the identity of this bug.

"Hurry up! You useless bastards!" The strange voice appeared directly in Qin Hao's mind again, and then the bugs accelerated their speed.

"Telepathy?!" Qin Hao secretly guessed that he communicated with the Zerg in this way, but to activate this ability, Qin Hao needed to touch the head of the Zerg with his hands, and this disgusting bug could be separated from the air. sound transmission.

"Go steady, you idiots!" The voice appeared again, but this time Qin Hao discovered some details.

Whenever the leader telepathically gave the swarm an order, its tentacles would lift up, like an antenna for a signal.

"This guy doesn't seem to have attack power, and there is no silver horn around it, maybe it's an opportunity!" Qin Hao clenched his fists hard, and to be honest, let him steal the equipment from the valley in front of the silver horn. , the feasibility of this plan is not very high.

The Zerg have bugs with a strong sense of smell. As long as Qin Hao is close to the valley, it is estimated that he will be exposed. At that time, he has no chance of winning. Although Qin Hao is now confident of running away, he will definitely not be able to get those instruments back. .

Therefore, this unexpected Zerg leader has become Qin Hao's best target. If he can hijack this disgusting big bug, he might have a chance to get those instruments back!

After thinking of this, Qin Hao planned to fight, so he quietly touched the position of the swarm.

This swarm leader is still too careless,

It felt that there was no danger at all in its control area, so it did not bring silver horns as guards, but only brought a dozen copper horns to serve it.

As a result, what the leader never expected was that there would be dangerous elements like Qin Hao hidden here.

When Qin Hao was about 100 meters away from the Zerg, a small Zerg suddenly screamed.

"Damn! There are two-legged monsters! Kill him!" the Zerg leader shouted, and its voice also reached Qin Hao's mind directly. Of course, this is mainly because Qin Hao has Zerg genes. not reach.

"Squeak!" The two copper horns rushed towards Qin Hao with dozens of ordinary giant beetles, and the remaining copper horns accompanied the leader with a swarm to guard.

"Shu! Shu!" Qin Hao also gave up his concealment, and at the same time he started to accelerate, bone spurs also popped out of his fists.

"Squeak! Squeak!" The two rushing copper horns raised their knife arms and slashed directly at Qin Hao's face. Qin Hao jumped up, ignoring them, and directly stepped on the top of the ordinary giant beetle and jumped over.

"Stop him!" screamed the leader of the swarm.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!" Two copper horns rushed forward, followed by a large number of ordinary giant beetles.

"Tread!" Qin Hao jumped up, his toes were a little above the head of one of the copper horns, and then landed on the back of the other copper horn.

"Bang!" Qin Hao hit the back of the copper horn with a punch, and the worm blood poured into his body along the bone spur, and Qin Hao's various attributes instantly doubled.

"Whoosh!" After gaining the strength bonus, Qin Hao didn't waste time killing the paralyzed copper horn, he jumped up and continued to pounce on the leader of the swarm ahead.

"Quick! You bastards! Stop him!" screamed the leader of the swarm.

"Humph! They can't stop me!" Qin Hao sneered and broke through the blockade of the two copper horns again. All the attributes of his body doubled, so it was easier to deal with these copper horns.

"Damn it! You bastards!" Seeing that Qin Hao could get close to him as long as he broke through the blockade of the two copper horns, the leader of the swarm finally took action himself!

"Squeak!" Accompanied by a sharp hiss, a transparent ripple radiated from the leader of the swarm, and in contrast to the aftermath in other directions, Qin Hao, who was facing the swarm leader's mouth, bore the brunt.

"Bang! Bang!" The two copper horns in front of Qin Hao suddenly headshot, and the swarm leader's mental wave attack is obviously indistinguishable.

"Buzz!" Qin Hao's head also fainted, but it healed in an instant, as if the mental wave was fake.

But if you stand opposite Qin Hao at this time, you will find that his eyes are shining bright golden light!

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